Barren Plateaus#


Barren plateaus are the greatest difficulties in the gradient-based optimization for a large family of random parameterized quantum circuits (PQC). The gradients vanish almost everywhere. In this example, we will show barren plateaus in quantum neural networks (QNNs).


import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorcircuit as tc


Rx = tc.gates.rx
Ry = tc.gates.ry
Rz = tc.gates.rz


n = 4  # The number of qubits
nlayers = 1  # The number of circuit layers
ncircuits = 3  # The number of circuits with different initial parameters
ntrials = 2  # The number of random circuits with different structures

Generating QNN#

def op_expectation(params, seed, n, nlayers):
    paramsc = tc.backend.cast(params, dtype="float32")  # parameters of gates
    seedc = tc.backend.cast(seed, dtype="float32")  # parameters of circuit structure

    c = tc.Circuit(n)
    for i in range(n):
        c.ry(i, theta=np.pi / 4)
    for l in range(nlayers):
        for i in range(n):
            # choose one gate from Rx, Ry, and Rz gates with equal prob=1/3; status is the seed.
                [Rx(paramsc[i, l]), Ry(paramsc[i, l]), Rz(paramsc[i, l])],
                prob=[1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3],
                status=seedc[i, l],
        for i in range(n - 1):
  , i + 1)

    return tc.backend.real(
        c.expectation((tc.gates.z(), [0]), (tc.gates.z(), [1]))
    )  # expectations of <Z_0Z_1>
# use vmap and vvag to get the expectations of ZZ observable and gradients of different random circuit instances
op_expectation_vmap_vvag = tc.backend.jit(
        tc.backend.vvag(op_expectation, argnums=0, vectorized_argnums=0),

Batch Variance Computation#

seed = tc.array_to_tensor(
    np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=[ntrials, n, nlayers]), dtype="float32"
params = tc.array_to_tensor(
    np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=2 * np.pi, size=[ncircuits, n, nlayers]),

e, grad = op_expectation_vmap_vvag(
    params, seed, n, nlayers
)  # the expectations of ZZ observable and gradients of different random circuits

grad_var = tf.math.reduce_std(tf.math.reduce_std(grad, axis=0), axis=0)[
    0, 0
]  # the gradient variance of the first parameter
print("The variance of the gradients is:", grad_var.numpy())
The variance of the gradients is: 0.19805922


The gradient variances in QNNs (\(nlayers=50\), \(ntrials=20\), \(ncircuits=20\)). The landscape become exponentially barren with increasing qubit number.
