tensorcircuit.channels 源代码

Some common noise quantum channels.

import sys
from typing import Any, Sequence, Union, Optional, Dict
from functools import partial
import numpy as np

from . import cons
from . import interfaces
from .cons import backend, dtypestr
from . import gates
from .gates import array_to_tensor

thismodule = sys.modules[__name__]

Gate = gates.Gate
Tensor = Any
Matrix = Any

[文档]class KrausList(list): # type: ignore
[文档] def __init__(self, iterable, name, is_unitary): # type: ignore super().__init__(iterable) self.name = name self.is_unitary = is_unitary
def _sqrt(a: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Return the square root of Tensor with default global dtype .. math:: \sqrt{a} :param a: Tensor :type a: Tensor :return: Square root of Tensor :rtype: Tensor """ a = backend.convert_to_tensor(a) a = backend.cast(a, cons.rdtypestr) return backend.cast(backend.sqrt(a), dtype=cons.dtypestr) def _safe_sqrt(perfect_square: int) -> int: square_root = int(np.sqrt(perfect_square) + 1e-9) if square_root**2 != perfect_square: raise ValueError("The input must be a square number.") return square_root
[文档]def depolarizingchannel(px: float, py: float, pz: float) -> Sequence[Gate]: r""" Return a Depolarizing Channel .. math:: \sqrt{1-p_x-p_y-p_z} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \sqrt{p_x} \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \sqrt{p_y} \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1j\\ 1j & 0\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \sqrt{p_z} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & -1\\ \end{bmatrix} :Example: >>> cs = depolarizingchannel(0.1, 0.15, 0.2) >>> tc.channels.single_qubit_kraus_identity_check(cs) :param px: :math:`p_x` :type px: float :param py: :math:`p_y` :type py: float :param pz: :math:`p_z` :type pz: float :return: Sequences of Gates :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ # assert px + py + pz <= 1 i = Gate(_sqrt(1 - px - py - pz) * gates.i().tensor) # type: ignore x = Gate(_sqrt(px) * gates.x().tensor) # type: ignore y = Gate(_sqrt(py) * gates.y().tensor) # type: ignore z = Gate(_sqrt(pz) * gates.z().tensor) # type: ignore return KrausList([i, x, y, z], name="depolarizing", is_unitary=True)
[文档]def isotropicdepolarizingchannel(p: float, num_qubits: int = 1) -> Sequence[Gate]: r""" Return an isotropic depolarizing channel. .. math:: \mathcal{E}(\rho) = (1 - p)\rho + p/(4^n-1)\sum_j P_j \rho P_j where $n$ is the number of qubits and $P_j$ are $n$-qubit Pauli strings except $I$. Or alternatively .. math:: \mathcal{E}(\rho) = \frac{4^n}{4^n-1}p \frac{I}{2} + (1 - \frac{4^n}{4^n-1}p) \rho .. note:: The definition of ``p`` in this method is different from :func:`generaldepolarizingchannel`. :Example: >>> cs = tc.channels.isotropicdepolarizingchannel(0.30,2) >>> tc.channels.kraus_identity_check(cs) :param p: error probability :type p: float :param num_qubits: number of qubits, defaults 1 :type num_qubits: int, optional :return: Sequences of Gates :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ real_p = p / (4**num_qubits - 1) return generaldepolarizingchannel(real_p, num_qubits)
[文档]def generaldepolarizingchannel( p: Union[float, Sequence[float]], num_qubits: int = 1 ) -> Sequence[Gate]: r""" Return a depolarizing channel. If :math:`p` is a float number, the one qubit channel is .. math:: \mathcal{E}(\rho) = (1 - 3p)\rho + p(X\rho X + Y\rho Y + Z\rho Z) Or alternatively .. math:: \mathcal{E}(\rho) = 4p \frac{I}{2} + (1 - 4p) \rho .. note:: The definition of ``p`` in this method is different from :func:`isotropicdepolarizingchannel`. And if :math:`p` is a sequence, the one qubit channel is .. math:: \mathcal{E}(\rho) = (1 - \sum_i p_i) \rho + p_1 X\rho X + p_2 Y\rho Y + p_3 \rho Z The logic for two-qubit or more-qubit channel follows similarly. :Example: >>> cs = tc.channels.generaldepolarizingchannel([0.1,0.1,0.1],1) >>> tc.channels.kraus_identity_check(cs) >>> cs = tc.channels.generaldepolarizingchannel(0.02,2) >>> tc.channels.kraus_identity_check(cs) :param p: parameter for each Pauli channel :type p: Union[float, Sequence] :param num_qubits: number of qubits, defaults 1 :type num_qubits: int, optional :return: Sequences of Gates :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ m = 4**num_qubits - 1 if isinstance(p, float): probs = [1 - m * p] + m * [p] elif isinstance(p, Sequence): if not len(p) == m: raise ValueError(f"Invalid probability input {p}") probs = [1 - sum(p)] + list(p) else: raise ValueError("p should be float or list") if not np.all(np.array(probs) >= 0): raise ValueError(f"Invalid probability input {p}") paulis = [gates.i().tensor, gates.x().tensor, gates.y().tensor, gates.z().tensor] # type: ignore tup = paulis for _ in range(num_qubits - 1): old_tup = tup tup = [] for pauli in paulis: for term in old_tup: mat = np.kron(pauli, term).reshape([2, 2] * num_qubits) tup.append(mat) assert len(tup) == len(probs) Gkarus = [] for pro, paugate in zip(probs, tup): Gkarus.append(Gate(_sqrt(pro) * paugate)) return KrausList(Gkarus, name="depolarizing", is_unitary=True)
[文档]def amplitudedampingchannel(gamma: float, p: float) -> Sequence[Gate]: r""" Return an amplitude damping channel. Notice: Amplitude damping corrspondings to p = 1. .. math:: \sqrt{p} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & \sqrt{1-\gamma}\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \sqrt{p} \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \sqrt{\gamma}\\ 0 & 0\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \sqrt{1-p} \begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{1-\gamma} & 0\\ 0 & 1\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \sqrt{1-p} \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0\\ \sqrt{\gamma} & 0\\ \end{bmatrix} :Example: >>> cs = amplitudedampingchannel(0.25, 0.3) >>> tc.channels.single_qubit_kraus_identity_check(cs) :param gamma: the damping parameter of amplitude (:math:`\gamma`) :type gamma: float :param p: :math:`p` :type p: float :return: An amplitude damping channel with given :math:`\gamma` and :math:`p` :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ # https://cirq.readthedocs.io/en/stable/docs/noise.html # https://github.com/quantumlib/Cirq/blob/master/cirq/ops/common_channels.py g00 = Gate(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) g01 = Gate(np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) g10 = Gate(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) g11 = Gate(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) m0 = _sqrt(p) * (g00 + _sqrt(1 - gamma) * g11) m1 = _sqrt(p) * (_sqrt(gamma) * g01) m2 = _sqrt(1 - p) * (_sqrt(1 - gamma) * g00 + g11) m3 = _sqrt(1 - p) * (_sqrt(gamma) * g10) return KrausList([m0, m1, m2, m3], name="amplitude_damping", is_unitary=False)
[文档]def resetchannel() -> Sequence[Gate]: r""" Reset channel .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0\\ \end{bmatrix} :Example: >>> cs = resetchannel() >>> tc.channels.single_qubit_kraus_identity_check(cs) :return: Reset channel :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ m0 = Gate(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) m1 = Gate(np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) return KrausList([m0, m1], name="reset", is_unitary=False)
[文档]def phasedampingchannel(gamma: float) -> Sequence[Gate]: r""" Return a phase damping channel with given :math:`\gamma` .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & \sqrt{1-\gamma}\\ \end{bmatrix}\qquad \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0\\ 0 & \sqrt{\gamma}\\ \end{bmatrix} :Example: >>> cs = phasedampingchannel(0.6) >>> tc.channels.single_qubit_kraus_identity_check(cs) :param gamma: The damping parameter of phase (:math:`\gamma`) :type gamma: float :return: A phase damping channel with given :math:`\gamma` :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ g00 = Gate(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) g11 = Gate(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=cons.npdtype)) m0 = 1.0 * (g00 + _sqrt(1 - gamma) * g11) # 1* ensure gate m1 = _sqrt(gamma) * g11 return KrausList([m0, m1], name="phase_damping", is_unitary=False)
[文档]def thermalrelaxationchannel( t1: float, t2: float, time: float, method: str = "ByChoi", excitedstatepopulation: float = 0.0, ) -> Sequence[Gate]: r""" Return a thermal_relaxation_channel :Example: >>> cs = thermalrelaxationchannel(100,200,100,"AUTO",0.1) >>> tc.channels.single_qubit_kraus_identity_check(cs) :param t1: the T1 relaxation time. :type t1: float :param t2: the T2 dephasing time. :type t2: float :param time: gate time :type time: float :param method: method to express error (default: "ByChoi"). When :math:`T1>T2`, choose method "ByKraus" or "ByChoi" for jit. When :math:`T1<T2`,choose method "ByChoi" for jit. Users can also set method as "AUTO" and never mind the relative magnitude of :math:`T1,T2`, which is not jitable. :type time: str :param excitedstatepopulation: the population of state :math:`|1\rangle` at equilibrium (default: 0) :type excited_state_population: float, optional :return: A thermal_relaxation_channel :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ t1 = backend.cast(array_to_tensor(t1), dtype=cons.dtypestr) t2 = backend.cast(array_to_tensor(t2), dtype=cons.dtypestr) time = backend.cast(array_to_tensor(time), dtype=cons.dtypestr) # T1 relaxation rate: :math:`|1\rangle \rightarrow \0\rangle` rate1 = 1.0 / t1 p_reset = 1 - backend.exp(-time * rate1) # T2 dephasing rate: :math:`|+\rangle \rightarrow \-\rangle` rate2 = 1.0 / t2 exp_t2 = backend.exp(-time * rate2) # Qubit state equilibrium probabilities p0 = 1 - excitedstatepopulation p1 = excitedstatepopulation p0 = backend.cast(array_to_tensor(p0), dtype=cons.dtypestr) p1 = backend.cast(array_to_tensor(p1), dtype=cons.dtypestr) if method == "ByKraus" or ( method == "AUTO" and backend.real(t1) > backend.real(t2) ): # jit avaliable m0 = backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype) ) # reset channel m1 = backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype) ) # reset channel m2 = backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype) ) # X gate + rest channel m3 = backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=cons.npdtype) ) # X gate + rest channel tup = [ gates.i().tensor, # type: ignore gates.z().tensor, # type: ignore m0, m1, m2, m3, ] p_reset0 = p_reset * p0 p_reset1 = p_reset * p1 p_z = ( (1 - p_reset) * (1 - backend.exp(-time * (rate2 - rate1))) / 2 ) # must have rate2 > rate1 p_identity = 1 - p_z - p_reset0 - p_reset1 probs = [p_identity, p_z, p_reset0, p_reset0, p_reset1, p_reset1] Gkraus = [] for pro, paugate in zip(probs, tup): Gkraus.append(Gate(_sqrt(pro) * paugate)) return KrausList(Gkraus, name="thermal_relaxation", is_unitary=False) elif method == "ByChoi" or ( method == "AUTO" and backend.real(t2) >= backend.real(t1) ): # jit avaliable choi = (1 - p1 * p_reset) * backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array( [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype, ) ) choi += (exp_t2) * backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array( [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype, ) ) choi += (p1 * p_reset) * backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array( [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype, ) ) choi += (p0 * p_reset) * backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array( [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=cons.npdtype, ) ) choi += (1 - p0 * p_reset) * backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array( [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=cons.npdtype, ) ) nmax = 4 if ( np.abs(excitedstatepopulation - 0.0) < 1e-3 or np.abs(excitedstatepopulation - 1.0) < 1e-3 ): nmax = 3 listKraus = choi_to_kraus(choi, truncation_rules={"max_singular_values": nmax}) Gatelist = [Gate(i) for i in listKraus] return KrausList(Gatelist, name="thermal_relaxation", is_unitary=False) else: raise ValueError("No valid method is provided")
def _collect_channels() -> Sequence[str]: r""" Return channels names in this module. :Example: >>> tc.channels._collect_channels() ['amplitudedamping', 'depolarizing', 'phasedamping', 'reset'] :return: A list of channel names :rtype: Sequence[str] """ cs = [] for name in dir(thismodule): if name.endswith("channel"): n = name[:-7] cs.append(n) return cs channels = _collect_channels() # channels = ["depolarizing", "amplitudedamping", "reset", "phasedamping"]
[文档]def kraus_identity_check(kraus: Sequence[Gate]) -> None: r""" Check identity of Kraus operators. .. math:: \sum_{k}^{} K_k^{\dagger} K_k = I :Examples: >>> cs = resetchannel() >>> tc.channels.kraus_identity_check(cs) :param kraus: List of Kraus operators. :type kraus: Sequence[Gate] """ dim = backend.shape_tuple(kraus[0].tensor) dim2 = int(2 ** (len(dim) / 2)) shape = (dim2, dim2) placeholder = backend.zeros(shape) placeholder = backend.cast(placeholder, dtype=cons.dtypestr) for k in kraus: k = Gate(backend.reshape(k.tensor, [dim2, dim2])) placeholder += backend.conj(backend.transpose(k.tensor, [1, 0])) @ k.tensor np.testing.assert_allclose(placeholder, np.eye(int(shape[0])), atol=1e-5)
single_qubit_kraus_identity_check = kraus_identity_check # backward compatibility
[文档]def kraus_to_super_gate(kraus_list: Sequence[Gate]) -> Tensor: r""" Convert Kraus operators to one Tensor (as one Super Gate). .. math:: \sum_{k}^{} K_k \otimes K_k^{*} :param kraus_list: A sequence of Gate :type kraus_list: Sequence[Gate] :return: The corresponding Tensor of the list of Kraus operators :rtype: Tensor """ kraus_tensor_list = [k.tensor for k in kraus_list] kraus_tensor_list = [backend.reshapem(k) for k in kraus_tensor_list] k = kraus_tensor_list[0] u = backend.kron(k, backend.conj(k)) for k in kraus_tensor_list[1:]: u += backend.kron(k, backend.conj(k)) return u
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def kraus_to_super(kraus_list: Sequence[Matrix]) -> Matrix: r""" Convert Kraus operator representation to Louivile-Superoperator representation. In the col-vec basis, the evolution of a state :math:`\rho` in terms of tensor components of superoperator :math:`\varepsilon` can be expressed as .. math:: \rho'_{mn} = \sum_{\mu \nu}^{} \varepsilon_{nm,\nu \mu} \rho_{\mu \nu} The superoperator :math:`\varepsilon` must make the dynamic map from :math:`\rho` to :math:`\rho'` to satisfy hermitian-perserving (HP), trace-preserving (TP), and completely positive (CP). We can construct the superoperator from Kraus operators by .. math:: \varepsilon = \sum_{k} K_k^{*} \otimes K_k :Examples: >>> kraus = resetchannel() >>> tc.channels.kraus_to_super(kraus) :param kraus_list: A sequence of Gate :type kraus_list: Sequence[Gate] :return: The corresponding Tensor of Superoperator :rtype: Matrix """ k = kraus_list[0] u = backend.kron(backend.conj(k), k) for k in kraus_list[1:]: u += backend.kron(backend.conj(k), k) return u
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def super_to_choi(superop: Matrix) -> Matrix: r""" Convert Louivile-Superoperator representation to Choi representation. In the col-vec basis, the evolution of a state :math:`\rho` in terms of Choi matrix :math:`\Lambda` can be expressed as .. math:: \rho'_{mn} = \sum_{\mu,\nu}^{} \Lambda_{\mu m,\nu n} \rho_{\mu \nu} The Choi matrix :math:`\Lambda` must make the dynamic map from :math:`\rho` to :math:`\rho'` to satisfy hermitian-perserving (HP), trace-preserving (TP), and completely positive (CP). Interms of tensor components we have the relationship of Louivile-Superoperator representation and Choi representation .. math:: \Lambda_{mn,\mu \nu} = \varepsilon_{\nu n,\mu m} :Examples: >>> kraus = resetchannel() >>> superop = tc.channels.kraus_to_super(kraus) >>> tc.channels.super_to_choi(superop) :param superop: Superoperator :type superop: Matrix :return: Choi matrix :rtype: Matrix """ return reshuffle(superop, (3, 1, 2, 0))
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def reshuffle(op: Matrix, order: Sequence[int]) -> Matrix: """ Reshuffle the dimension index of a matrix. :param op: Input matrix :type op: Matrix :param order: required order :type order: Tuple :return: Reshuffled matrix :rtype: Matrix """ dim = backend.shape_tuple(op) input_dim = _safe_sqrt(dim[0]) output_dim = _safe_sqrt(dim[1]) shape = (output_dim, output_dim, input_dim, input_dim) return backend.reshape( backend.transpose(backend.reshape(op, shape), order), (shape[order[0]] * shape[order[1]], shape[order[2]] * shape[order[3]]), )
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def choi_to_kraus( choi: Matrix, truncation_rules: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Matrix: r""" Convert the Choi matrix representation to Kraus operator representation. This can be done by firstly geting eigen-decomposition of Choi-matrix .. math:: \Lambda = \sum_k \gamma_k \vert \phi_k \rangle \langle \phi_k \vert Then define Kraus operators .. math:: K_k = \sqrt{\gamma_k} V_k where :math:`\gamma_k\geq0` and :math:`\phi_k` is the col-val vectorization of :math:`V_k` . :Examples: >>> kraus = tc.channels.phasedampingchannel(0.2) >>> superop = tc.channels.kraus_to_choi(kraus) >>> kraus_new = tc.channels.choi_to_kraus(superop, truncation_rules={"max_singular_values":3}) :param choi: Choi matrix :type choi: Matrix :param truncation_rules: A dictionary to restrict the calculation of kraus matrices. The restriction can be the number of kraus terms, which is jitable. It can also be the truncattion error, which is not jitable. :type truncation_rules: Dictionary :return: A list of Kraus operators :rtype: Sequence[Matrix] """ dim = backend.shape_tuple(choi) input_dim = _safe_sqrt(dim[0]) output_dim = _safe_sqrt(dim[1]) # Get eigen-decomposition of Choi-matrix e, v = backend.eigh(choi) # value of e is from minimal to maxmal e = backend.real(e) v = backend.transpose(v) # CP-map Kraus representation kraus = [] if truncation_rules is None: truncation_rules = {} if truncation_rules.get("max_singular_values", None) is not None: nkraus = truncation_rules["max_singular_values"] for i in range(nkraus): k = backend.sqrt(backend.cast(e[-(i + 1)], dtypestr)) * backend.transpose( backend.reshape(v[-(i + 1)], [output_dim, input_dim]), [1, 0] ) kraus.append(k) else: if truncation_rules.get("max_truncattion_err", None) is None: atol = 1e-5 else: atol = truncation_rules["max_truncattion_err"] for i in range(dim[0]): if e[-(i + 1)] > atol: k = backend.sqrt( backend.cast(e[-(i + 1)], dtypestr) ) * backend.transpose( backend.reshape(v[-(i + 1)], [output_dim, input_dim]), [1, 0] ) kraus.append(k) if not kraus: kraus.append(backend.zeros([output_dim, input_dim], dtype=dtypestr)) return kraus
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def kraus_to_choi(kraus_list: Sequence[Matrix]) -> Matrix: """ Convert from Kraus representation to Choi representation. :param kraus_list: A list Kraus operators :type kraus_list: Sequence[Matrix] :return: Choi matrix :rtype: Matrix """ superop = kraus_to_super(kraus_list) return super_to_choi(superop)
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def choi_to_super(choi: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Convert from Choi representation to Superoperator representation. :param choi: Choi matrix :type choi: Matrix :return: Superoperator :rtype: Matrix """ return super_to_choi(choi)
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def super_to_kraus(superop: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Convert from Superoperator representation to Kraus representation. :param superop: Superoperator :type superop: Matrix :return: A list of Kraus operator :rtype: Matrix """ choi = super_to_choi(superop) return choi_to_kraus(choi)
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, # type: ignore argnums=[0], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def is_hermitian_matrix(mat: Matrix, rtol: float = 1e-8, atol: float = 1e-5): """ Test if an array is a Hermitian matrix :param mat: Matrix :type mat: Matrix :param rtol: _description_, defaults to 1e-8 :type rtol: float, optional :param atol: _description_, defaults to 1e-5 :type atol: float, optional :return: _description_ :rtype: _type_ """ if len(backend.shape_tuple(mat)) != 2: return False return np.allclose( mat, backend.conj(backend.transpose(mat, [1, 0])), rtol=rtol, atol=atol )
[文档]def krausgate_to_krausmatrix(kraus_list: Sequence[Gate]) -> Sequence[Matrix]: """ Convert Kraus of Gate form to Matrix form. :param kraus_list: A list of Kraus :type kraus_list: Sequence[Gate] :return: A list of Kraus operators :rtype: Sequence[Matrix] """ if isinstance(kraus_list[0], Gate): dim = backend.shape_tuple(kraus_list[0].tensor) dim2 = int(2 ** (len(dim) / 2)) return [backend.reshape(k.tensor, [dim2, dim2]) for k in kraus_list] else: return kraus_list
[文档]def krausmatrix_to_krausgate(kraus_list: Sequence[Matrix]) -> Sequence[Gate]: """ Convert Kraus of Matrix form to Gate form. :param kraus_list: A list of Kraus :type kraus_list: Sequence[Matrix] :return: A list of Kraus operators :rtype: Sequence[Gate] """ if isinstance(kraus_list[0], Gate): return kraus_list newkraus = [backend.reshape2(k) for k in kraus_list] return [Gate(k) for k in newkraus]
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0, 1], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def evol_kraus(density_matrix: Matrix, kraus_list: Sequence[Matrix]) -> Matrix: r""" The dynamic evolution according to Kraus operators. .. math:: \rho' = \sum_{k} K_k \rho K_k^{\dagger} :Examples: >>> density_matrix = np.array([[0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.5]]) >>> kraus = tc.channels.phasedampingchannel(0.2) >>> evol_kraus(density_matrix,kraus) :param density_matrix: Initial density matrix :type density_matrix: Matrix :param kraus_list: A list of Kraus operator :type kraus_list: Sequence[Matrix] :return: Final density matrix :rtype: Matrix """ final_density_matrix = 0 for k in kraus_list: mid = k @ density_matrix @ backend.conj(backend.transpose(k, [1, 0])) final_density_matrix += mid return final_density_matrix
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, argnums=[0, 1], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def evol_superop(density_matrix: Matrix, superop: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ The dynamic evolution according to Superoperator. :Examples: >>> density_matrix = np.array([[0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.5]]) >>> kraus = tc.channels.phasedampingchannel(0.2) >>> superop = kraus_to_super(kraus) >>> evol_superop(density_matrix,superop) :param density_matrix: Initial density matrix :type density_matrix: Matrix :param superop: Superoperator :type superop: Sequence[Matrix] :return: Final density matrix :rtype: Matrix """ dim = backend.shape_tuple(density_matrix) density_vec = backend.reshape(density_matrix, [dim[0] ** 2, 1]) superoprow = reshuffle(superop, (1, 0, 3, 2)) final_density_vec = superoprow @ density_vec return backend.reshape(final_density_vec, dim)
[文档]@partial( interfaces.args_to_tensor, # type: ignore argnums=[0, 1], gate_to_tensor=True, ) def check_rep_transformation( kraus: Sequence[Gate], density_matrix: Matrix, verbose: bool = False ): """ Check the convertation between those representations. :param kraus: A sequence of Gate :type kraus: Sequence[Gate] :param density_matrix: Initial density matrix :type density_matrix: Matrix :param verbose: Whether print Kraus and new Kraus operators, defaults to False :type verbose: bool, optional """ # from kraus to choi choi = kraus_to_choi(kraus) # from choi to kraus2 # choi = backend.convert_to_tensor(choi) kraus2 = choi_to_kraus(choi) # from kraus2 to choi2 choi2 = kraus_to_choi(kraus2) if verbose: print("kraus:", kraus) print("kraus_new", kraus2) print("test identity from kraus/choi to superop") superop = kraus_to_super(kraus) superop2 = choi_to_super(choi) np.testing.assert_allclose(superop, superop2, atol=1e-5) # cheack kraus2 satisfy identity print("test normaliztion of kraus_new") krausg = krausmatrix_to_krausgate(kraus2) kraus_identity_check(krausg) # cheack choi2 equals to choi print("test identity of choi and choi_new") np.testing.assert_allclose(choi, choi2, atol=1e-5) # cheack evolution print("test evolution identity of kraus and kraus_new") density_matrix1 = evol_kraus(density_matrix, kraus) density_matrix2 = evol_kraus(density_matrix, kraus2) np.testing.assert_allclose(density_matrix1, density_matrix2, atol=1e-5) print("test evolution identity of kraus and superop") density_matrix3 = evol_superop(density_matrix, superop) np.testing.assert_allclose(density_matrix1, density_matrix3, atol=1e-5)
[文档]def composedkraus(kraus1: KrausList, kraus2: KrausList) -> KrausList: """ Compose the noise channels :param kraus1: One noise channel :type kraus1: KrausList :param kraus2: Another noise channel :type kraus2: KrausList :return: Composed nosie channel :rtype: KrausList """ new_kraus = [] for i in kraus1: for j in kraus2: k = Gate(backend.reshapem(i.tensor) @ backend.reshapem(j.tensor)) new_kraus.append(k) return KrausList( new_kraus, name=kraus1.name + "_" + kraus2.name, is_unitary=kraus1.is_unitary and kraus2.is_unitary, )