tensorcircuit.interfaces.torch 源代码

Interface wraps quantum function as a torch function

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple
from functools import partial

from ..cons import backend
from ..utils import is_sequence
from .tensortrans import general_args_to_backend

Tensor = Any

# TODO(@refraction-ray): new paradigm compatible with torch functional trasnformation

[文档]def torch_interface( fun: Callable[..., Any], jit: bool = False, enable_dlpack: bool = False ) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Wrap a quantum function on different ML backend with a pytorch interface. :Example: .. code-block:: python import torch tc.set_backend("tensorflow") def f(params): c = tc.Circuit(1) c.rx(0, theta=params[0]) c.ry(0, theta=params[1]) return c.expectation([tc.gates.z(), [0]]) f_torch = tc.interfaces.torch_interface(f, jit=True) a = torch.ones([2], requires_grad=True) b = f_torch(a) c = b ** 2 c.backward() print(a.grad) :param fun: The quantum function with tensor in and tensor out :type fun: Callable[..., Any] :param jit: whether to jit ``fun``, defaults to False :type jit: bool, optional :param enable_dlpack: whether transform tensor backend via dlpack, defaults to False :type enable_dlpack: bool, optional :return: The same quantum function but now with torch tensor in and torch tensor out while AD is also supported :rtype: Callable[..., Any] """ import torch def vjp_fun(x: Tensor, v: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: return backend.vjp(fun, x, v) if jit is True: fun = backend.jit(fun) vjp_fun = backend.jit(vjp_fun) class Fun(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx: Any, *x: Any) -> Any: # type: ignore # ctx.xdtype = [xi.dtype for xi in x] ctx.xdtype = backend.tree_map(lambda s: s.dtype, x) # (x, ) if len(ctx.xdtype) == 1: ctx.xdtype = ctx.xdtype[0] ctx.device = (backend.tree_flatten(x)[0][0]).device x = general_args_to_backend(x, enable_dlpack=enable_dlpack) y = fun(*x) ctx.ydtype = backend.tree_map(lambda s: s.dtype, y) if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] ctx.x = x y = general_args_to_backend( y, target_backend="pytorch", enable_dlpack=enable_dlpack ) y = backend.tree_map(lambda s: s.to(device=ctx.device), y) return y @staticmethod def backward(ctx: Any, *grad_y: Any) -> Any: if len(grad_y) == 1: grad_y = grad_y[0] grad_y = backend.tree_map(lambda s: s.contiguous(), grad_y) grad_y = general_args_to_backend( grad_y, dtype=ctx.ydtype, enable_dlpack=enable_dlpack ) # grad_y = general_args_to_numpy(grad_y) # grad_y = numpy_args_to_backend(grad_y, dtype=ctx.ydtype) # backend.dtype _, g = vjp_fun(ctx.x, grad_y) # a redundency due to current vjp API r = general_args_to_backend( g, dtype=ctx.xdtype, target_backend="pytorch", enable_dlpack=enable_dlpack, ) r = backend.tree_map(lambda s: s.to(device=ctx.device), r) if not is_sequence(r): return (r,) return r # currently, memory transparent dlpack in these ML framework has broken support on complex dtypes return Fun.apply
pytorch_interface = torch_interface
[文档]def torch_interface_kws( f: Callable[..., Any], jit: bool = True, enable_dlpack: bool = False ) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ similar to py:meth:`tensorcircuit.interfaces.torch.torch_interface`, but now the interface support static arguments for function ``f``, which is not a tensor and can be used with keyword arguments :Example: .. code-block:: python tc.set_backend("tensorflow") def f(tensor, integer): r = 0. for i in range(integer): r += tensor return r fnew = tc.interfaces.torch_interface_kws(f) print(fnew(torch.ones([2]), integer=3)) print(fnew(torch.ones([2]), integer=4)) :param f: _description_ :type f: Callable[..., Any] :param jit: _description_, defaults to True :type jit: bool, optional :param enable_dlpack: _description_, defaults to False :type enable_dlpack: bool, optional :return: _description_ :rtype: Callable[..., Any] """ cache_dict: Dict[Tuple[Any, ...], Callable[..., Any]] = {} def wrapper(*args: Any, **kws: Any) -> Any: key = tuple([(k, v) for k, v in kws.items()]) if key not in cache_dict: fnew = torch_interface( partial(f, **kws), jit=jit, enable_dlpack=enable_dlpack ) cache_dict[key] = fnew return cache_dict[key](*args) return wrapper