Source code for tensorcircuit.experimental

Experimental features

from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np

from .cons import backend, dtypestr, contractor, rdtypestr
from .gates import Gate

Tensor = Any
Circuit = Any

[docs]def adaptive_vmap( f: Callable[..., Any], vectorized_argnums: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 0, static_argnums: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Callable[..., Any]: if chunk_size is None: return backend.vmap(f, vectorized_argnums) # type: ignore if isinstance(vectorized_argnums, int): vectorized_argnums = (vectorized_argnums,) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kws: Any) -> Tensor: # only support `f` outputs a tensor s1, s2 = divmod(args[vectorized_argnums[0]].shape[0], chunk_size) # type: ignore # repetition, rest reshape_args = [] rest_args = [] for i, arg in enumerate(args): if i in vectorized_argnums: # type: ignore if s2 != 0: arg_rest = arg[-s2:] arg = arg[:-s2] arg = backend.reshape( arg, [s1, chunk_size] + list(backend.shape_tuple(arg))[1:], ) else: arg_rest = arg reshape_args.append(arg) if s2 != 0: rest_args.append(arg_rest) _vmap = backend.jit( backend.vmap(f, vectorized_argnums=vectorized_argnums), static_argnums=static_argnums, ) r = [] for i in range(s1): # currently using naive python loop for simplicity nreshape_args = [ a[i] if j in vectorized_argnums else a # type: ignore for j, a in enumerate(reshape_args) ] r.append(_vmap(*nreshape_args, **kws)) r = backend.tree_map(lambda *x: backend.concat(x), *r) # rshape = list(backend.shape_tuple(r)) # if len(rshape) == 2: # nshape = [rshape[0] * rshape[1]] # else: # nshape = [rshape[0] * rshape[1], -1] # r = backend.reshape(r, nshape) if s2 != 0: rest_r = _vmap(*rest_args, **kws) return backend.tree_map(lambda *x: backend.concat(x), r, rest_r) return r return wrapper
def _qng_post_process(t: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-4) -> Tensor: t += eps * backend.eye(t.shape[0], dtype=t.dtype) t = backend.real(t) return t def _id(a: Any) -> Any: return a def _vdot(i: Tensor, j: Tensor) -> Tensor: return backend.tensordot(backend.conj(i), j, 1)
[docs]def qng( f: Callable[..., Tensor], kernel: str = "qng", postprocess: Optional[str] = "qng", mode: str = "fwd", ) -> Callable[..., Tensor]: # for both qng and qng2 calculation, we highly recommended complex-dtype but real valued inputs def wrapper(params: Tensor, **kws: Any) -> Tensor: params = backend.cast(params, dtype=dtypestr) # R->C protection psi = f(params) if mode == "fwd": jac = backend.jacfwd(f)(params) else: # "rev" jac = backend.jacrev(f)(params) jac = backend.cast(jac, dtypestr) # incase input is real # may have R->C issue for rev mode, which we obtain a real Jacobian jac = backend.transpose(jac) if kernel == "qng": def ij(i: Tensor, j: Tensor) -> Tensor: return _vdot(i, j) - _vdot(i, psi) * _vdot(psi, j) elif kernel == "dynamics": def ij(i: Tensor, j: Tensor) -> Tensor: return _vdot(i, j) vij = backend.vmap(ij, vectorized_argnums=0) vvij = backend.vmap(vij, vectorized_argnums=1) fim = vvij(jac, jac) # TODO(@refraction-ray): investigate more on # suitable hyperparameters and methods for regularization? if isinstance(postprocess, str): if postprocess == "qng": _post_process = _qng_post_process else: raise ValueError("Unsupported postprocess option") elif postprocess is None: _post_process = _id # type: ignore else: _post_process = postprocess # callable fim = _post_process(fim) return fim return wrapper
dynamics_matrix = partial(qng, kernel="dynamics", postprocess=None)
[docs]def qng2( f: Callable[..., Tensor], kernel: str = "qng", postprocess: Optional[str] = "qng", mode: str = "rev", ) -> Callable[..., Tensor]: # reverse mode has a slightly better running time # wan's approach for qng def wrapper(params: Tensor, **kws: Any) -> Tensor: params2 = backend.copy(params) params2 = backend.stop_gradient(params2) def outer_loop(params2: Tensor) -> Tensor: def inner_product(params: Tensor, params2: Tensor) -> Tensor: s = f(params) s2 = f(params2) fid = _vdot(s2, s) if kernel == "qng": fid -= _vdot(s2, backend.stop_gradient(s)) * _vdot( backend.stop_gradient(s2), s ) return fid _, grad = backend.vjp( partial(inner_product, params2=params2), params, backend.ones([]) ) return grad if mode == "fwd": fim = backend.jacfwd(outer_loop)(params2) else: fim = backend.jacrev(outer_loop)(params2) # directly real if params is real, then where is the imaginary part? if isinstance(postprocess, str): if postprocess == "qng": _post_process = _qng_post_process else: raise ValueError("Unsupported postprocess option") elif postprocess is None: _post_process = _id # type: ignore else: _post_process = postprocess # callable fim = _post_process(fim) return fim # on jax backend, qng and qng2 output is different by a conj # on tf backend, the outputs are the same return wrapper
[docs]def dynamics_rhs(f: Callable[..., Any], h: Tensor) -> Callable[..., Any]: # compute :math:`\langle \psi \vert H \vert \partial \psi \rangle` def wrapper(params: Tensor, **kws: Any) -> Tensor: def energy(params: Tensor) -> Tensor: w = f(params, **kws) wr = backend.stop_gradient(w) wl = backend.conj(w) wl = backend.reshape(wl, [1, -1]) wr = backend.reshape(wr, [-1, 1]) if not backend.is_sparse(h): e = wl @ h @ wr else: tmp = backend.sparse_dense_matmul(h, wr) e = wl @ tmp return backend.real(e)[0, 0] return backend.grad(energy)(params) return wrapper
[docs]def parameter_shift_grad( f: Callable[..., Tensor], argnums: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 0, jit: bool = False, shifts: Tuple[float, float] = (np.pi / 2, 2), ) -> Callable[..., Tensor]: """ similar to `grad` function but using parameter shift internally instead of AD, vmap is utilized for evaluation, so the speed is still ok :param f: quantum function with weights in and expectation out :type f: Callable[..., Tensor] :param argnums: label which args should be differentiated, defaults to 0 :type argnums: Union[int, Sequence[int]], optional :param jit: whether jit the original function `f` at the beginning, defaults to False :type jit: bool, optional :param shifts: two floats for the delta shift on the numerator and dominator, defaults to (pi/2, 2) for parameter shift :type shifts: Tuple[float, float] :return: the grad function :rtype: Callable[..., Tensor] """ if jit is True: f = backend.jit(f) if isinstance(argnums, int): argnums = [argnums] vfs = [backend.vmap(f, vectorized_argnums=i) for i in argnums] def grad_f(*args: Any, **kws: Any) -> Any: grad_values = [] for i in argnums: # type: ignore shape = backend.shape_tuple(args[i]) size = backend.sizen(args[i]) onehot = backend.eye(size) onehot = backend.cast(onehot, args[i].dtype) onehot = backend.reshape(onehot, [size] + list(shape)) onehot = shifts[0] * onehot nargs = list(args) arg = backend.reshape(args[i], [1] + list(shape)) batched_arg = backend.tile(arg, [size] + [1 for _ in shape]) nargs[i] = batched_arg + onehot nargs2 = list(args) nargs2[i] = batched_arg - onehot r = (vfs[i](*nargs, **kws) - vfs[i](*nargs2, **kws)) / shifts[1] r = backend.reshape(r, shape) grad_values.append(r) if len(argnums) > 1: # type: ignore return tuple(grad_values) return grad_values[0] return grad_f
[docs]def parameter_shift_grad_v2( f: Callable[..., Tensor], argnums: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 0, jit: bool = False, random_argnums: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, shifts: Tuple[float, float] = (np.pi / 2, 2), ) -> Callable[..., Tensor]: """ similar to `grad` function but using parameter shift internally instead of AD, vmap is utilized for evaluation, v2 also supports random generator for finite measurememt shot, only jax backend is supported, since no vmap randomness is available in tensorflow :param f: quantum function with weights in and expectation out :type f: Callable[..., Tensor] :param argnums: label which args should be differentiated, defaults to 0 :type argnums: Union[int, Sequence[int]], optional :param jit: whether jit the original function `f` at the beginning, defaults to False :type jit: bool, optional :param shifts: two floats for the delta shift on the numerator and dominator, defaults to (pi/2, 2) for parameter shift :type shifts: Tuple[float, float] :return: the grad function :rtype: Callable[..., Tensor] """ # TODO(@refraction-ray): replace with new status support for the sample API if jit is True: f = backend.jit(f) if isinstance(argnums, int): argnums = [argnums] if random_argnums is None: vfs = [backend.vmap(f, vectorized_argnums=i) for i in argnums] else: if isinstance(random_argnums, int): random_argnums = [random_argnums] vfs = [ backend.vmap(f, vectorized_argnums=[i] + random_argnums) for i in argnums # type: ignore ] def grad_f(*args: Any, **kws: Any) -> Any: grad_values = [] for i in argnums: # type: ignore shape = backend.shape_tuple(args[i]) size = backend.sizen(args[i]) onehot = backend.eye(size) onehot = backend.cast(onehot, args[i].dtype) onehot = backend.reshape(onehot, [size] + list(shape)) onehot = shifts[0] * onehot nargs = list(args) arg = backend.reshape(args[i], [1] + list(shape)) batched_arg = backend.tile(arg, [size] + [1 for _ in shape]) nargs[i] = batched_arg + onehot nargs2 = list(args) nargs2[i] = batched_arg - onehot if random_argnums is not None: for j in random_argnums: keys = [] key = args[j] for _ in range(size): key, subkey = backend.random_split(key) keys.append(subkey) nargs[j] = backend.stack(keys) keys = [] for _ in range(size): key, subkey = backend.random_split(key) keys.append(subkey) nargs2[j] = backend.stack(keys) r = (vfs[i](*nargs, **kws) - vfs[i](*nargs2, **kws)) / shifts[1] r = backend.reshape(r, shape) grad_values.append(r) if len(argnums) > 1: # type: ignore return tuple(grad_values) return grad_values[0] return grad_f
# TODO(@refraction-ray): add SPSA gradient wrapper similar to parameter shift # -- using noisyopt package instead
[docs]def finite_difference_differentiator( f: Callable[..., Any], argnums: Tuple[int, ...] = (0,), shifts: Tuple[float, float] = (0.001, 0.002), ) -> Callable[..., Any]: # \bar{x}_j = \sum_i \bar{y}_i \frac{\Delta y_i}{\Delta x_j} # tf only now and designed for hardware, since we dont do batch evaluation import tensorflow as tf @tf.custom_gradient # type: ignore def tf_function(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: y = f(*args, **kwargs) def grad(ybar: Any) -> Any: # only support one output delta_ms = [] for argnum in argnums: delta_m = [] xi = tf.reshape(args[argnum], [-1]) xi_size = xi.shape[0] onehot = tf.one_hot(tf.range(xi_size), xi_size) for j in range(xi_size): xi_plus = xi + tf.cast(shifts[0] * onehot[j], xi.dtype) xi_minus = xi - tf.cast(shifts[0] * onehot[j], xi.dtype) args_plus = list(args) args_plus[argnum] = tf.reshape(xi_plus, args[argnum].shape) args_minus = list(args) args_minus[argnum] = tf.reshape(xi_minus, args[argnum].shape) dy = f(*args_plus, **kwargs) - f(*args_minus, **kwargs) dy /= shifts[-1] delta_m.append(tf.reshape(dy, [-1])) delta_m = tf.stack(delta_m) delta_m = tf.transpose(delta_m) delta_ms.append(delta_m) dxs = [tf.zeros_like(arg) for arg in args] ybar_flatten = tf.reshape(ybar, [1, -1]) for i, argnum in enumerate(argnums): dxs[argnum] = tf.cast( tf.reshape(ybar_flatten @ delta_ms[i], args[argnum].shape), args[argnum].dtype, ) return tuple(dxs) return y, grad return tf_function # type: ignore
[docs]def hamiltonian_evol( tlist: Tensor, h: Tensor, psi0: Tensor, callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, ) -> Tensor: """ Fast implementation of static full Hamiltonian evolution (default as imaginary time) :param tlist: _description_ :type tlist: Tensor :param h: _description_ :type h: Tensor :param psi0: _description_ :type psi0: Tensor :param callback: _description_, defaults to None :type callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]], optional :return: Tensor :rtype: result dynamics on ``tlist`` """ es, u = backend.eigh(h) utpsi0 = backend.reshape( backend.transpose(u) @ backend.reshape(psi0, [-1, 1]), [-1] ) @backend.jit def _evol(t: Tensor) -> Tensor: ebetah_utpsi0 = backend.exp(-t * es) * utpsi0 psi_exact = backend.conj(u) @ backend.reshape(ebetah_utpsi0, [-1, 1]) psi_exact = backend.reshape(psi_exact, [-1]) psi_exact = psi_exact / backend.norm(psi_exact) if callback is None: return psi_exact return callback(psi_exact) return backend.stack([_evol(t) for t in tlist])
[docs]def evol_local( c: Circuit, index: Sequence[int], h_fun: Callable[..., Tensor], t: float, *args: Any, **solver_kws: Any ) -> Circuit: """ ode evolution of time dependent Hamiltonian on circuit of given indices [only jax backend support for now] :param c: _description_ :type c: Circuit :param index: _description_ :type index: Sequence[int] :param h_fun: h_fun should return a dense Hamiltonian matrix with input arguments time and *args :type h_fun: Callable[..., Tensor] :param t: evolution time :type t: float :return: _description_ :rtype: Circuit """ from jax.experimental.ode import odeint s = c.state() n = c._nqubits l = len(index) def f(y: Tensor, t: Tensor, *args: Any) -> Tensor: y = backend.reshape2(y) y = Gate(y) h = -1.0j * h_fun(t, *args) h = backend.reshape2(h) h = Gate(h) edges = [] for i in range(n): if i not in index: edges.append(y[i]) else: j = index.index(i) edges.append(h[j]) h[j + l] ^ y[i] y = contractor([y, h], output_edge_order=edges) return backend.reshape(y.tensor, [-1]) ts = backend.stack([0.0, t]) ts = backend.cast(ts, dtype=rdtypestr) s1 = odeint(f, s, ts, *args, **solver_kws) return type(c)(n, inputs=s1[-1])
[docs]def evol_global( c: Circuit, h_fun: Callable[..., Tensor], t: float, *args: Any, **solver_kws: Any ) -> Circuit: """ ode evolution of time dependent Hamiltonian on circuit of all qubits [only jax backend support for now] :param c: _description_ :type c: Circuit :param h_fun: h_fun should return a **SPARSE** Hamiltonian matrix with input arguments time and *args :type h_fun: Callable[..., Tensor] :param t: _description_ :type t: float :return: _description_ :rtype: Circuit """ from jax.experimental.ode import odeint s = c.state() n = c._nqubits def f(y: Tensor, t: Tensor, *args: Any) -> Tensor: h = -1.0j * h_fun(t, *args) return backend.sparse_dense_matmul(h, y) ts = backend.stack([0.0, t]) ts = backend.cast(ts, dtype=rdtypestr) s1 = odeint(f, s, ts, *args, **solver_kws) return type(c)(n, inputs=s1[-1])