Source code for tensorcircuit.densitymatrix

Quantum circuit class but with density matrix simulator
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import numpy as np
import tensornetwork as tn

from . import gates
from . import channels
from .channels import kraus_to_super_gate
from .circuit import Circuit
from .cons import backend, contractor, dtypestr
from .basecircuit import BaseCircuit
from .quantum import QuOperator

Gate = gates.Gate
Tensor = Any

[docs]class DMCircuit(BaseCircuit): is_dm = True
[docs] def __init__( self, nqubits: int, empty: bool = False, inputs: Optional[Tensor] = None, mps_inputs: Optional[QuOperator] = None, dminputs: Optional[Tensor] = None, mpo_dminputs: Optional[QuOperator] = None, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ The density matrix simulator based on tensornetwork engine. :param nqubits: Number of qubits :type nqubits: int :param empty: if True, nothing initialized, only for internal use, defaults to False :type empty: bool, optional :param inputs: the state input for the circuit, defaults to None :type inputs: Optional[Tensor], optional :param mps_inputs: QuVector for a MPS like initial pure state. :type mps_inputs: Optional[QuOperator] :param dminputs: the density matrix input for the circuit, defaults to None :type dminputs: Optional[Tensor], optional :param mpo_dminputs: QuOperator for a MPO like initial density matrix. :type mpo_dminputs: Optional[QuOperator] :param split: dict if two qubit gate is ready for split, including parameters for at least one of ``max_singular_values`` and ``max_truncation_err``. :type split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] """ if not empty: if ( (inputs is None) and (dminputs is None) and (mps_inputs is None) and (mpo_dminputs is None) ): # Get nodes on the interior self._nodes = self.all_zero_nodes(nqubits) self._front = [n.get_edge(0) for n in self._nodes] self.coloring_nodes(self._nodes) self._double_nodes_front() elif inputs is not None: inputs = backend.convert_to_tensor(inputs) inputs = backend.cast(inputs, dtype=dtypestr) inputs = backend.reshape(inputs, [-1]) N = inputs.shape[0] n = int(np.log(N) / np.log(2)) assert n == nqubits inputs = backend.reshape(inputs, [2 for _ in range(n)]) inputs_gate = Gate(inputs) self._nodes = [inputs_gate] self.coloring_nodes(self._nodes) self._front = [inputs_gate.get_edge(i) for i in range(n)] self._double_nodes_front() elif mps_inputs is not None: mps_nodes = list(mps_inputs.nodes) for i, n in enumerate(mps_nodes): mps_nodes[i].tensor = backend.cast(n.tensor, dtypestr) # type: ignore mps_edges = mps_inputs.out_edges + mps_inputs.in_edges self._nodes, self._front = self.copy_nodes(mps_nodes, mps_edges) self.coloring_nodes(self._nodes) self._double_nodes_front() elif dminputs is not None: dminputs = backend.convert_to_tensor(dminputs) dminputs = backend.cast(dminputs, dtype=dtypestr) dminputs = backend.reshape(dminputs, [2 for _ in range(2 * nqubits)]) dminputs_gate = Gate(dminputs) nodes = [dminputs_gate] self._front = [dminputs_gate.get_edge(i) for i in range(2 * nqubits)] self._nodes = nodes self.coloring_nodes(self._nodes) else: # mpo_dminputs is not None mpo_nodes = list(mpo_dminputs.nodes) # type: ignore for i, n in enumerate(mpo_nodes): mpo_nodes[i].tensor = backend.cast(n.tensor, dtypestr) # type: ignore mpo_edges = mpo_dminputs.out_edges + mpo_dminputs.in_edges # type: ignore self._nodes = mpo_nodes self._front = mpo_edges self.coloring_nodes(self._nodes) self._start_index = len(self._nodes) self._nqubits = nqubits self.inputs = inputs self.dminputs = dminputs self.mps_inputs = mps_inputs self.mpo_dminputs = mpo_dminputs self.split = split self.circuit_param = { "nqubits": nqubits, "inputs": inputs, "mps_inputs": mps_inputs, "dminputs": dminputs, "mpo_dminputs": mpo_dminputs, "split": split, } self._qir: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self._extra_qir: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
def _double_nodes_front(self) -> None: lnodes, lfront = self.copy_nodes(self._nodes, self._front, conj=True) self._front.extend(lfront) self._nodes.extend(lnodes) @classmethod def _meta_apply_channels(cls) -> None: for k in channels.channels: setattr( cls, k, cls.apply_general_kraus_delayed(getattr(channels, k + "channel")), ) doc = """ Apply %s quantum channel on the circuit. See :py:meth:`tensorcircuit.channels.%schannel` :param index: Qubit number that the gate applies on. :type index: int. :param vars: Parameters for the channel. :type vars: float. """ % ( k, k, ) getattr(cls, k).__doc__ = doc def _copy_DMCircuit(self) -> "DMCircuit": newnodes, newfront = self._copy() newDMCircuit = type(self)(self._nqubits, empty=True) newDMCircuit._nqubits = self._nqubits newDMCircuit._front = newfront newDMCircuit._nodes = newnodes return newDMCircuit _copy_dm_tensor = BaseCircuit._copy_state_tensor def _contract(self) -> None: t = contractor(self._nodes, output_edge_order=self._front) self._nodes = [t]
[docs] @staticmethod def check_kraus(kraus: Sequence[Gate]) -> bool: # TODO(@refraction-ray) return True
[docs] def apply_general_kraus( self, kraus: Sequence[Gate], index: Sequence[Tuple[int, ...]], **kws: Any ) -> None: # note the API difference for index arg between DM and DM2 self.check_kraus(kraus) assert len(kraus) == len(index) or len(index) == 1 if len(index) == 1: index = [index[0] for _ in range(len(kraus))] self._contract() circuits = [] for k, i in zip(kraus, index): dmc = self._copy_DMCircuit() dmc.apply_general_gate(k, *i) dd = dmc.densitymatrix() circuits.append(dd) tensor = reduce(add, circuits) tensor = backend.reshape(tensor, [2 for _ in range(2 * self._nqubits)]) self._nodes = [Gate(tensor)] dangling = [e for e in self._nodes[0]] self._front = dangling setattr(self, "state_tensor", None)
general_kraus = apply_general_kraus
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_general_kraus_delayed( krausf: Callable[..., Sequence[Gate]] ) -> Callable[..., None]: def apply(self: "DMCircuit", *index: int, **vars: float) -> None: for key in ["status", "name"]: if key in vars: del vars[key] # compatibility with circuit API kraus = krausf(**vars) self.apply_general_kraus(kraus, [index]) return apply
[docs] def densitymatrix(self, check: bool = False, reuse: bool = True) -> Tensor: """ Return the output density matrix of the circuit. :param check: check whether the final return is a legal density matrix, defaults to False :type check: bool, optional :param reuse: whether to reuse previous results, defaults to True :type reuse: bool, optional :return: The output densitymatrix in 2D shape tensor form :rtype: Tensor """ nodes, d_edges = self._copy_dm_tensor(conj=False, reuse=reuse) if len(nodes) > 1: t = contractor(nodes, output_edge_order=d_edges) else: t = nodes[0] dm = backend.reshape(t.tensor, shape=[2**self._nqubits, 2**self._nqubits]) if check: self.check_density_matrix(dm) return dm
state = densitymatrix
[docs] def wavefunction(self) -> Tensor: """ get the wavefunction of outputs, raise error if the final state is not purified [Experimental: the phase factor is not fixed for different backend] :return: wavefunction vector :rtype: Tensor """ dm = self.densitymatrix() e, v = backend.eigh(dm) np.testing.assert_allclose( e[:-1], backend.zeros([2**self._nqubits - 1]), atol=1e-5 ) return v[:, -1]
get_dm_as_quvector = BaseCircuit.quvector
[docs] def get_dm_as_quoperator(self) -> QuOperator: """ Get the representation of the output state in the form of ``QuOperator`` while maintaining the circuit uncomputed :return: ``QuOperator`` representation of the output state from the circuit :rtype: QuOperator """ _, edges = self._copy() return QuOperator(edges[: self._nqubits], edges[self._nqubits :])
[docs] def expectation( self, *ops: Tuple[tn.Node, List[int]], reuse: bool = True, noise_conf: Optional[Any] = None, status: Optional[Tensor] = None, **kws: Any ) -> tn.Node.tensor: """ Compute the expectation of corresponding operators. :param ops: Operator and its position on the circuit, eg. ``(tc.gates.z(), [1, ]), (tc.gates.x(), [2, ])`` is for operator :math:`Z_1X_2`. :type ops: Tuple[tn.Node, List[int]] :param reuse: whether contract the density matrix in advance, defaults to True :type reuse: bool :param noise_conf: Noise Configuration, defaults to None :type noise_conf: Optional[NoiseConf], optional :param status: external randomness given by tensor uniformly from [0, 1], defaults to None, used for noisfy circuit sampling :type status: Optional[Tensor], optional :return: Tensor with one element :rtype: Tensor """ from .noisemodel import expectation_noisfy if noise_conf is None: nodes = self.expectation_before(*ops, reuse=reuse) return contractor(nodes).tensor else: return expectation_noisfy( self, *ops, noise_conf=noise_conf, status=status, **kws, )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_density_matrix(dm: Tensor) -> None: assert np.allclose(backend.trace(dm), 1.0, atol=1e-5)
[docs] def to_circuit(self, circuit_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Circuit: """ convert into state simulator (current implementation ignores all noise channels) :param circuit_params: kws to initialize circuit object, defaults to None :type circuit_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional :return: Circuit with no noise :rtype: Circuit """ qir = self.to_qir() c = Circuit.from_qir(qir, circuit_params) return c # type: ignore
DMCircuit._meta_apply() DMCircuit._meta_apply_channels()
[docs]class DMCircuit2(DMCircuit):
[docs] def apply_general_kraus( self, kraus: Sequence[Gate], *index: int, **kws: Any ) -> None: # incompatible API for now kraus = [ k if isinstance(k, tn.Node) else Gate(backend.cast(backend.convert_to_tensor(k), dtypestr)) for k in kraus ] self.check_kraus(kraus) if not isinstance( index[0], int ): # try best to be compatible with DMCircuit interface index = index[0][0] # assert len(kraus) == len(index) or len(index) == 1 # if len(index) == 1: # index = [index[0] for _ in range(len(kraus))] super_op = kraus_to_super_gate(kraus) nlegs = 4 * len(index) super_op = backend.reshape(super_op, [2 for _ in range(nlegs)]) super_op = Gate(super_op) o2i = int(nlegs / 2) r2l = int(nlegs / 4) for i, ind in enumerate(index): super_op.get_edge(i + r2l + o2i) ^ self._front[ind + self._nqubits] self._front[ind + self._nqubits] = super_op.get_edge(i + r2l) super_op.get_edge(i + o2i) ^ self._front[ind] self._front[ind] = super_op.get_edge(i) self._nodes.append(super_op) setattr(self, "state_tensor", None)
general_kraus = apply_general_kraus
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_general_kraus_delayed( krausf: Callable[..., Sequence[Gate]] ) -> Callable[..., None]: def apply(self: "DMCircuit2", *index: int, **vars: float) -> None: for key in ["status", "name"]: if key in vars: del vars[key] kraus = krausf(**vars) self.apply_general_kraus(kraus, *index) return apply
DMCircuit2._meta_apply() DMCircuit2._meta_apply_channels()