Source code for tensorcircuit.applications.van

One-hot variational autoregressive models for multiple categorical choices beyond binary

from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Union, List
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
import numpy as np

[docs]class MaskedLinear(Layer): # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__( self, input_space: int, output_space: int, spin_channel: int, mask: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None, dtype: Optional[tf.DType] = None, ): super().__init__() if dtype is None: self._dtype = tf.float32 else: self._dtype = dtype self.w = self.add_weight( name="w", shape=(output_space, spin_channel, input_space, spin_channel), initializer="random_normal", trainable=True, dtype=self._dtype, ) self.b = self.add_weight( name="b", # every variables in customized layer must have a explicit name so that the model can be saved # see shape=(output_space, spin_channel), initializer="random_normal", # zero is not ok, as the first output will always equal probabilitied trainable=True, dtype=self._dtype, ) self.input_space = input_space self.output_space = output_space self.spin_channel = spin_channel if mask is not None: self.mask = mask else: self.mask = tf.ones([output_space, spin_channel, input_space, spin_channel])
[docs] def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: w_mask = tf.multiply(self.mask, self.w) return tf.tensordot(inputs, w_mask, axes=[[-2, -1], [2, 3]]) + self.b
[docs] def regularization(self, lbd_w: float = 1.0, lbd_b: float = 1.0) -> tf.Tensor: return lbd_w * tf.reduce_sum(self.w**2) + lbd_b * tf.reduce_sum(self.b**2)
[docs]class MADE(Model): # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__( self, input_space: int, output_space: int, hidden_space: int, spin_channel: int, depth: int, evenly: bool = True, dtype: Optional[tf.DType] = None, activation: Optional[Any] = None, nonmerge: bool = True, probamp: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None, ): super().__init__() if not dtype: self._dtype = tf.float32 else: self._dtype = dtype self._m: List[np.array] = [] # type: ignore self._masks: List[tf.Tensor] = [] self.ml_layer: List[Any] = [] self.input_space = input_space self.spin_channel = spin_channel self._build_masks( input_space, output_space, hidden_space, spin_channel, depth, evenly ) self._check_masks() self.depth = depth self.relu = [] if activation is None: activation = tf.keras.layers.PReLU for _ in range(depth): self.relu.append(activation()) self.nonmerge = nonmerge self.probamp = probamp
def _build_masks( self, input_space: int, output_space: int, hidden_space: int, spin_channel: int, depth: int, evenly: bool, ) -> None: self._m.append(np.arange(1, input_space + 1)) for i in range(1, depth + 1): if i == depth: # the last layer # assign output layer units a number between 1 and D m = np.arange(1, input_space + 1) assert ( output_space % input_space == 0 ), "output space must by multiple of input space" self._m.append( np.hstack([m for _ in range(output_space // input_space)]) ) else: # middle layer # assign hidden layer units a number between 1 and D-1 if evenly: assert ( hidden_space % (input_space - 1) == 0 ), "hidden space must be multiple of input space -1 when you set evenly as True" m = np.arange(1, input_space) # TODO: whether 0 is ok need further scrunity, this is a bit away from original MADE idea self._m.append( np.hstack([m for _ in range(hidden_space // (input_space - 1))]) ) else: self._m.append(np.random.randint(1, input_space, size=hidden_space)) if i == depth: mask = self._m[i][None, :] > self._m[i - 1][:, None] # type: ignore else: # input to hidden & hidden to hidden mask = self._m[i][None, :] >= self._m[i - 1][:, None] # type: ignore # add two spin channel axis into mask mask = mask.T mask = mask[:, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] mask = np.tile(mask, [1, spin_channel, 1, spin_channel]) self._masks.append(tf.constant(mask, dtype=self._dtype)) if i == depth and depth == 1: # in case there is only one layer self.ml_layer.append( MaskedLinear( input_space, output_space, spin_channel, mask=self._masks[i - 1], dtype=self._dtype, ) ) elif i == depth: self.ml_layer.append( MaskedLinear( hidden_space, output_space, spin_channel, mask=self._masks[i - 1], dtype=self._dtype, ) ) elif i == 1: self.ml_layer.append( MaskedLinear( input_space, hidden_space, spin_channel, mask=self._masks[i - 1], dtype=self._dtype, ) ) else: self.ml_layer.append( MaskedLinear( hidden_space, hidden_space, spin_channel, mask=self._masks[i - 1], dtype=self._dtype, ) ) def _check_masks(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: if self.nonmerge: nonmerge_block = tf.roll(inputs, axis=-2, shift=1) * -10.0 # PBC here # once the last pixel is i, the next one cannot be i for i in range(self.depth): inputs = self.ml_layer[i](inputs) inputs = self.relu[i](inputs) if self.probamp is not None: inputs = self.probamp + inputs if self.nonmerge: inputs = nonmerge_block + inputs # TODO: to be investigated whether the nonmerge block can affect on unity of probability outputs = tf.keras.layers.Softmax()(inputs) return outputs
[docs] def model(self) -> Any: x = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(self.input_space, self.spin_channel)) return tf.keras.Model(inputs=[x],
[docs] def regularization(self, lbd_w: float = 1.0, lbd_b: float = 1.0) -> tf.Tensor: loss = 0.0 for l in self.ml_layer: loss += l.regularization(lbd_w=lbd_w, lbd_b=lbd_b) return loss
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[np.array, tf.Tensor]: # type: ignore eps = 1e-10 sample = np.zeros( [batch_size, self.input_space, self.spin_channel], dtype=np.float32 ) for i in range(self.input_space): x_hat = ln_x_hat = tf.math.log( tf.reshape(x_hat, [batch_size * self.input_space, self.spin_channel]) + eps ) choice = tf.random.categorical(ln_x_hat, num_samples=1) choice = tf.reshape(choice, [choice.shape[0]]) one_hot = tf.one_hot(choice, depth=self.spin_channel) one_hot = tf.reshape( one_hot, [batch_size, self.input_space, self.spin_channel] ) sample[:, i, :] = one_hot[:, i, :] return sample, x_hat
def _log_prob(self, sample: tf.Tensor, x_hat: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: eps = 1e-10 probm = tf.multiply(x_hat, sample) probm = tf.reduce_sum(probm, axis=-1) lnprobm = tf.math.log(probm + eps) return tf.reduce_sum(lnprobm, axis=-1)
[docs] def log_prob(self, sample: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: x_hat = log_prob = self._log_prob(sample, x_hat) return log_prob
[docs]class MaskedConv2D(Layer): # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__(self, mask_type: str, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__() assert mask_type in {"A", "B"}, "mask_type must be in A or B" self.mask_type = mask_type self.conv = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(**kwargs)
[docs] def build(self, input_shape: Union[List[tf.TensorShape], tf.TensorShape]) -> None: # Build the conv2d layer to initialize kernel variables # Use the initialized kernel to create the mask kernel_shape = self.conv.kernel.get_shape() self.kernel = self.add_weight("kernel", self.conv.kernel.shape) self.bias = self.add_weight("bias", self.conv.bias.shape) self.mask = np.zeros(shape=kernel_shape) self.mask[: kernel_shape[0] // 2, ...] = 1.0 self.mask[kernel_shape[0] // 2, : kernel_shape[1] // 2, ...] = 1.0 if self.mask_type == "B": self.mask[kernel_shape[0] // 2, kernel_shape[1] // 2, ...] = 1.0
[docs] def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: self.conv.kernel = self.kernel * self.mask self.conv.bias = self.bias return self.conv(inputs)
[docs]class ResidualBlock(Layer): # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__(self, layers: List[Any]): super().__init__() self.layers = layers
[docs] def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: y = inputs for layer in self.layers: y = layer(y) return y + inputs
[docs]class PixelCNN(Model): # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__(self, spin_channel: int, depth: int, filters: int): super().__init__() self.rb = [] self.rb0 = MaskedConv2D( mask_type="A", filters=filters, kernel_size=3, padding="same" ) self.relu = tf.keras.layers.PReLU() for _ in range(1, depth): self.rb.append( ResidualBlock( [ MaskedConv2D( mask_type="B", filters=filters, kernel_size=3, padding="same", ), tf.keras.layers.PReLU(), ] ) ) self.rbn = MaskedConv2D( mask_type="B", filters=spin_channel, kernel_size=1, padding="same" ) self.depth = depth self.spin_channel = spin_channel
[docs] def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: x = self.rb0(inputs) x = self.relu(x) for i in range(self.depth - 1): x = self.rb[i](x) x = self.rbn(x) x = tf.keras.layers.Softmax(axis=-1)(x) return x
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size: int, h: int, w: int) -> Tuple[np.array, tf.Tensor]: # type: ignore eps = 1e-10 sample = np.zeros([batch_size, h, w, self.spin_channel], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(h): for j in range(w): x_hat = ln_x_hat = tf.math.log( tf.reshape(x_hat, [batch_size * h * w, self.spin_channel]) + eps ) choice = tf.random.categorical(ln_x_hat, num_samples=1) choice = tf.reshape(choice, [choice.shape[0]]) one_hot = tf.one_hot(choice, depth=self.spin_channel) one_hot = tf.reshape(one_hot, [batch_size, h, w, self.spin_channel]) sample[:, i, j, :] = one_hot[:, i, j, :] return sample, x_hat
def _log_prob(self, sample: tf.Tensor, x_hat: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: eps = 1e-10 probm = tf.multiply(x_hat, sample) probm = tf.reduce_sum(probm, axis=-1) lnprobm = tf.math.log(probm + eps) return tf.reduce_sum(lnprobm, axis=[-1, -2])
[docs] def log_prob(self, sample: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: x_hat = log_prob = self._log_prob(sample, x_hat) return log_prob
[docs]class NMF(Model): # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__( self, spin_channel: int, *dimensions: int, _dtype: tf.DType = tf.float32, probamp: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None ): super().__init__() self.w = self.add_weight( name="meanfield-parameter", shape=list(dimensions) + [spin_channel], initializer="random_normal", trainable=True, dtype=_dtype, ) self._dtype = _dtype self.dimensions = list(dimensions) self.D = len(self.dimensions) self.spin_channel = spin_channel self.probamp = probamp
[docs] def call(self, inputs: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None) -> tf.Tensor: # x = tf.keras.layers.Softmax(axis=-1)(self.w) if self.probamp is None: return self.w else: return self.w + self.probamp
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: x_hat = x_hat = x_hat[tf.newaxis, :] tile_shape = tuple([batch_size] + [1 for _ in range(self.D + 1)]) x_hat = tf.tile(x_hat, tile_shape) totalsize = tf.reduce_prod(self.dimensions) logits = tf.reshape(x_hat, (batch_size * totalsize, self.spin_channel)) sample = tf.random.categorical(logits, 1) # [system size, batch size] # [ * dimensions, batch size, spin channel] sample = tf.one_hot(sample, depth=self.spin_channel) sample = tf.reshape( sample, [batch_size] + self.dimensions + [self.spin_channel] ) x_hat = tf.keras.layers.Softmax(axis=-1)(x_hat) return sample, x_hat
def _log_prob(self, sample: tf.Tensor, x_hat: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: eps = 1e-10 probm = tf.multiply(x_hat, sample) probm = tf.reduce_sum(probm, axis=-1) lnprobm = tf.math.log(probm + eps) return tf.reduce_sum(lnprobm, axis=[-i - 1 for i in range(self.D)])
[docs] def log_prob(self, sample: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: x_hat = log_prob = self._log_prob(sample, x_hat) return log_prob