tensorcircuit.templates.ansatz 源代码

Shortcuts for reusable circuit ansatz

from typing import Any, List

from ..circuit import Circuit as Circ

Tensor = Any
Circuit = Any

[文档]def QAOA_ansatz_for_Ising( params: List[float], nlayers: int, pauli_terms: Tensor, weights: List[float], full_coupling: bool = False, mixer: str = "X", ) -> Circuit: """ Construct the QAOA ansatz for the Ising Model. The number of qubits is determined by `pauli_terms`. :param params: A list of parameter values used in the QAOA ansatz. :param nlayers: The number of layers in the QAOA ansatz. :pauli_terms: A list of Pauli terms, where each term is represented as a list of 0/1 series. :param weights: A list of weights corresponding to each Pauli term. :param full_coupling (optional): A flag indicating whether to use all-to-all coupling in mixers. Default is False. :paran mixer (optional): The mixer operator to use. Default is "X". The other options are "XY" and "ZZ". :return: QAOA ansatz for Ising model. """ nqubits = len(pauli_terms[0]) c: Any = Circ(nqubits) for i in range(nqubits): c.h(i) # Apply Hadamard gate to each qubit for j in range(nlayers): # cost terms for k, term in enumerate(pauli_terms): index_of_ones = [] for l in range(len(term)): if term[l] == 1: index_of_ones.append(l) if len(index_of_ones) == 1: c.rz(index_of_ones[0], theta=2 * weights[k] * params[2 * j]) # Apply Rz gate with angle determined by weight and current parameter value elif len(index_of_ones) == 2: c.rzz( index_of_ones[0], index_of_ones[1], theta=weights[k] * params[2 * j], ) # Apply exp1 gate with a custom unitary (zz_matrix) # and angle determined by weight and current parameter value else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of Z terms") # prepare the coupling map for mixer terms pairs = [] if full_coupling is False: for q0 in list(range(0, nqubits - 1, 2)) + list(range(1, nqubits - 1, 2)): pairs.append([q0, q0 + 1]) pairs.append([nqubits - 1, 0]) elif full_coupling is True: for q0 in range(nqubits - 1): for q1 in range(q0 + 1, nqubits): pairs.append([q0, q1]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid input.") # standard mixer if mixer == "X": for i in range(nqubits): c.rx( i, theta=params[2 * j + 1] ) # Apply Rx gate with angle determined by current parameter value # XY mixer elif mixer == "XY": for [q0, q1] in pairs: c.rxx(q0, q1, theta=params[2 * j + 1]) c.ryy(q0, q1, theta=params[2 * j + 1]) # ZZ mixer elif mixer == "ZZ": for [q0, q1] in pairs: c.rzz(q0, q1, theta=params[2 * j + 1]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid mixer type.") return c