tensorcircuit.basecircuit 源代码

Quantum circuit: common methods for all circuit classes as MixIn
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import graphviz
import tensornetwork as tn

from . import gates
from .quantum import (
from .abstractcircuit import AbstractCircuit
from .cons import npdtype, backend, dtypestr, contractor, rdtypestr
from .simplify import _split_two_qubit_gate
from .utils import arg_alias

Gate = gates.Gate
Tensor = Any

[文档]class BaseCircuit(AbstractCircuit): _nodes: List[tn.Node] _front: List[tn.Edge] is_dm: bool split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] is_mps = False
[文档] @staticmethod def all_zero_nodes(n: int, d: int = 2, prefix: str = "qb-") -> List[tn.Node]: l = [0.0 for _ in range(d)] l[0] = 1.0 nodes = [ tn.Node( np.array( l, dtype=npdtype, ), name=prefix + str(x), ) for x in range(n) ] return nodes
[文档] @staticmethod def front_from_nodes(nodes: List[tn.Node]) -> List[tn.Edge]: return [n.get_edge(0) for n in nodes]
[文档] @staticmethod def coloring_nodes( nodes: Sequence[tn.Node], is_dagger: bool = False, flag: str = "inputs" ) -> None: for node in nodes: node.is_dagger = is_dagger node.flag = flag node.id = id(node)
[文档] @staticmethod def coloring_copied_nodes( nodes: Sequence[tn.Node], nodes0: Sequence[tn.Node], is_dagger: bool = True, flag: str = "inputs", ) -> None: for node, n0 in zip(nodes, nodes0): node.is_dagger = is_dagger node.flag = flag node.id = getattr(n0, "id", id(n0))
[文档] @staticmethod def copy_nodes( nodes: Sequence[tn.Node], dangling: Optional[Sequence[tn.Edge]] = None, conj: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Tuple[List[tn.Node], List[tn.Edge]]: """ copy all nodes and dangling edges correspondingly :return: """ ndict, edict = tn.copy(nodes, conjugate=conj) newnodes = [] for n in nodes: newn = ndict[n] newn.is_dagger = conj newn.flag = getattr(n, "flag", "") + "copy" newn.id = getattr(n, "id", id(n)) newnodes.append(newn) newfront = [] if not dangling: dangling = [] for n in nodes: dangling.extend([e for e in n]) for e in dangling: newfront.append(edict[e]) return newnodes, newfront
def _copy( self, conj: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Tuple[List[tn.Node], List[tn.Edge]]: return self.copy_nodes(self._nodes, self._front, conj)
[文档] def apply_general_gate( self, gate: Union[Gate, QuOperator], *index: int, name: Optional[str] = None, split: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, mpo: bool = False, ir_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: if name is None: name = "" gate_dict = { "gate": gate, "index": index, "name": name, "split": split, "mpo": mpo, } if ir_dict is not None: ir_dict.update(gate_dict) else: ir_dict = gate_dict self._qir.append(ir_dict) assert len(index) == len(set(index)) index = tuple([i if i >= 0 else self._nqubits + i for i in index]) noe = len(index) nq = self._nqubits applied = False split_conf = None if split is not None: split_conf = split elif self.split is not None: split_conf = self.split if not mpo: assert isinstance(gate, tn.Node) if (split_conf is not None) and noe == 2: results = _split_two_qubit_gate(gate, **split_conf) # max_err cannot be jax jitted if results is not None: n1, n2, is_swap = results self.coloring_nodes([n1, n2], flag="gate") # n1.flag = "gate" # n1.is_dagger = False n1.name = name # n1.id = id(n1) # n2.flag = "gate" # n2.is_dagger = False # n2.id = id(n2) n2.name = name if is_swap is False: n1[1] ^ self._front[index[0]] n2[2] ^ self._front[index[1]] self._nodes.append(n1) self._nodes.append(n2) self._front[index[0]] = n1[0] self._front[index[1]] = n2[1] if self.is_dm: [n1l, n2l], _ = self.copy_nodes([n1, n2], conj=True) n1l[1] ^ self._front[index[0] + nq] n2l[2] ^ self._front[index[1] + nq] self._nodes.append(n1l) self._nodes.append(n2l) self._front[index[0] + nq] = n1l[0] self._front[index[1] + nq] = n2l[1] else: n2[2] ^ self._front[index[0]] n1[1] ^ self._front[index[1]] self._nodes.append(n1) self._nodes.append(n2) self._front[index[0]] = n1[0] self._front[index[1]] = n2[1] if self.is_dm: [n1l, n2l], _ = self.copy_nodes([n1, n2], conj=True) n2l[1] ^ self._front[index[0] + nq] n1l[2] ^ self._front[index[1] + nq] self._nodes.append(n1l) self._nodes.append(n2l) self._front[index[0] + nq] = n1l[0] self._front[index[1] + nq] = n2l[1] applied = True if applied is False: gate.name = name self.coloring_nodes([gate]) # gate.flag = "gate" # gate.is_dagger = False # gate.id = id(gate) self._nodes.append(gate) if self.is_dm: lgates, _ = self.copy_nodes([gate], conj=True) lgate = lgates[0] self._nodes.append(lgate) for i, ind in enumerate(index): gate.get_edge(i + noe) ^ self._front[ind] self._front[ind] = gate.get_edge(i) if self.is_dm: lgate.get_edge(i + noe) ^ self._front[ind + nq] self._front[ind + nq] = lgate.get_edge(i) else: # gate in MPO format assert isinstance(gate, QuOperator) gatec = gate.copy() for n in gatec.nodes: n.flag = "gate" n.is_dagger = False n.id = id(gate) n.name = name self._nodes += gatec.nodes if self.is_dm: gateconj = gate.adjoint() for n0, n in zip(gatec.nodes, gateconj.nodes): n.flag = "gate" n.is_dagger = True n.id = id(n0) n.name = name self._nodes += gateconj.nodes for i, ind in enumerate(index): gatec.in_edges[i] ^ self._front[ind] self._front[ind] = gatec.out_edges[i] if self.is_dm: gateconj.out_edges[i] ^ self._front[ind + nq] self._front[ind + nq] = gateconj.in_edges[i] self.state_tensor = None # refresh the state cache
apply = apply_general_gate def _copy_state_tensor( self, conj: bool = False, reuse: bool = True ) -> Tuple[List[tn.Node], List[tn.Edge]]: if reuse: t = getattr(self, "state_tensor", None) if t is None: nodes, d_edges = self._copy() t = contractor(nodes, output_edge_order=d_edges) setattr(self, "state_tensor", t) ndict, edict = tn.copy([t], conjugate=conj) newnodes = [] newnodes.append(ndict[t]) newfront = [] for e in t.edges: newfront.append(edict[e]) return newnodes, newfront return self._copy(conj)
[文档] def expectation_before( self, *ops: Tuple[tn.Node, List[int]], reuse: bool = True, **kws: Any, ) -> List[tn.Node]: """ Get the tensor network in the form of a list of nodes for the expectation calculation before the real contraction :param reuse: _description_, defaults to True :type reuse: bool, optional :raises ValueError: _description_ :return: _description_ :rtype: List[tn.Node] """ nq = self._nqubits if self.is_dm is True: nodes, newdang = self._copy_state_tensor(reuse=reuse) else: nodes1, edge1 = self._copy_state_tensor(reuse=reuse) nodes2, edge2 = self._copy_state_tensor(conj=True, reuse=reuse) nodes = nodes1 + nodes2 newdang = edge1 + edge2 occupied = set() for op, index in ops: if not isinstance(op, tn.Node): # op is only a matrix op = backend.reshape2(op) op = backend.cast(op, dtype=dtypestr) op = gates.Gate(op) else: op.tensor = backend.cast(op.tensor, dtype=dtypestr) if isinstance(index, int): index = [index] index = tuple([i if i >= 0 else self._nqubits + i for i in index]) # type: ignore noe = len(index) for j, e in enumerate(index): if e in occupied: raise ValueError("Cannot measure two operators in one index") newdang[e + nq] ^ op.get_edge(j) newdang[e] ^ op.get_edge(j + noe) occupied.add(e) self.coloring_nodes([op], flag="operator") # op.flag = "operator" # op.is_dagger = False # op.id = id(op) nodes.append(op) for j in range(nq): if j not in occupied: # edge1[j].is_dangling invalid here! newdang[j] ^ newdang[j + nq] return nodes
[文档] def to_qir(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Return the quantum intermediate representation of the circuit. :Example: .. code-block:: python >>> c = tc.Circuit(2) >>> c.CNOT(0, 1) >>> c.to_qir() [{'gatef': cnot, 'gate': Gate( name: 'cnot', tensor: array([[[[1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]], [[0.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]]], [[[0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 1.+0.j]], [[0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]]]], dtype=complex64), edges: [ Edge(Dangling Edge)[0], Edge(Dangling Edge)[1], Edge('cnot'[2] -> 'qb-1'[0] ), Edge('cnot'[3] -> 'qb-2'[0] ) ]), 'index': (0, 1), 'name': 'cnot', 'split': None, 'mpo': False}] :return: The quantum intermediate representation of the circuit. :rtype: List[Dict[str, Any]] """ return self._qir
[文档] def perfect_sampling(self, status: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tuple[str, float]: """ Sampling bistrings from the circuit output based on quantum amplitudes. Reference: arXiv:1201.3974. :param status: external randomness, with shape [nqubits], defaults to None :type status: Optional[Tensor] :return: Sampled bit string and the corresponding theoretical probability. :rtype: Tuple[str, float] """ return self.measure_jit(*range(self._nqubits), with_prob=True, status=status)
[文档] def measure_jit( self, *index: int, with_prob: bool = False, status: Optional[Tensor] = None ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Take measurement to the given quantum lines. This method is jittable is and about 100 times faster than unjit version! :param index: Measure on which quantum line. :type index: int :param with_prob: If true, theoretical probability is also returned. :type with_prob: bool, optional :param status: external randomness, with shape [index], defaults to None :type status: Optional[Tensor] :return: The sample output and probability (optional) of the quantum line. :rtype: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] """ # finally jit compatible ! and much faster than unjit version ! (100x) sample: List[Tensor] = [] p = 1.0 p = backend.convert_to_tensor(p) p = backend.cast(p, dtype=rdtypestr) for k, j in enumerate(index): if self.is_dm is False: nodes1, edge1 = self._copy() nodes2, edge2 = self._copy(conj=True) newnodes = nodes1 + nodes2 else: newnodes, newfront = self._copy() nfront = len(newfront) // 2 edge2 = newfront[nfront:] edge1 = newfront[:nfront] for i, e in enumerate(edge1): if i != j: e ^ edge2[i] for i in range(k): m = (1 - sample[i]) * gates.array_to_tensor(np.array([1, 0])) + sample[ i ] * gates.array_to_tensor(np.array([0, 1])) newnodes.append(Gate(m)) newnodes[-1].id = id(newnodes[-1]) newnodes[-1].is_dagger = False newnodes[-1].flag = "measurement" newnodes[-1].get_edge(0) ^ edge1[index[i]] newnodes.append(Gate(m)) newnodes[-1].id = id(newnodes[-1]) newnodes[-1].is_dagger = True newnodes[-1].flag = "measurement" newnodes[-1].get_edge(0) ^ edge2[index[i]] rho = ( 1 / backend.cast(p, dtypestr) * contractor(newnodes, output_edge_order=[edge1[j], edge2[j]]).tensor ) pu = backend.real(rho[0, 0]) if status is None: r = backend.implicit_randu()[0] else: r = status[k] r = backend.real(backend.cast(r, dtypestr)) eps = 0.31415926 * 1e-12 sign = backend.sign(r - pu + eps) / 2 + 0.5 # in case status is exactly 0.5 sign = backend.convert_to_tensor(sign) sign = backend.cast(sign, dtype=rdtypestr) sign_complex = backend.cast(sign, dtypestr) sample.append(sign_complex) p = p * (pu * (-1) ** sign + sign) sample = backend.stack(sample) sample = backend.real(sample) if with_prob: return sample, p else: return sample, -1.0
measure = measure_jit
[文档] def amplitude(self, l: Union[str, Tensor]) -> Tensor: r""" Returns the amplitude of the circuit given the bitstring l. For state simulator, it computes :math:`\langle l\vert \psi\rangle`, for density matrix simulator, it computes :math:`Tr(\rho \vert l\rangle \langle 1\vert)` Note how these two are different up to a square operation. :Example: >>> c = tc.Circuit(2) >>> c.X(0) >>> c.amplitude("10") array(1.+0.j, dtype=complex64) >>> c.CNOT(0, 1) >>> c.amplitude("11") array(1.+0.j, dtype=complex64) :param l: The bitstring of 0 and 1s. :type l: Union[str, Tensor] :return: The amplitude of the circuit. :rtype: tn.Node.tensor """ no, d_edges = self._copy() ms = [] if self.is_dm: msconj = [] if isinstance(l, str): for s in l: if s == "1": endn = np.array([0, 1], dtype=npdtype) elif s == "0": endn = np.array([1, 0], dtype=npdtype) ms.append(tn.Node(endn)) if self.is_dm: msconj.append(tn.Node(endn)) else: # l is Tensor l = backend.cast(l, dtype=dtypestr) for i in range(self._nqubits): endn = l[i] * gates.array_to_tensor(np.array([0, 1])) + ( 1 - l[i] ) * gates.array_to_tensor(np.array([1, 0])) ms.append(tn.Node(endn)) if self.is_dm: msconj.append(tn.Node(endn)) for i in range(self._nqubits): d_edges[i] ^ ms[i].get_edge(0) if self.is_dm: d_edges[i + self._nqubits] ^ msconj[i].get_edge(0) for n in ms: n.flag = "measurement" n.is_dagger = False n.id = id(n) if self.is_dm: for n0, n in zip(ms, msconj): n.flag = "measurement" n.is_dagger = True n.id = id(n0) no.extend(ms) if self.is_dm: no.extend(msconj) return contractor(no).tensor
[文档] def probability(self) -> Tensor: """ get the 2^n length probability vector over computational basis :return: probability vector :rtype: Tensor """ s = self.state() # type: ignore if self.is_dm is False: p = backend.abs(s) ** 2 else: p = backend.abs(backend.diagonal(s)) return p
[文档] @partial(arg_alias, alias_dict={"format": ["format_"]}) def sample( self, batch: Optional[int] = None, allow_state: bool = False, readout_error: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, random_generator: Optional[Any] = None, status: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Any: """ batched sampling from state or circuit tensor network directly :param batch: number of samples, defaults to None :type batch: Optional[int], optional :param allow_state: if true, we sample from the final state if memory allows, True is preferred, defaults to False :type allow_state: bool, optional :param readout_error: readout_error, defaults to None :type readout_error: Optional[Sequence[Any]]. Tensor, List, Tuple :param format: sample format, defaults to None as backward compatibility check the doc in :py:meth:`tensorcircuit.quantum.measurement_results` :type format: Optional[str] :param random_generator: random generator, defaults to None :type random_generator: Optional[Any], optional :param status: external randomness given by tensor uniformly from [0, 1], if set, can overwrite random_generator :type status: Optional[Tensor] :return: List (if batch) of tuple (binary configuration tensor and corresponding probability) if the format is None, and consistent with format when given :rtype: Any """ # allow_state = False is compatibility issue if not allow_state: if random_generator is None: random_generator = backend.get_random_state() if batch is None: seed = backend.stateful_randu(random_generator, shape=[self._nqubits]) r = self.perfect_sampling(seed) if format is None: # batch=None, format=None, backward compatibility return r r = [r] # type: ignore else: @backend.jit def perfect_sampling(key: Any) -> Any: backend.set_random_state(key) return self.perfect_sampling() r = [] # type: ignore subkey = random_generator for _ in range(batch): key, subkey = backend.random_split(subkey) r.append(perfect_sampling(key)) # type: ignore if format is None: return r r = backend.stack([ri[0] for ri in r]) # type: ignore r = backend.cast(r, "int32") ch = sample_bin2int(r, self._nqubits) else: # allow_state if batch is None: nbatch = 1 else: nbatch = batch p = self.probability() # readout error if readout_error is not None: p = self.readouterror_bs(readout_error, p) ch = backend.probability_sample(nbatch, p, status, random_generator) # if random_generator is None: # ch = backend.implicit_randc(a=a_range, shape=[nbatch], p=p) # else: # ch = backend.stateful_randc( # random_generator, a=a_range, shape=[nbatch], p=p # ) # confg = backend.mod( # backend.right_shift( # ch[..., None], backend.reverse(backend.arange(self._nqubits)) # ), # 2, # ) if format is None: # for backward compatibility confg = sample_int2bin(ch, self._nqubits) prob = backend.gather1d(p, ch) r = list(zip(confg, prob)) # type: ignore if batch is None: r = r[0] # type: ignore return r return sample2all(sample=ch, n=self._nqubits, format=format, jittable=True)
[文档] def sample_expectation_ps( self, x: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, y: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, z: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, shots: Optional[int] = None, random_generator: Optional[Any] = None, status: Optional[Tensor] = None, readout_error: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, noise_conf: Optional[Any] = None, nmc: int = 1000, statusc: Optional[Tensor] = None, **kws: Any, ) -> Tensor: """ Compute the expectation with given Pauli string with measurement shots numbers :Example: >>> c = tc.Circuit(2) >>> c.H(0) >>> c.rx(1, theta=np.pi/2) >>> c.sample_expectation_ps(x=[0], y=[1]) -0.99999976 >>> readout_error = [] >>> readout_error.append([0.9,0.75]) >>> readout_error.append([0.4,0.7]) >>> c.sample_expectation_ps(x=[0], y=[1],readout_error = readout_error) >>> c = tc.Circuit(2) >>> c.cnot(0, 1) >>> c.rx(0, theta=0.4) >>> c.rx(1, theta=0.8) >>> c.h(0) >>> c.h(1) >>> error1 = tc.channels.generaldepolarizingchannel(0.1, 1) >>> error2 = tc.channels.generaldepolarizingchannel(0.06, 2) >>> readout_error = [[0.9, 0.75],[0.4, 0.7]] >>> noise_conf = NoiseConf() >>> noise_conf.add_noise("rx", error1) >>> noise_conf.add_noise("cnot", [error2], [[0, 1]]) >>> noise_conf.add_noise("readout", readout_error) >>> c.sample_expectation_ps(x=[0], noise_conf=noise_conf, nmc=10000) 0.44766843 :param x: index for Pauli X, defaults to None :type x: Optional[Sequence[int]], optional :param y: index for Pauli Y, defaults to None :type y: Optional[Sequence[int]], optional :param z: index for Pauli Z, defaults to None :type z: Optional[Sequence[int]], optional :param shots: number of measurement shots, defaults to None, indicating analytical result :type shots: Optional[int], optional :param random_generator: random_generator, defaults to None :type random_generator: Optional[Any] :param status: external randomness given by tensor uniformly from [0, 1], if set, can overwrite random_generator :type status: Optional[Tensor] :param readout_error: readout_error, defaults to None. Overrided if noise_conf is provided. :type readout_error: Optional[Sequence[Any]]. Tensor, List, Tuple :param noise_conf: Noise Configuration, defaults to None :type noise_conf: Optional[NoiseConf], optional :param nmc: repetition time for Monte Carlo sampling for noisfy calculation, defaults to 1000 :type nmc: int, optional :param statusc: external randomness given by tensor uniformly from [0, 1], defaults to None, used for noisfy circuit sampling :type statusc: Optional[Tensor], optional :return: [description] :rtype: Tensor """ from .noisemodel import sample_expectation_ps_noisfy if noise_conf is None: inputs_nodes, _ = self._copy_state_tensor() inputs = inputs_nodes[0].tensor if self.is_dm is False: c = type(self)(self._nqubits, inputs=inputs) # type: ignore else: c = type(self)(self._nqubits, dminputs=inputs) # type: ignore if x is None: x = [] if y is None: y = [] if z is None: z = [] for i in x: c.H(i) # type: ignore for i in y: c.rx(i, theta=np.pi / 2) # type: ignore s = c.state() # type: ignore if self.is_dm is False: p = backend.abs(s) ** 2 else: p = backend.abs(backend.diagonal(s)) # readout error if readout_error is not None: p = self.readouterror_bs(readout_error, p) x = list(x) y = list(y) z = list(z) if shots is None: mc = measurement_counts( p, counts=shots, format="count_vector", random_generator=random_generator, status=status, jittable=True, is_prob=True, ) r = correlation_from_counts(x + y + z, mc) else: mc = measurement_counts( p, counts=shots, format="sample_bin", random_generator=random_generator, status=status, jittable=True, is_prob=True, ) r = correlation_from_samples(x + y + z, mc, self._nqubits) # TODO(@refraction-ray): analytical standard deviation return r else: return sample_expectation_ps_noisfy( c=self, x=x, y=y, z=z, noise_conf=noise_conf, nmc=nmc, shots=shots, statusc=statusc, status=status, **kws, )
sexpps = sample_expectation_ps
[文档] def readouterror_bs( self, readout_error: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, p: Optional[Any] = None ) -> Tensor: """Apply readout error to original probabilities of bit string and return the noisy probabilities. :Example: >>> readout_error = [] >>> readout_error.append([0.9,0.75]) # readout error for qubit 0, [p0|0,p1|1] >>> readout_error.append([0.4,0.7]) # readout error for qubit 1, [p0|0,p1|1] :param readout_error: list of readout error for each qubits. :type readout_error: Optional[Sequence[Any]]. Tensor, List, Tuple :param p: probabilities of bit string :type p: Optional[Any] :rtype: Tensor """ # if isinstance(readout_error, tuple): # readout_error = list[readout_error] # type: ignore nqubit = len(readout_error) # type: ignore readoutlist = [] for i in range(nqubit): readoutlist.append( [ [readout_error[i][0], 1 - readout_error[i][1]], # type: ignore [1 - readout_error[i][0], readout_error[i][1]], # type: ignore ] ) readoutlist = backend.cast( backend.convert_to_tensor(readoutlist), dtype=dtypestr ) ms = [Gate(readoutlist[i]) for i in range(nqubit)] p = backend.cast(p, dtypestr) p = Gate(backend.reshape2(p)) for i in range(nqubit): ms[i][1] ^ p[i] nodes = ms + [p] r = contractor(nodes, output_edge_order=[m[0] for m in ms]).tensor p = backend.reshape(r, [-1]) return backend.real(p)
[文档] def replace_inputs(self, inputs: Tensor) -> None: """ Replace the input state with the circuit structure unchanged. :param inputs: Input wavefunction. :type inputs: Tensor """ inputs = backend.reshape(inputs, [-1]) N = inputs.shape[0] n = int(np.log(N) / np.log(2)) assert n == self._nqubits inputs = backend.reshape(inputs, [2 for _ in range(n)]) if self.inputs is not None: self._nodes[0].tensor = inputs if self.is_dm: self._nodes[1].tensor = backend.conj(inputs) else: # TODO(@refraction-ray) replace several start as inputs raise NotImplementedError("not support replace with no inputs")
[文档] def cond_measurement(self, index: int, status: Optional[float] = None) -> Tensor: """ Measurement on z basis at ``index`` qubit based on quantum amplitude (not post-selection). The highlight is that this method can return the measured result as a int Tensor and thus maintained a jittable pipeline. :Example: >>> c = tc.Circuit(2) >>> c.H(0) >>> r = c.cond_measurement(0) >>> c.conditional_gate(r, [tc.gates.i(), tc.gates.x()], 1) >>> c.expectation([tc.gates.z(), [0]]), c.expectation([tc.gates.z(), [1]]) # two possible outputs: (1, 1) or (-1, -1) .. note:: In terms of ``DMCircuit``, this method returns nothing and the density matrix after this method is kept in mixed state without knowing the measuremet resuslts :param index: the qubit for the z-basis measurement :type index: int :return: 0 or 1 for z measurement on up and down freedom :rtype: Tensor """ return self.general_kraus( # type: ignore [np.array([[1.0, 0], [0, 0]]), np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])], index, status=status, name="measure", )
cond_measure = cond_measurement
[文档] def to_graphviz( self, graph: graphviz.Graph = None, include_all_names: bool = False, engine: str = "neato", ) -> graphviz.Graph: """ Not an ideal visualization for quantum circuit, but reserve here as a general approach to show the tensornetwork [Deprecated, use ``Circuit.vis_tex`` or ``Circuit.draw`` instead] """ # Modified from tensornetwork codebase nodes = self._nodes if graph is None: # pylint: disable=no-member graph = graphviz.Graph("G", engine=engine) for node in nodes: if not node.name.startswith("__") or include_all_names: label = node.name else: label = "" graph.node(str(id(node)), label=label) seen_edges = set() for node in nodes: for i, edge in enumerate(node.edges): if edge in seen_edges: continue seen_edges.add(edge) if not edge.name.startswith("__") or include_all_names: edge_label = edge.name + ": " + str(edge.dimension) else: edge_label = "" if edge.is_dangling(): # We need to create an invisible node for the dangling edge # to connect to. graph.node( "{}_{}".format(str(id(node)), i), label="", _attributes={"style": "invis"}, ) graph.edge( "{}_{}".format(str(id(node)), i), str(id(node)), label=edge_label, ) else: graph.edge( str(id(edge.node1)), str(id(edge.node2)), label=edge_label, ) return graph
[文档] def get_quvector(self) -> QuVector: """ Get the representation of the output state in the form of ``QuVector`` while maintaining the circuit uncomputed :return: ``QuVector`` representation of the output state from the circuit :rtype: QuVector """ _, edges = self._copy() return QuVector(edges)
quvector = get_quvector