tensornetwork.backends.pytorch.pytorch_backend 源代码

# Copyright 2019 The TensorNetwork Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
from typing import Optional, Any, Sequence, Tuple, Callable, List, Type
from typing import Union
from tensornetwork.backends import abstract_backend
from tensornetwork.backends.pytorch import decompositions
import numpy as np

# This might seem bad, but pytype treats tf.Tensor as Any anyway, so
# we don't actually lose anything by doing this.
Tensor = Any

# pylint: disable=abstract-method

class PyTorchBackend(abstract_backend.AbstractBackend):
  """See base_backend.BaseBackend for documentation."""

  def __init__(self) -> None:
    # pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined
    global torchlib
      # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
      import torch
    except ImportError as err:
      raise ImportError("PyTorch not installed, please switch to a different "
                        "backend or install PyTorch.") from err
    torchlib = torch
    self.name = "pytorch"

[文档] def tensordot(self, a: Tensor, b: Tensor, axes: Union[int, Sequence[Sequence[int]]]) -> Tensor: return torchlib.tensordot(a, b, dims=axes)
[文档] def reshape(self, tensor: Tensor, shape: Tensor) -> Tensor: return torchlib.reshape(tensor, tuple(np.array(shape).astype(int)))
[文档] def transpose(self, tensor, perm=None) -> Tensor: if perm is None: perm = tuple(range(tensor.ndim - 1, -1, -1)) return tensor.permute(perm)
[文档] def slice(self, tensor: Tensor, start_indices: Tuple[int, ...], slice_sizes: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tensor: if len(start_indices) != len(slice_sizes): raise ValueError("Lengths of start_indices and slice_sizes must be" "identical.") obj = tuple( slice(start, start + size) for start, size in zip(start_indices, slice_sizes)) return tensor[obj]
[文档] def svd( self, tensor: Tensor, pivot_axis: int = -1, max_singular_values: Optional[int] = None, max_truncation_error: Optional[float] = None, relative: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: return decompositions.svd( torchlib, tensor, pivot_axis, max_singular_values, max_truncation_error, relative=relative)
def qr( self, tensor: Tensor, pivot_axis: int = -1, non_negative_diagonal: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: return decompositions.qr(torchlib, tensor, pivot_axis, non_negative_diagonal) def rq( self, tensor: Tensor, pivot_axis: int = -1, non_negative_diagonal: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: return decompositions.rq(torchlib, tensor, pivot_axis, non_negative_diagonal)
[文档] def shape_concat(self, values: Tensor, axis: int) -> Tensor: return np.concatenate(values, axis)
[文档] def shape_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: return torchlib.tensor(list(tensor.shape))
[文档] def shape_tuple(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tuple[Optional[int], ...]: return tuple(tensor.shape)
[文档] def sparse_shape(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tuple[Optional[int], ...]: return self.shape_tuple(tensor)
[文档] def shape_prod(self, values: Tensor) -> int: return np.prod(np.array(values))
[文档] def sqrt(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: return torchlib.sqrt(tensor)
[文档] def convert_to_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: result = torchlib.as_tensor(tensor) return result
[文档] def outer_product(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: return torchlib.tensordot(tensor1, tensor2, dims=0)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[文档] def einsum(self, expression: str, *tensors: Tensor, optimize: bool = True) -> Tensor: return torchlib.einsum(expression, *tensors)
[文档] def norm(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: return torchlib.norm(tensor)
def eye(self, N: int, dtype: Optional[Any] = None, M: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else torchlib.float64 if not M: M = N #torch crashes if one passes M = None with dtype!=None return torchlib.eye(n=N, m=M, dtype=dtype) def ones(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: Optional[Any] = None) -> Tensor: dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else torchlib.float64 return torchlib.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) def zeros(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: Optional[Any] = None) -> Tensor: dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else torchlib.float64 return torchlib.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
[文档] def randn(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: Optional[Any] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: if seed: torchlib.manual_seed(seed) dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else torchlib.float64 return torchlib.randn(shape, dtype=dtype)
[文档] def random_uniform(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], boundaries: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (0.0, 1.0), dtype: Optional[Any] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: if seed: torchlib.manual_seed(seed) dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else torchlib.float64 return torchlib.empty(shape, dtype=dtype).uniform_(*boundaries)
def conj(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: return tensor #pytorch does not support complex dtypes
[文档] def eigh(self, matrix: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: return matrix.symeig(eigenvectors=True)
[文档] def eigsh_lanczos(self, A: Callable, args: Optional[List[Tensor]] = None, initial_state: Optional[Tensor] = None, shape: Optional[Tuple] = None, dtype: Optional[Type[np.number]] = None, num_krylov_vecs: int = 20, numeig: int = 1, tol: float = 1E-8, delta: float = 1E-8, ndiag: int = 20, reorthogonalize: bool = False) -> Tuple[Tensor, List]: """ Lanczos method for finding the lowest eigenvector-eigenvalue pairs of a `LinearOperator` `A`. Args: A: A (sparse) implementation of a linear operator. Call signature of `A` is `res = A(vector, *args)`, where `vector` can be an arbitrary `Tensor`, and `res.shape` has to be `vector.shape`. arsg: A list of arguments to `A`. `A` will be called as `res = A(initial_state, *args)`. initial_state: An initial vector for the Lanczos algorithm. If `None`, a random initial `Tensor` is created using the `torch.randn` method shape: The shape of the input-dimension of `A`. dtype: The dtype of the input `A`. If both no `initial_state` is provided, a random initial state with shape `shape` and dtype `dtype` is created. num_krylov_vecs: The number of iterations (number of krylov vectors). numeig: The nummber of eigenvector-eigenvalue pairs to be computed. If `numeig > 1`, `reorthogonalize` has to be `True`. tol: The desired precision of the eigenvalus. Uses `torch.norm(eigvalsnew[0:numeig] - eigvalsold[0:numeig]) < tol` as stopping criterion between two diagonalization steps of the tridiagonal operator. delta: Stopping criterion for Lanczos iteration. If a Krylov vector :math: `x_n` has an L2 norm :math:`\\lVert x_n\\rVert < delta`, the iteration is stopped. It means that an (approximate) invariant subspace has been found. ndiag: The tridiagonal Operator is diagonalized every `ndiag` iterations to check convergence. reorthogonalize: If `True`, Krylov vectors are kept orthogonal by explicit orthogonalization (more costly than `reorthogonalize=False`) Returns: (eigvals, eigvecs) eigvals: A list of `numeig` lowest eigenvalues eigvecs: A list of `numeig` lowest eigenvectors """ if args is None: args = [] #TODO: make this work for tensorflow in graph mode if num_krylov_vecs < numeig: raise ValueError('`num_krylov_vecs` >= `numeig` required!') if numeig > 1 and not reorthogonalize: raise ValueError( "Got numeig = {} > 1 and `reorthogonalize = False`. " "Use `reorthogonalize=True` for `numeig > 1`".format(numeig)) if initial_state is None: if (shape is None) or (dtype is None): raise ValueError("if no `initial_state` is passed, then `shape` and" "`dtype` have to be provided") initial_state = self.randn(shape, dtype) if not isinstance(initial_state, torchlib.Tensor): raise TypeError("Expected a `torch.Tensor`. Got {}".format( type(initial_state))) initial_state = self.convert_to_tensor(initial_state) vector_n = initial_state Z = self.norm(vector_n) vector_n /= Z norms_vector_n = [] diag_elements = [] krylov_vecs = [] first = True eigvalsold = [] for it in range(num_krylov_vecs): #normalize the current vector: norm_vector_n = torchlib.norm(vector_n) if abs(norm_vector_n) < delta: break norms_vector_n.append(norm_vector_n) vector_n = vector_n / norms_vector_n[-1] #store the Lanczos vector for later if reorthogonalize: for v in krylov_vecs: vector_n -= (v.contiguous().view(-1).dot( vector_n.contiguous().view(-1))) * torchlib.reshape( v, vector_n.shape) krylov_vecs.append(vector_n) A_vector_n = A(vector_n, *args) diag_elements.append(vector_n.contiguous().view(-1).dot( A_vector_n.contiguous().view(-1))) if ((it > 0) and (it % ndiag) == 0) and (len(diag_elements) >= numeig): #diagonalize the effective Hamiltonian A_tridiag = torchlib.diag( torchlib.tensor(diag_elements)) + torchlib.diag( torchlib.tensor(norms_vector_n[1:]), 1) + torchlib.diag( torchlib.tensor(norms_vector_n[1:]), -1) eigvals, u = A_tridiag.symeig(eigenvectors=True) if not first: if torchlib.norm(eigvals[0:numeig] - eigvalsold[0:numeig]) < tol: break first = False eigvalsold = eigvals[0:numeig] if it > 0: A_vector_n -= (krylov_vecs[-1] * diag_elements[-1]) A_vector_n -= (krylov_vecs[-2] * norms_vector_n[-1]) else: A_vector_n -= (krylov_vecs[-1] * diag_elements[-1]) vector_n = A_vector_n A_tridiag = torchlib.diag(torchlib.tensor(diag_elements)) + torchlib.diag( torchlib.tensor(norms_vector_n[1:]), 1) + torchlib.diag( torchlib.tensor(norms_vector_n[1:]), -1) eigvals, u = A_tridiag.symeig(eigenvectors=True) eigenvectors = [] for n2 in range(min(numeig, len(eigvals))): state = self.zeros(initial_state.shape, initial_state.dtype) for n1, vec in enumerate(krylov_vecs): state += vec * u[n1, n2] eigenvectors.append(state / torchlib.norm(state)) return eigvals[0:numeig], eigenvectors
[文档] def addition(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: return tensor1 + tensor2
[文档] def subtraction(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: return tensor1 - tensor2
[文档] def multiply(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: return tensor1 * tensor2
[文档] def divide(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: return tensor1 / tensor2
[文档] def index_update(self, tensor: Tensor, mask: Tensor, assignee: Tensor) -> Tensor: #make a copy t = torchlib.as_tensor(tensor).clone() t[mask] = assignee return t
[文档] def inv(self, matrix: Tensor) -> Tensor: if len(matrix.shape) > 2: raise ValueError( "input to pytorch backend method `inv` has shape {}. Only matrices are supported." .format(matrix.shape)) return matrix.inverse()
[文档] def broadcast_right_multiplication(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: if len(tensor2.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( "only order-1 tensors are allowed for `tensor2`, found `tensor2.shape = {}`" .format(tensor2.shape)) return tensor1 * tensor2
[文档] def broadcast_left_multiplication(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: if len(tensor1.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("only order-1 tensors are allowed for `tensor1`," " found `tensor1.shape = {}`".format(tensor1.shape)) t1_broadcast_shape = self.shape_concat( [self.shape_tensor(tensor1), [1] * (len(tensor2.shape) - 1)], axis=-1) return tensor2 * self.reshape(tensor1, t1_broadcast_shape)
def jit(self, fun: Callable, *args: List, **kwargs: dict) -> Callable: return fun def sum(self, tensor: Tensor, axis: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> Tensor: return torchlib.sum(tensor, axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims)
[文档] def matmul(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: if (tensor1.ndim <= 1) or (tensor2.ndim <= 1): raise ValueError("inputs to `matmul` have to be a tensors of order > 1,") return torchlib.einsum('...ab,...bc->...ac', tensor1, tensor2)
[文档] def diagonal(self, tensor: Tensor, offset: int = 0, axis1: int = -2, axis2: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Return specified diagonals. If tensor is 2-D, returns the diagonal of tensor with the given offset, i.e., the collection of elements of the form a[i, i+offset]. If a has more than two dimensions, then the axes specified by axis1 and axis2 are used to determine the 2-D sub-array whose diagonal is returned. The shape of the resulting array can be determined by removing axis1 and axis2 and appending an index to the right equal to the size of the resulting diagonals. This function only extracts diagonals. If you wish to create diagonal matrices from vectors, use diagflat. Args: tensor: A tensor. offset: Offset of the diagonal from the main diagonal. axis1, axis2: Axis to be used as the first/second axis of the 2D sub-arrays from which the diagonals should be taken. Defaults to second-last and last axis (note this differs from the NumPy defaults). Returns: array_of_diagonals: A dim = min(1, tensor.ndim - 2) tensor storing the batched diagonals. """ if axis1 == axis2: raise ValueError("axis1={axis1} and axis2={axis2} must be different.") return torchlib.diagonal(tensor, offset=offset, dim1=axis1, dim2=axis2)
[文档] def diagflat(self, tensor: Tensor, k: int = 0) -> Tensor: """ Flattens tensor and creates a new matrix of zeros with its elements on the k'th diagonal. Args: tensor: A tensor. k : The diagonal upon which to place its elements. Returns: tensor: A new tensor with all zeros save the specified diagonal. """ return torchlib.diag_embed(tensor, offset=k)
[文档] def trace(self, tensor: Tensor, offset: int = 0, axis1: int = -2, axis2: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Return summed entries along diagonals. If tensor is 2-D, the sum is over the diagonal of tensor with the given offset, i.e., the collection of elements of the form a[i, i+offset]. If a has more than two dimensions, then the axes specified by axis1 and axis2 are used to determine the 2-D sub-array whose diagonal is summed. In the PyTorch backend the trace is always over the main diagonal of the last two entries. Args: tensor: A tensor. offset: Offset of the diagonal from the main diagonal. This argument is not supported by the PyTorch backend and an error will be raised if they are specified. axis1, axis2: Axis to be used as the first/second axis of the 2D sub-arrays from which the diagonals should be taken. Defaults to first/second axis. These arguments are not supported by the PyTorch backend and an error will be raised if they are specified. Returns: array_of_diagonals: The batched summed diagonals. """ if offset != 0: errstr = (f"offset = {offset} must be 0 (the default)" f"with PyTorch backend.") raise NotImplementedError(errstr) if axis1 == axis2: raise ValueError(f"axis1 = {axis1} cannot equal axis2 = {axis2}") N = len(tensor.shape) if N > 25: raise ValueError(f"Currently only tensors with ndim <= 25 can be traced" f"in the PyTorch backend (yours was {N})") if axis1 < 0: axis1 = N+axis1 if axis2 < 0: axis2 = N+axis2 inds = list(map(chr, range(98, 98+N))) indsout = [i for n, i in enumerate(inds) if n not in (axis1, axis2)] inds[axis1] = 'a' inds[axis2] = 'a' return torchlib.einsum(''.join(inds) + '->' +''.join(indsout), tensor)
[文档] def abs(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Returns the elementwise absolute value of tensor. Args: tensor: An input tensor. Returns: tensor: Its elementwise absolute value. """ return torchlib.abs(tensor)
[文档] def sign(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Returns an elementwise tensor with entries y[i] = 1, 0, -1 where tensor[i] > 0, == 0, and < 0 respectively. For complex input the behaviour of this function may depend on the backend. The PyTorch version is not implemented in this case. Args: tensor: The input tensor. """ return torchlib.sign(tensor)
[文档] def item(self, tensor): return tensor.item()
[文档] def eps(self, dtype: Type[np.number]) -> float: """ Return machine epsilon for given `dtype` Args: dtype: A dtype. Returns: float: Machine epsilon. """ return torchlib.finfo(dtype).eps