tensorcircuit.results.counts 源代码

dict related functionalities
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np

Tensor = Any
ct = Dict[str, int]

# TODO(@refraction-ray): merge_count

[文档]def reverse_count(count: ct) -> ct: ncount = {} for k, v in count.items(): ncount[k[::-1]] = v return ncount
[文档]def sort_count(count: ct) -> ct: return {k: v for k, v in sorted(count.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1])}
[文档]def normalized_count(count: ct) -> Dict[str, float]: shots = sum([v for k, v in count.items()]) return {k: v / shots for k, v in count.items()}
[文档]def marginal_count(count: ct, keep_list: Sequence[int]) -> ct: import qiskit count = reverse_count(count) ncount = qiskit.result.utils.marginal_distribution(count, keep_list) return reverse_count(ncount)
[文档]def count2vec(count: ct, normalization: bool = True) -> Tensor: nqubit = len(list(count.keys())[0]) probability = [0] * 2**nqubit shots = sum([v for k, v in count.items()]) for k, v in count.items(): if normalization is True: v /= shots # type: ignore probability[int(k, 2)] = v return np.array(probability)
[文档]def vec2count(vec: Tensor, prune: bool = False) -> ct: from ..quantum import count_vector2dict if isinstance(vec, list): vec = np.array(vec) n = int(np.log(vec.shape[0]) / np.log(2) + 1e-9) c = count_vector2dict(vec, n, key="bin") if prune is True: nc = c.copy() for k, v in c.items(): if np.abs(v) < 1e-8: del nc[k] return nc return c
[文档]def kl_divergence(c1: ct, c2: ct) -> float: eps = 1e-4 # typical value for inverse of the total shots c1 = normalized_count(c1) # type: ignore c2 = normalized_count(c2) # type: ignore kl = 0 for k, v in c1.items(): kl += v * (np.log(v) - np.log(c2.get(k, eps))) return kl
[文档]def expectation( count: ct, z: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, diagonal_op: Optional[Tensor] = None ) -> float: """ compute diagonal operator expectation value from bit string count dictionary :param count: count dict for bitstring histogram :type count: ct :param z: if defaults as None, then ``diagonal_op`` must be set a list of qubit that we measure Z op on :type z: Optional[Sequence[int]] :param diagoal_op: shape [n, 2], explicitly indicate the diagonal op on each qubit eg. [1, -1] for z [1, 1] for I, etc. :type diagoal_op: Tensor :return: the expectation value :rtype: float """ if z is None and diagonal_op is None: raise ValueError("One of `z` and `diagonal_op` must be set") n = len(list(count.keys())[0]) if z is not None: diagonal_op = [[1, -1] if i in z else [1, 1] for i in range(n)] r = 0 shots = 0 for k, v in count.items(): cr = 1.0 for i in range(n): cr *= diagonal_op[i][int(k[i])] # type: ignore r += cr * v # type: ignore shots += v return r / shots
[文档]def plot_histogram(data: Any, **kws: Any) -> Any: """ See ``qiskit.visualization.plot_histogram``: https://qiskit.org/documentation/stubs/qiskit.visualization.plot_histogram.html interesting kw options include: ``number_to_keep`` (int) :param data: _description_ :type data: Any :return: _description_ :rtype: Any """ from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram return plot_histogram(data, **kws)