tensornetwork.matrixproductstates.finite_mps 源代码

# Copyright 2019 The TensorNetwork Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import numpy as np
import functools

from tensornetwork.network_components import Node, contract_between
from tensornetwork.backends import backend_factory
from tensornetwork.linalg.node_linalg import conj
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Text, Type, Union, Dict, Sequence
from tensornetwork.matrixproductstates.base_mps import BaseMPS
from tensornetwork.backends.abstract_backend import AbstractBackend
Tensor = Any

class FiniteMPS(BaseMPS):
  """An MPS class for finite systems.

  MPS tensors are stored as a list.
  `FiniteMPS` has a central site, also called orthogonality center.
  The position of this central site is stored in `FiniteMPS.center_position`,
  and it can be be shifted using the `FiniteMPS.position` method.
  `FiniteMPS.position` uses QR and RQ methods to shift `center_position`.

  `FiniteMPS` can be initialized either from a `list` of tensors, or
  by calling the classmethod `FiniteMPS.random`.

  By default, `FiniteMPS` is initialized in *canonical* form, i.e.
  the state is normalized, and all tensors to the left of
  `center_position` are left orthogonal, and all tensors
  to the right of `center_position` are right orthogonal. The tensor
  at `FiniteMPS.center_position` is neither left nor right orthogonal.

  Note that canonicalization can be computationally relatively
  costly and scales :math:`\\propto ND^3`.

[文档] def __init__(self, tensors: List[Tensor], center_position: Optional[int] = None, canonicalize: Optional[bool] = True, backend: Optional[Union[AbstractBackend, Text]] = None) -> None: """Initialize a `FiniteMPS`. If `canonicalize` is `True` the state is brought into canonical form, with `BaseMPS.center_position` at `center_position`. if `center_position` is `None` and `canonicalize = True`, `BaseMPS.center_position` is set to 0. Args: tensors: A list of `Tensor` objects. center_position: The initial position of the center site. canonicalize: If `True` the mps is canonicalized at initialization. backend: The name of the backend that should be used to perform contractions. Available backends are currently 'numpy', 'tensorflow', 'pytorch', 'jax' """ super().__init__( tensors=tensors, center_position=center_position, connector_matrix=None, backend=backend) if (center_position is not None) and (not canonicalize): raise ValueError("can only set center_position of canonical mps") if canonicalize: if center_position is None: center_position = 0 if center_position == len(self) - 1: self.center_position = len(self) - 1 self.position(0) self.position(len(self) - 1) else: self.center_position = 0 self.position(len(self) - 1) self.position(center_position)
[文档] @classmethod def random( cls, d: List[int], D: List[int], dtype: Type[np.number], canonicalize: bool = True, backend: Optional[Union[AbstractBackend, Text]] = None) -> "FiniteMPS": """Initialize a random `FiniteMPS`. The resulting state is normalized. Its center-position is at 0. Args: d: A list of physical dimensions. D: A list of bond dimensions. dtype: A numpy dtype. backend: An optional backend. Returns: `FiniteMPS` """ #use numpy backend for tensor initialization be = backend_factory.get_backend('numpy') if len(D) != len(d) - 1: raise ValueError('len(D) = {} is different from len(d) - 1 = {}'.format( len(D), len(d) - 1)) D = [1] + D + [1] tensors = [ be.randn((D[n], d[n], D[n + 1]), dtype=dtype) for n in range(len(d)) ] return cls( tensors=tensors, center_position=None, canonicalize=canonicalize, backend=backend)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[文档] def canonicalize(self, normalize: bool = True) -> np.number: """Bring the MPS into canonical form according to `center_position`. If `center_position` is `None`, the MPS is canonicalized with `center_position = 0`. Args: normalize: If `True`, normalize matrices when shifting the orthogonality center. Returns: `Tensor`: The norm of the MPS. """ N = len(self.tensors) if self.center_position is not None: pos = self.center_position if pos >= N // 2: self.center_position = 0 self.position(N - 1, normalize=normalize) else: self.center_position = len(self.tensors) - 1 self.position(0, normalize=normalize) return self.position(pos, normalize=normalize) self.center_position = len(self.tensors) - 1 return self.position(0, normalize=normalize)
[文档] def check_canonical(self) -> Tensor: """Check whether the MPS is in the expected canonical form. Returns: The L2 norm of the vector of local deviations. """ if self.center_position is None: raise ValueError( "FiniteMPS.center_positions is `None`. Cannot check canonical form.") deviations = [] for site in range(len(self.tensors)): if site < self.center_position: deviation = self.check_orthonormality('l', site) elif site > self.center_position: deviation = self.check_orthonormality('r', site) else: continue deviations.append(deviation**2) return self.backend.sqrt(sum(deviations[1:], deviations[0]))
[文档] def left_envs(self, sites: Sequence[int]) -> Dict: """Compute left reduced density matrices for site `sites`. This returns a dict `left_envs` mapping sites (int) to Tensors. `left_envs[site]` is the left-reduced density matrix to the left of site `site`. Args: sites (list of int): A list of sites of the MPS. Returns: `dict` mapping `int` to `Tensor`: The left-reduced density matrices at each site in `sites`. """ sites = np.array(sites) #enable logical indexing if len(sites) == 0: return {} if self.center_position is not None: center_position = self.center_position else: center_position = 0 n2 = np.max(sites) #check if all elements of `sites` are within allowed range if not np.all(sites <= len(self)): raise ValueError('all elements of `sites` have to be <= N = {}'.format( len(self))) if not np.all(sites >= 0): raise ValueError('all elements of `sites` have to be positive') # left-reduced density matrices to the left of `center_position` # (including center_position) are all identities left_sites = sites[sites <= center_position] left_envs = {} for site in left_sites: left_envs[site] = Node( self.backend.eye( N=self.backend.sparse_shape( self.backend.conj(self.tensors[site]))[0], dtype=self.dtype), backend=self.backend) # left reduced density matrices at sites > center_position # have to be calculated from a network contraction if n2 > center_position: nodes = {} conj_nodes = {} for site in range(center_position, n2): nodes[site] = Node(self.tensors[site], backend=self.backend) conj_nodes[site] = conj(nodes[site]) nodes[center_position][0] ^ conj_nodes[center_position][0] nodes[center_position][1] ^ conj_nodes[center_position][1] for site in range(center_position + 1, n2): nodes[site][0] ^ nodes[site - 1][2] conj_nodes[site][0] ^ conj_nodes[site - 1][2] nodes[site][1] ^ conj_nodes[site][1] edges = {site: node[2] for site, node in nodes.items()} conj_edges = {site: node[2] for site, node in conj_nodes.items()} left_env = contract_between(nodes[center_position], conj_nodes[center_position]) left_env.reorder_edges( [edges[center_position], conj_edges[center_position]]) if center_position + 1 in sites: left_envs[center_position + 1] = left_env for site in range(center_position + 1, n2): left_env = contract_between(left_env, nodes[site]) left_env = contract_between(left_env, conj_nodes[site]) if site + 1 in sites: left_env.reorder_edges([edges[site], conj_edges[site]]) left_envs[site + 1] = left_env return {k: v.tensor for k, v in left_envs.items()}
[文档] def right_envs(self, sites: Sequence[int]) -> Dict: """Compute right reduced density matrices for site `sites. This returns a dict `right_envs` mapping sites (int) to Tensors. `right_envs[site]` is the right-reduced density matrix to the right of site `site`. Args: sites (list of int): A list of sites of the MPS. Returns: `dict` mapping `int` to `Tensor`: The right-reduced density matrices at each site in `sites`. """ sites = np.array(sites) if len(sites) == 0: return {} if self.center_position is not None: center_position = self.center_position else: center_position = len(self.tensors) - 1 n1 = np.min(sites) #check if all elements of `sites` are within allowed range if not np.all(sites < len(self)): raise ValueError('all elements of `sites` have to be < N = {}'.format( len(self))) if not np.all(sites >= -1): raise ValueError('all elements of `sites` have to be >= -1') # right-reduced density matrices to the right of `center_position` # (including center_position) are all identities right_sites = sites[sites >= center_position] right_envs = {} for site in right_sites: right_envs[site] = Node( self.backend.eye( N=self.backend.sparse_shape( self.backend.conj(self.tensors[site]))[2], dtype=self.dtype), backend=self.backend) # right reduced density matrices at sites < center_position # have to be calculated from a network contraction if n1 < center_position: nodes = {} conj_nodes = {} for site in reversed(range(n1 + 1, center_position + 1)): nodes[site] = Node(self.tensors[site], backend=self.backend) conj_nodes[site] = conj(nodes[site]) nodes[center_position][2] ^ conj_nodes[center_position][2] nodes[center_position][1] ^ conj_nodes[center_position][1] for site in reversed(range(n1 + 1, center_position)): nodes[site][2] ^ nodes[site + 1][0] conj_nodes[site][2] ^ conj_nodes[site + 1][0] nodes[site][1] ^ conj_nodes[site][1] edges = {site: node[0] for site, node in nodes.items()} conj_edges = {site: node[0] for site, node in conj_nodes.items()} right_env = contract_between(nodes[center_position], conj_nodes[center_position]) if center_position - 1 in sites: right_env.reorder_edges( [edges[center_position], conj_edges[center_position]]) right_envs[center_position - 1] = right_env for site in reversed(range(n1 + 1, center_position)): right_env = contract_between(right_env, nodes[site]) right_env = contract_between(right_env, conj_nodes[site]) if site - 1 in sites: right_env.reorder_edges([edges[site], conj_edges[site]]) right_envs[site - 1] = right_env return {k: v.tensor for k, v in right_envs.items()}
[文档] def save(self, path: str): raise NotImplementedError()