Source code for tensorcircuit.mpscircuit

Quantum circuit: MPS state simulator
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

from functools import reduce
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Dict, Union
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
import tensornetwork as tn
from tensorcircuit.quantum import QuOperator, QuVector

from . import gates
from .cons import backend, npdtype, contractor, rdtypestr, dtypestr
from .mps_base import FiniteMPS
from .abstractcircuit import AbstractCircuit

Gate = gates.Gate
Tensor = Any

[docs]def split_tensor( tensor: Tensor, center_left: bool = True, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Split the tensor by SVD or QR depends on whether a truncation is required. :param tensor: The input tensor to split. :type tensor: Tensor :param center_left: Determine the orthogonal center is on the left tensor or the right tensor. :type center_left: bool, optional :return: Two tensors after splitting :rtype: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] """ # The behavior is a little bit different from tn.split_node because it explicitly requires a center if split is None: split = {} svd = len(split) > 0 if svd: U, S, VH, _ = backend.svd(tensor, **split) if center_left: return backend.matmul(U, backend.diagflat(S)), VH else: return U, backend.matmul(backend.diagflat(S), VH) else: if center_left: return backend.rq(tensor) # type: ignore else: return backend.qr(tensor) # type: ignore
# AD + MPS can lead to numerical stability issue # E ./tensorflow/core/kernels/linalg/svd_op_impl.h:110] Eigen::BDCSVD failed with error code 3 # this is now solved by setting os.environ["TC_BACKENDS_TENSORFLOW_BACKEND__SVD_TF_EPS"]="10"
[docs]class MPSCircuit(AbstractCircuit): """ ``MPSCircuit`` class. Simple usage demo below. .. code-block:: python mps = tc.MPSCircuit(3) mps.H(1) mps.CNOT(0, 1) mps.rx(2, theta=tc.num_to_tensor(1.)) mps.expectation((tc.gates.z(), 2)) """ # TODO(@SUSYUSTC): fix the jax backend performance issue is_mps = True
[docs] def __init__( self, nqubits: int, center_position: Optional[int] = None, tensors: Optional[Sequence[Tensor]] = None, wavefunction: Optional[Union[QuVector, Tensor]] = None, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ MPSCircuit object based on state simulator. :param nqubits: The number of qubits in the circuit. :type nqubits: int :param center_position: The center position of MPS, default to 0 :type center_position: int, optional :param tensors: If not None, the initial state of the circuit is taken as ``tensors`` instead of :math:`\\vert 0\\rangle^n` qubits, defaults to None. When ``tensors`` are specified, if ``center_position`` is None, then the tensors are canonicalized, otherwise it is assumed the tensors are already canonicalized at the ``center_position`` :type tensors: Sequence[Tensor], optional :param wavefunction: If not None, it is transformed to the MPS form according to the split rules :type wavefunction: Tensor :param split: Split rules :type split: Any """ self.circuit_param = { "nqubits": nqubits, "center_position": center_position, "split": split, "tensors": tensors, "wavefunction": wavefunction, } if split is None: split = {} self.split = split if wavefunction is not None: assert ( tensors is None ), "tensors and wavefunction cannot be used at input simutaneously" # TODO(@SUSYUSTC): find better way to address QuVector if isinstance(wavefunction, QuVector): wavefunction = wavefunction.eval() tensors = self.wavefunction_to_tensors(wavefunction, split=self.split) assert len(tensors) == nqubits self._mps = FiniteMPS(tensors, canonicalize=False) self._mps.center_position = 0 if center_position is not None: self.position(center_position) elif tensors is not None: if center_position is not None: self._mps = FiniteMPS(tensors, canonicalize=False) self._mps.center_position = center_position else: self._mps = FiniteMPS(tensors, canonicalize=True, center_position=0) else: tensors = [ np.array([1.0, 0.0], dtype=npdtype)[None, :, None] for i in range(nqubits) ] self._mps = FiniteMPS(tensors, canonicalize=False) if center_position is not None: self._mps.center_position = center_position else: self._mps.center_position = 0 self._nqubits = nqubits self._fidelity = 1.0 self._qir: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self._extra_qir: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
# `MPSCircuit` does not has `replace_inputs` like `Circuit` # because the gates are immediately absorted into the MPS when applied, # so it is impossible to remember the initial structure
[docs] def get_bond_dimensions(self) -> Tensor: """ Get the MPS bond dimensions :return: MPS tensors :rtype: Tensor """ return self._mps.bond_dimensions
[docs] def get_tensors(self) -> List[Tensor]: """ Get the MPS tensors :return: MPS tensors :rtype: List[Tensor] """ return self._mps.tensors # type: ignore
[docs] def get_center_position(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the center position of the MPS :return: center position :rtype: Optional[int] """ return self._mps.center_position
[docs] def set_split_rules(self, split: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Set truncation split when double qubit gates are applied. If nothing is specified, no truncation will take place and the bond dimension will keep growing. For more details, refer to `split_tensor`. :param split: Truncation split :type split: Any """ self.split = split
# TODO(@refraction-ray): unified split truncation API between Circuit and MPSCircuit
[docs] def position(self, site: int) -> None: """ Wrapper of tn.FiniteMPS.position. Set orthogonality center. :param site: The orthogonality center :type site: int """ self._mps.position(site, normalize=False)
[docs] def apply_single_gate(self, gate: Gate, index: int) -> None: """ Apply a single qubit gate on MPS; no truncation is needed. :param gate: gate to be applied :type gate: Gate :param index: Qubit index of the gate :type index: int """ self.position(index) self._mps.apply_one_site_gate(gate.tensor, index)
[docs] def apply_adjacent_double_gate( self, gate: Gate, index1: int, index2: int, center_position: Optional[int] = None, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ Apply a double qubit gate on adjacent qubits of Matrix Product States (MPS). :param gate: The Gate to be applied :type gate: Gate :param index1: The first qubit index of the gate :type index1: int :param index2: The second qubit index of the gate :type index2: int :param center_position: Center position of MPS, default is None :type center_position: Optional[int] """ if split is None: split = self.split # The center position of MPS must be either `index1` for `index2` before applying a double gate # Choose the one closer to the current center assert index2 - index1 == 1 diff1 = abs(index1 - self._mps.center_position) # type: ignore diff2 = abs(index2 - self._mps.center_position) # type: ignore if diff1 < diff2: self.position(index1) else: self.position(index2) err = self._mps.apply_two_site_gate( gate.tensor, index1, index2, center_position=center_position, **split, ) self._fidelity *= 1 - backend.real(backend.sum(err**2))
[docs] def consecutive_swap( self, index_from: int, index_to: int, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: if split is None: split = self.split self.position(index_from) if index_from < index_to: for i in range(index_from, index_to): self.apply_adjacent_double_gate( gates.swap(), i, i + 1, center_position=i + 1, split=split # type: ignore ) elif index_from > index_to: for i in range(index_from, index_to, -1): self.apply_adjacent_double_gate( gates.swap(), i - 1, i, center_position=i - 1, split=split # type: ignore ) else: # index_from == index_to pass assert self._mps.center_position == index_to
[docs] def apply_double_gate( self, gate: Gate, index1: int, index2: int, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ Apply a double qubit gate on MPS. :param gate: The Gate to be applied :type gate: Gate :param index1: The first qubit index of the gate :type index1: int :param index2: The second qubit index of the gate :type index2: int """ assert index1 != index2 if index1 > index2: newgate = Gate(backend.transpose(gate.tensor, [1, 0, 3, 2])) self.apply_double_gate(newgate, index2, index1) return if split is None: split = self.split # apply N SWAP gates, the required gate, N SWAP gates sequentially on adjacent gates # start the swap from the side that the current center is closer to diff1 = abs(index1 - self._mps.center_position) # type: ignore diff2 = abs(index2 - self._mps.center_position) # type: ignore if diff1 < diff2: self.consecutive_swap(index1, index2 - 1, split=split) self.apply_adjacent_double_gate( gate, index2 - 1, index2, center_position=index2 - 1, split=split ) self.consecutive_swap(index2 - 1, index1, split=split) else: self.consecutive_swap(index2, index1 + 1, split=split) self.apply_adjacent_double_gate( gate, index1, index1 + 1, center_position=index1 + 1, split=split ) self.consecutive_swap(index1 + 1, index2, split=split)
[docs] @classmethod def gate_to_MPO( cls, gate: Union[Gate, Tensor], *index: int, ) -> Tuple[Sequence[Tensor], int]: # should I put this function here? """ Convert gate to MPO form with identities at empty sites """ # If sites are not adjacent, insert identities in the middle, i.e. # | | | | | # --A---x---B-- -> --A---I---B-- # | | | | | # where # a # | # --i--I--j-- = \delta_{i,j} \delta_{a,b} # | # b # index must be ordered assert np.all(np.diff(index) > 0) index_left = np.min(index) if isinstance(gate, tn.Node): gate = backend.copy(gate.tensor) index = np.array(index) - index_left nindex = len(index) # transform gate from (in1, in2, ..., out1, out2 ...) to # (in1, out1, in2, out2, ...) order = tuple(np.arange(2 * nindex).reshape((2, nindex)).T.flatten()) shape = (4,) * nindex gate = backend.reshape(backend.transpose(gate, order), shape) argsort = np.argsort(index) # reorder the gate according to the site positions gate = backend.transpose(gate, tuple(argsort)) index = index[argsort] # type: ignore # split the gate into tensors assuming they are adjacent main_tensors = cls.wavefunction_to_tensors(gate, dim_phys=4, norm=False) # each tensor is in shape of (i, a, b, j) tensors = [] previous_i = None for i, main_tensor in zip(index, main_tensors): # insert identites in the middle if previous_i is not None: for _ in range(previous_i + 1, i): bond_dim = tensors[-1].shape[-1] I = ( np.eye(bond_dim * 2) .reshape((bond_dim, 2, bond_dim, 2)) .transpose((0, 1, 3, 2)) .astype(dtypestr) ) tensors.append(backend.convert_to_tensor(I)) nleft, _, nright = main_tensor.shape tensor = backend.reshape(main_tensor, (nleft, 2, 2, nright)) tensors.append(tensor) previous_i = i return tensors, index_left
[docs] @classmethod def MPO_to_gate( cls, tensors: Sequence[Tensor], ) -> Gate: """ Convert MPO to gate """ # dimension order: # 1 # | # --0--A--3-- # | # 2 nodes = [tn.Node(tensor) for tensor in tensors] length = len(nodes) output_edges = [nodes[0].get_edge(0)] for i in range(length - 1): nodes[i].get_edge(3) ^ nodes[i + 1].get_edge(0) for i in range(length): output_edges.append(nodes[i].get_edge(1)) for i in range(length): output_edges.append(nodes[i].get_edge(2)) output_edges.append(nodes[length - 1].get_edge(3)) gate = contractor(nodes, output_edge_order=output_edges) return Gate(gate.tensor[0, ..., 0])
[docs] @classmethod def reduce_tensor_dimension( cls, tensor_left: Tensor, tensor_right: Tensor, center_left: bool = True, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Reduce the bond dimension between two general tensors by SVD """ if split is None: split = {} ni = tensor_left.shape[0] nk = tensor_right.shape[-1] T = backend.einsum("iaj,jbk->iabk", tensor_left, tensor_right) T = backend.reshape(T, (ni * 2, nk * 2)) new_tensor_left, new_tensor_right = split_tensor( T, center_left=center_left, split=split ) new_tensor_left = backend.reshape(new_tensor_left, (ni, 2, -1)) new_tensor_right = backend.reshape(new_tensor_right, (-1, 2, nk)) return new_tensor_left, new_tensor_right
[docs] def reduce_dimension( self, index_left: int, center_left: bool = True, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ Reduce the bond dimension between two adjacent sites by SVD """ if split is None: split = self.split index_right = index_left + 1 assert self._mps.center_position in [index_left, index_right] tensor_left = self._mps.tensors[index_left] tensor_right = self._mps.tensors[index_right] new_tensor_left, new_tensor_right = self.reduce_tensor_dimension( tensor_left, tensor_right, center_left=center_left, split=split ) self._mps.tensors[index_left] = new_tensor_left self._mps.tensors[index_right] = new_tensor_right if center_left: self._mps.center_position = index_left else: self._mps.center_position = index_right
[docs] def apply_MPO( self, tensors: Sequence[Tensor], index_left: int, center_left: bool = True, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ Apply a MPO to the MPS """ # step 1: # contract tensor # a # | # i-----O-----j a # | -> | # b ik---X---jl # | # k-----T-----l # step 2: # canonicalize the tensors one by one from end1 to end2 # setp 3: # reduce the bond dimension one by one from end2 to end1 if split is None: split = self.split nindex = len(tensors) index_right = index_left + nindex - 1 if center_left: end1 = index_left end2 = index_right step = 1 else: end1 = index_right end2 = index_left step = -1 idx_list = np.arange(index_left, index_right + 1)[::step] i_list = np.arange(nindex)[::step] self.position(end1) # contract for i, idx in zip(i_list, idx_list): O = tensors[i] T = self._mps.tensors[idx] ni, _, _, nj = O.shape nk, _, nl = T.shape OT = backend.einsum("iabj,kbl->ikajl", O, T) OT = backend.reshape(OT, (ni * nk, 2, nj * nl)) self._mps.tensors[idx] = OT # canonicalize # FiniteMPS.position applies QR sequentially from index_left to index_right self.position(end2) # reduce bond dimension for i in idx_list[::-1][:-1]: self.reduce_dimension( min(i, i - step), center_left=center_left, split=split ) assert self._mps.center_position == end1
[docs] def apply_nqubit_gate( self, gate: Gate, *index: int, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: # TODO(@SUSYUSTC): jax autograd is wrong on this function """ Apply a n-qubit gate by transforming the gate to MPO """ ordered = np.all(np.diff(index) > 0) if not ordered: order = np.argsort(index) order2 = order + len(index) order_all = order.tolist() + order2.tolist() newgate = backend.transpose(gate.tensor, order_all) index = np.sort(index).tolist() self.apply_nqubit_gate(newgate, *index, split=split) return if split is None: split = self.split MPO, index_left = self.gate_to_MPO(gate, *index) index_right = index_left + len(MPO) - 1 # start the MPO from the side that the current center is closer to diff_left = abs(index_left - self._mps.center_position) # type: ignore diff_right = abs(index_right - self._mps.center_position) # type: ignore self.apply_MPO(MPO, index_left, center_left=diff_left < diff_right, split=split)
[docs] def apply_general_gate( self, gate: Union[Gate, QuOperator], *index: int, name: Optional[str] = None, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, mpo: bool = False, ir_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ Apply a general qubit gate on MPS. :param gate: The Gate to be applied :type gate: Gate :raises ValueError: "MPS does not support application of gate on > 2 qubits." :param index: Qubit indices of the gate :type index: int """ if split is None: split = self.split if name is None: name = "" gate_dict = { "gate": gate, "index": index, "name": name, "split": split, "mpo": mpo, } if ir_dict is not None: ir_dict.update(gate_dict) else: ir_dict = gate_dict self._qir.append(ir_dict) assert len(index) == len(set(index)) assert mpo is False, "MPO not implemented for MPS" assert isinstance(gate, tn.Node) noe = len(index) if noe == 1: self.apply_single_gate(gate, *index) elif noe == 2: self.apply_double_gate(gate, *index, split=split) # type: ignore else: self.apply_nqubit_gate(gate, *index, split=split)
apply = apply_general_gate
[docs] def mid_measurement(self, index: int, keep: int = 0) -> None: """ Middle measurement in the z-basis on the circuit, note the wavefunction output is not normalized with ``mid_measurement`` involved, one should normalized the state manually if needed. :param index: The index of qubit that the Z direction postselection applied on :type index: int :param keep: 0 for spin up, 1 for spin down, defaults to 0 :type keep: int, optional """ # normalization not guaranteed assert keep in [0, 1] gate = backend.zeros((2, 2), dtype=dtypestr) gate = backend.scatter( gate, backend.convert_to_tensor([[keep, keep]]), backend.convert_to_tensor(np.array([1.0], dtype=dtypestr)), ) gate = Gate(gate) self.apply_single_gate(gate, index)
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """ Check whether the circuit is legal. :return: Whether the circuit is legal. :rtype: bool """ mps = self._mps if len(mps) != self._nqubits: return False for i in range(self._nqubits): if len(mps.tensors[i].shape) != 3: return False for i in range(self._nqubits - 1): if mps.tensors[i].shape[-1] != mps.tensors[i + 1].shape[0]: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def wavefunction_to_tensors( cls, wavefunction: Tensor, dim_phys: int = 2, norm: bool = True, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tensor]: """ Construct the MPS tensors from a given wavefunction. :param wavefunction: The given wavefunction (any shape is OK) :type wavefunction: Tensor :param split: Truncation split :type split: Dict :param dim_phys: Physical dimension, 2 for MPS and 4 for MPO :type dim_phys: int :param norm: Whether to normalize the wavefunction :type norm: bool :return: The tensors :rtype: List[Tensor] """ if split is None: split = {} wavefunction = backend.reshape(wavefunction, (-1, 1)) n_tensors = int(np.round(np.log(wavefunction.shape[0]) / np.log(dim_phys))) tensors: List[Tensor] = [] for _ in range(n_tensors): nright = wavefunction.shape[1] wavefunction = backend.reshape(wavefunction, (-1, nright * dim_phys)) wavefunction, Q = split_tensor( wavefunction, center_left=True, split=split, ) tensors.insert(0, backend.reshape(Q, (-1, dim_phys, nright))) assert wavefunction.shape == (1, 1) if not norm: tensors[0] *= wavefunction[0, 0] return tensors
[docs] def wavefunction(self, form: str = "default") -> Tensor: """ Compute the output wavefunction from the circuit. :param form: the str indicating the form of the output wavefunction :type form: str, optional :return: Tensor with shape [1, -1] :rtype: Tensor a b ab | | || i--A--B--j -> i--XX--j """ result = backend.ones((1, 1, 1), dtype=dtypestr) for tensor in self._mps.tensors: result = backend.einsum("iaj,jbk->iabk", result, tensor) ni, na, nb, nk = result.shape result = backend.reshape(result, (ni, na * nb, nk)) if form == "default": shape = [-1] elif form == "ket": shape = [-1, 1] elif form == "bra": # no conj here shape = [1, -1] return backend.reshape(result, shape)
state = wavefunction
[docs] def copy_without_tensor(self) -> "MPSCircuit": """ Copy the current MPS without the tensors. :return: The constructed MPS :rtype: MPSCircuit """ result: "MPSCircuit" = MPSCircuit.__new__(MPSCircuit) info = vars(self) for key in vars(self): if key == "_mps": continue if backend.is_tensor(info[key]): copied_value = backend.copy(info[key]) else: copied_value = copy(info[key]) setattr(result, key, copied_value) return result
[docs] def copy(self) -> "MPSCircuit": """ Copy the current MPS. :return: The constructed MPS :rtype: MPSCircuit """ result = self.copy_without_tensor() result._mps = self._mps.copy() return result
[docs] def conj(self) -> "MPSCircuit": """ Compute the conjugate of the current MPS. :return: The constructed MPS :rtype: MPSCircuit """ result = self.copy_without_tensor() result._mps = self._mps.conj() return result
[docs] def get_norm(self) -> Tensor: """ Get the normalized Center Position. :return: Normalized Center Position. :rtype: Tensor """ return backend.norm(self._mps.tensors[self._mps.center_position])
[docs] def normalize(self) -> None: """ Normalize MPS Circuit according to the center position. """ norm = self.get_norm() self._mps.tensors[self._mps.center_position] /= norm
[docs] def amplitude(self, l: str) -> Tensor: assert len(l) == self._nqubits tensors = [self._mps.tensors[i][:, int(s), :] for i, s in enumerate(l)] return reduce(backend.matmul, tensors)[0, 0]
[docs] def proj_with_mps(self, other: "MPSCircuit", conj: bool = True) -> Tensor: """ Compute the projection between `other` as bra and `self` as ket. :param other: ket of the other MPS, which will be converted to bra automatically :type other: MPSCircuit :return: The projection in form of tensor :rtype: Tensor """ if conj: bra = other.conj().copy() else: bra = other.copy() ket = self.copy() assert bra._nqubits == ket._nqubits # n = bra._nqubits # while n > 1: for _ in range(bra._nqubits, 1, -1): """ i--bA--k--bB---m | | | a b | | | | j--kA--l--kB---m """ bra_A, bra_B = bra._mps.tensors[-2:] ket_A, ket_B = ket._mps.tensors[-2:] proj_B = backend.einsum("kbm,lbm->kl", bra_B, ket_B) new_kA = backend.einsum("jal,kl->jak", ket_A, proj_B) bra._mps.tensors = bra._mps.tensors[:-1] ket._mps.tensors = ket._mps.tensors[:-1] ket._mps.tensors[-1] = new_kA # n -= 1 bra_A = bra._mps.tensors[0] ket_A = ket._mps.tensors[0] result = backend.sum(bra_A * ket_A) return result
[docs] def slice(self, begin: int, end: int) -> "MPSCircuit": """ Get a slice of the MPS (only for internal use) """ nqubits = end - begin + 1 tensors = [backend.copy(t) for t in self._mps.tensors[begin : end + 1]] center_position = None if ( (self._mps.center_position is not None) and (self._mps.center_position >= begin) and (self._mps.center_position <= end) ): center_position = self._mps.center_position - begin mps = self.__class__( nqubits, tensors=tensors, center_position=center_position, split=self.split.copy(), ) return mps
[docs] def expectation( self, *ops: Tuple[Gate, List[int]], reuse: bool = True, other: Optional["MPSCircuit"] = None, conj: bool = True, normalize: bool = False, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kws: Any, ) -> Tensor: """ Compute the expectation of corresponding operators in the form of tensor. :param ops: Operator and its position on the circuit, eg. ``(gates.Z(), [1]), (gates.X(), [2])`` is for operator :math:`Z_1X_2` :type ops: Tuple[tn.Node, List[int]] :param reuse: If True, then the wavefunction tensor is cached for further expectation evaluation, defaults to be true. :type reuse: bool, optional :param other: If not None, will be used as bra :type other: MPSCircuit, optional :param conj: Whether to conjugate the bra state :type conj: bool, defaults to be True :param normalize: Whether to normalize the MPS :type normalize: bool, defaults to be True :param split: Truncation split :type split: Any :return: The expectation of corresponding operators :rtype: Tensor """ if split is None: split = {} # If the bra is ket itself, the environments outside the operators can be viewed as identities, # so does not need to contract ops = [list(op) for op in ops] # type: ignore # turn to list for modification for op in ops: if isinstance(op[1], int): op[1] = [op[1]] all_sites = np.concatenate([op[1] for op in ops]) # move position inside the operator range if other is None: site_begin = np.min(all_sites) site_end = np.max(all_sites) if self._mps.center_position < site_begin: self.position(site_begin) elif self._mps.center_position > site_end: self.position(site_end) else: assert isinstance(other, MPSCircuit), "the bra has to be a MPSCircuit" # apply the gate mps = self.copy() # when the truncation split is None (which is the default), # it is guaranteed that the result is a real number # since the calculation is exact, otherwise there's no guarantee mps.set_split_rules(split) for gate, index in ops: mps.apply(gate, *index) if other is None: assert (self._mps.center_position >= site_begin) and ( self._mps.center_position <= site_end ) ket = mps.slice(site_begin, site_end) bra = self.slice(site_begin, site_end) else: ket = mps bra = other value = ket.proj_with_mps(bra, conj=conj) value = backend.convert_to_tensor(value) if normalize: norm1 = self.get_norm() if other is None: norm2 = norm1 else: norm2 = other.get_norm() norm = backend.sqrt(norm1 * norm2) value /= norm return value
[docs] def get_quvector(self) -> QuVector: """ Get the representation of the output state in the form of ``QuVector`` has to be full contracted in MPS :return: ``QuVector`` representation of the output state from the circuit :rtype: QuVector """ return QuVector.from_tensor(backend.reshape2(self.wavefunction()))
[docs] def measure( self, *index: int, with_prob: bool = False, status: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Take measurement to the given quantum lines. :param index: Measure on which quantum line. :type index: int :param with_prob: If true, theoretical probability is also returned. :type with_prob: bool, optional :param status: external randomness, with shape [index], defaults to None :type status: Optional[Tensor] :return: The sample output and probability (optional) of the quantum line. :rtype: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] """ """ is_sorted = np.all(np.sort(index) == np.array(index)) if not is_sorted: order = backend.convert_to_tensor(np.argsort(index).tolist()) sample, p = self.measure( *np.sort(index), with_prob=with_prob, status=status ) return backend.convert_to_tensor([sample[i] for i in order]), p # set the center to the left side, then gradually move to the right and do measurement at sites """ mps = self.copy() up = backend.convert_to_tensor(np.array([1, 0]).astype(dtypestr)) down = backend.convert_to_tensor(np.array([0, 1]).astype(dtypestr)) p = 1.0 p = backend.convert_to_tensor(p) p = backend.cast(p, dtype=rdtypestr) sample = [] for k, site in enumerate(index): mps.position(site) # do measurement tensor = mps._mps.tensors[site] ps = backend.real( backend.einsum("iaj,iaj->a", tensor, backend.conj(tensor)) ) ps /= backend.sum(ps) pu = ps[0] if status is None: r = backend.implicit_randu()[0] else: r = status[k] r = backend.real(backend.cast(r, dtypestr)) eps = 0.31415926 * 1e-12 sign = backend.sign(r - pu + eps) / 2 + 0.5 # in case status is exactly 0.5 sign = backend.convert_to_tensor(sign) sign = backend.cast(sign, dtype=rdtypestr) sign_complex = backend.cast(sign, dtypestr) sample.append(sign_complex) p = p * (pu * (-1) ** sign + sign) m = (1 - sign_complex) * up + sign_complex * down mps._mps.tensors[site] = backend.einsum("iaj,a->ij", tensor, m)[:, None, :] sample = backend.stack(sample) sample = backend.real(sample) if with_prob: return sample, p else: return sample, -1.0