tensorcircuit.templates.blocks 源代码

Shortcuts for measurement patterns on circuit
# circuit in, circuit out
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import numpy as np

from .graphs import Grid2DCoord
from .. import gates as G
from ..circuit import Circuit as Circ
from ..cons import backend

Circuit = Any  # we don't use the real circuit class as too many mypy complains emerge
Tensor = Any
Graph = Any

[文档]def state_centric(f: Callable[..., Circuit]) -> Callable[..., Tensor]: """ Function decorator wraps the function with the first input and output in the format of circuit, the wrapped function has the first input and the output as the state tensor. :param f: Function with the fist input and the output as ``Circuit`` object. :type f: Callable[..., Circuit] :return: Wrapped function with the first input and the output as the state tensor correspondingly. :rtype: Callable[..., Tensor] """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(s: Tensor, *args: Any, **kws: Any) -> Tensor: n = backend.sizen(s) n = int(np.log2(n)) c = Circ(n, inputs=s) c = f(c, *args, **kws) s = c.state() return s return wrapper
[文档]def Bell_pair_block( c: Circuit, links: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = None ) -> Circuit: """ For each pair in links, the input product state |00> is transformed as (01>-|10>) :param c: Circuit in :type c: Circuit :param links: pairs indices for Bell pairs, defaults to None, corresponds to neighbor links :type links: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]], optional :return: Circuit out :rtype: Circuit """ # from |00> return |01>-|10> n = c._nqubits if links is None: links = [(i, i + 1) for i in range(0, n - 1, 2)] for a, b in links: c.X(a) c.H(a) c.cnot(a, b) c.X(b) return c
[文档]def Grid2D_entangling( c: Circuit, coord: Grid2DCoord, unitary: Tensor, params: Tensor, **kws: Any ) -> Circuit: i = 0 for a, b in coord.all_rows(): c.exp1(a, b, unitary=unitary, theta=params[i], **kws) i += 1 for a, b in coord.all_cols(): c.exp1(a, b, unitary=unitary, theta=params[i], **kws) i += 1 return c
[文档]def QAOA_block( c: Circuit, g: Graph, paramzz: Tensor, paramx: Tensor, **kws: Any ) -> Circuit: if backend.sizen(paramzz) == 1: for e1, e2 in g.edges: c.exp1( e1, e2, unitary=G._zz_matrix, theta=paramzz * g[e1][e2].get("weight", 1.0), **kws ) else: i = 0 for e1, e2 in g.edges: c.exp1(e1, e2, unitary=G._zz_matrix, theta=paramzz[i], **kws) i += 1 if backend.sizen(paramx) == 1: for n in g.nodes: c.rx(n, theta=paramx) else: i = 0 for n in g.nodes: c.rx(n, theta=paramx[i]) i += 1 return c
[文档]def example_block( c: Circuit, param: Tensor, nlayers: int = 2, is_split: bool = False ) -> Circuit: r""" The circuit ansatz is firstly one layer of Hadamard gates and then we have ``nlayers`` blocks of :math:`e^{i\theta Z_iZ_{i+1}}` two-qubit gate in ladder layout, following rx gate. :param c: The circuit :type c: Circuit :param param: paramter tensor with 2*nlayer*n elements :type param: Tensor :param nlayers: number of ZZ+RX blocks, defaults to 2 :type nlayers: int, optional :param is_split: whether use SVD split to reduce ZZ gate bond dimension, defaults to False :type is_split: bool, optional :return: The circuit with example ansatz attached :rtype: Circuit """ # used for test and demonstrations if is_split: split_conf = { "max_singular_values": 2, "fixed_choice": 1, } else: split_conf = None n = c._nqubits param = backend.reshape(param, [2 * nlayers, n]) for i in range(n): c.H(i) for j in range(nlayers): for i in range(n - 1): c.exp1( i, i + 1, unitary=G._zz_matrix, theta=param[2 * j, i], split=split_conf ) for i in range(n): c.rx(i, theta=param[2 * j + 1, i]) return c
[文档]def qft( c: Circuit, *index: int, do_swaps: bool = True, inverse: bool = False, insert_barriers: bool = False ) -> Circuit: """ This function applies quantum fourier transformation (QFT) to the selected circuit lines :param c: Circuit in :type c: Circuit :param *index: the indices of the circuit lines to apply QFT :type *index: List[int] :param do_swaps: Whether to include the final swaps in the QFT :type do_swaps: bool :param inverse: If True, the inverse Fourier transform is constructed :type inverse: bool :param insert_barriers: If True, barriers are inserted as visualization improvement :type insert_barriers: bool :return: Circuit c :rtype: Circuit """ assert len(set(index)) == len(index), "There should not be any repetitive qubits" if inverse: if do_swaps: for i in range(len(index) // 2): c.swap(index[i], index[len(index) - 1 - i]) for i in range(len(index) - 1, -1, -1): rotation = -np.pi / 2 for j in range(len(index) - 1, i, -1): c.cphase(index[j], index[i], theta=rotation) rotation /= 2 c.H(index[i]) if insert_barriers: c.barrier_instruction(range(min(index), max(index) + 1)) else: for i in range(len(index)): c.H(index[i]) rotation = np.pi / 2 for j in range(i + 1, len(index)): c.cphase(index[j], index[i], theta=rotation) rotation /= 2 if insert_barriers: c.barrier_instruction(range(min(index), max(index) + 1)) if do_swaps: for i in range(len(index) // 2): c.swap(index[i], index[len(index) - 1 - i]) return c