tensorcircuit.applications.vqes 源代码

VQNHE application
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import product
import time
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..circuit import Circuit
from ..quantum import generate_local_hamiltonian
from .. import gates as G

Tensor = Any
Array = Any
Model = Any
dtype = np.complex128
# only guarantee compatible with float64 mode
# only support tf backend
# i.e. use the following setup in the code
# tc.set_backend("tensorflow")
# tc.set_dtype("complex128")

x = np.array([[0, 1.0], [1.0, 0]], dtype=dtype)
y = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]], dtype=dtype)
z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=dtype)
xx = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=dtype)
yy = np.array([[0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=dtype)
zz = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=dtype)
swap = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=dtype)

pauli = [np.eye(2), x, y, z]

[文档]@lru_cache() def paulistring(term: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Array: n = len(term) if n == 1: return pauli[term[0]] ps = np.kron(pauli[term[0]], paulistring(tuple(list(term)[1:]))) return ps
[文档]def construct_matrix(ham: List[List[float]]) -> Array: # deprecated # only suitable for matrix of small Hilbert dimensions, say <14 qubits h = 0.0j for term in ham: term = list(term) for i, t in enumerate(term): if i > 0: term[i] = int(t) h += term[0] * paulistring(tuple(term[1:])) return h
# replace with QuOperator tensor_product approach for Hamiltonian construction # i.e. using ``construct_matrix_v2``
[文档]def construct_matrix_tf(ham: List[List[float]], dtype: Any = tf.complex128) -> Tensor: # deprecated h = 0.0j for term in ham: term = list(term) for i, t in enumerate(term): if i > 0: term[i] = int(t) h += tf.cast(term[0], dtype=dtype) * tf.constant( paulistring(tuple(term[1:])), dtype=dtype ) return h
_generate_local_hamiltonian = tf.function(generate_local_hamiltonian)
[文档]def construct_matrix_v2(ham: List[List[float]], dtype: Any = tf.complex128) -> Tensor: # deprecated s = len(ham[0]) - 1 h = tf.zeros([2**s, 2**s], dtype=dtype) for term in tqdm(ham, desc="Hamiltonian building"): term = list(term) for i, t in enumerate(term): if i > 0: term[i] = int(t) local_matrix_list = [tf.constant(pauli[t], dtype=dtype) for t in term[1:]] h += tf.cast(term[0], dtype=dtype) * tf.cast( _generate_local_hamiltonian(*local_matrix_list), dtype=dtype ) return h
[文档]def construct_matrix_v3(ham: List[List[float]], dtype: Any = tf.complex128) -> Tensor: from ..quantum import PauliStringSum2COO sparsem = PauliStringSum2COO([h[1:] for h in ham], [h[0] for h in ham]) # type: ignore return sparsem
# densem = backend.to_dense(sparsem) # return tf.cast(densem, dtype)
[文档]def vqe_energy(c: Circuit, h: List[List[float]], reuse: bool = True) -> Tensor: loss = 0.0 for term in h: ep = [] for i, t in enumerate(term[1:]): if t == 3: ep.append((G.z(), [i])) # type: ignore elif t == 1: ep.append((G.x(), [i])) # type: ignore elif t == 2: ep.append((G.y(), [i])) # type: ignore if ep: loss += term[0] * c.expectation(*ep, reuse=reuse) else: loss += term[0] return loss
[文档]def vqe_energy_shortcut(c: Circuit, h: Tensor) -> Tensor: from ..templates.measurements import operator_expectation return operator_expectation(c, h)
[文档]class Linear(tf.keras.layers.Layer): # type: ignore """ Dense layer but with complex weights, used for building complex RBM """
[文档] def __init__(self, units: int, input_dim: int, stddev: float = 0.1) -> None: super().__init__() self.wr = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.random.normal( shape=[input_dim, units], stddev=stddev, dtype=tf.float64 ), trainable=True, ) self.wi = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.random.normal( shape=[input_dim, units], stddev=stddev, dtype=tf.float64 ), trainable=True, ) self.br = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.random.normal( shape=[units], stddev=stddev, dtype=tf.float64 ), trainable=True, ) self.bi = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.random.normal( shape=[units], stddev=stddev, dtype=tf.float64 ), trainable=True, )
[文档] def call(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: inputs = tf.cast(inputs, dtype=dtype) return ( tf.matmul( inputs, tf.cast(self.wr, dtype=dtype) + 1.0j * tf.cast(self.wi, dtype=dtype), ) + tf.cast(self.br, dtype=dtype) + 1.0j * tf.cast(self.bi, dtype=dtype) )
[文档]class JointSchedule(tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule): # type: ignore
[文档] def __init__( self, steps: int = 300, pre_rate: float = 0.1, pre_decay: int = 400, post_rate: float = 0.001, post_decay: int = 4000, dtype: Any = tf.float64, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.steps = steps self.pre_rate = pre_rate self.pre_decay = pre_decay self.post_rate = post_rate self.post_decay = post_decay self.dtype = dtype
def __call__(self, step: Tensor) -> Tensor: if step < self.steps: return tf.constant(self.pre_rate, dtype=self.dtype) * (1 / 2.0) ** ( (tf.cast(step, dtype=self.dtype)) / self.pre_decay ) else: return tf.constant(self.post_rate, dtype=self.dtype) * (1 / 2.0) ** ( (tf.cast(step, dtype=self.dtype) - self.steps) / self.post_decay )
[文档]class VQNHE:
[文档] def __init__( self, n: int, hamiltonian: List[List[float]], model_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, circuit_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, shortcut: bool = False, ) -> None: self.n = n if not model_params: model_params = {} self.model = self.create_model(**model_params) self.model_params = model_params self.cut = model_params.get("cut", 20) if not circuit_params: circuit_params = {"epochs": 2, "stddev": 0.1} self.epochs = circuit_params.get("epochs", 2) self.circuit_stddev = circuit_params.get("stddev", 0.1) self.channel = circuit_params.get("channel", 2) self.circuit_variable = tf.Variable( tf.random.normal( mean=0.0, stddev=self.circuit_stddev, shape=[self.epochs, self.n, self.channel], dtype=tf.float64, ) ) self.circuit = self.create_circuit(**circuit_params) self.base = tf.constant(list(product(*[[0, 1] for _ in range(n)]))) self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian self.shortcut = shortcut self.history: List[float] = []
[文档] def assign( self, c: Optional[List[Tensor]] = None, q: Optional[Tensor] = None ) -> None: if c is not None: self.model.set_weights(c) if q is not None: self.circuit_variable.assign(q)
[文档] def recover(self) -> None: try: self.assign(self.ccache, self.qcache) except AttributeError: pass
[文档] def load(self, path: str) -> None: w = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True) self.assign(w["c"], w["q"]) self.history = list(w["h"])
[文档] def save(self, path: str) -> None: np.savez(path, c=self.ccache, q=self.qcache, h=np.array(self.history))
[文档] def create_model(self, choose: str = "real", **kws: Any) -> Model: if choose == "real": return self.create_real_model(**kws) if choose == "complex": return self.create_complex_model(**kws) if choose == "real-rbm": return self.create_real_rbm_model(**kws) if choose == "complex-rbm": return self.create_complex_rbm_model(**kws)
[文档] def create_real_model( self, init_value: float = 0.0, max_value: float = 1.0, min_value: float = 0, depth: int = 2, width: int = 2, **kws: Any, ) -> Model: model = tf.keras.Sequential() for _ in range(depth): model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(width * self.n, activation="relu")) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="tanh")) model.add( tf.keras.layers.Dense( 1, activation=None, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=tf.keras.initializers.Constant(value=init_value), kernel_constraint=tf.keras.constraints.MinMaxNorm( min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, ), ) ) model.build([None, self.n]) return model
[文档] def create_complex_model( self, init_value: float = 0.0, max_value: float = 1.0, min_value: float = 0, **kws: Any, ) -> Model: inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[self.n]) x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2 * self.n, activation="relu")(inputs) x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4 * self.n, activation="relu")(x) lnr = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2 * self.n, activation="relu")(x) lnr = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.n, activation=None)(lnr) lnr = tf.math.log(tf.math.cosh(lnr)) # lnr = lnr + inputs phi = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2 * self.n, activation="relu")(x) phi = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.n, activation="relu")(phi) # phi = phi + inputs lnr = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=None)(lnr) # lnr = tf.keras.layers.Dense( # 1, # activation=None, # use_bias=False, # kernel_initializer=tf.keras.initializers.Constant(value=init_value), # kernel_constraint=tf.keras.constraints.MinMaxNorm( # min_value=min_value, # max_value=max_value, # ), # )(lnr) phi = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="tanh")(phi) lnr = tf.cast(lnr, dtype=dtype) phi = tf.cast(phi, dtype=dtype) phi = 3.14159j * phi outputs = lnr + phi model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return model
[文档] def create_real_rbm_model( self, stddev: float = 0.1, width: int = 2, **kws: Any ) -> Model: inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[self.n]) x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(width * self.n, activation=None)(inputs) x = tf.math.log(2 * tf.math.cosh(x)) x = tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=-1) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 1]) y = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=None)(inputs) outputs = y + x model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return model
[文档] def create_complex_rbm_model( self, stddev: float = 0.1, width: int = 2, **kws: Any ) -> Model: inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[self.n]) x = Linear(width * self.n, self.n, stddev=stddev)(inputs) x = tf.math.log(2 * tf.math.cosh(x)) x = tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=-1) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 1]) y = Linear(1, self.n, stddev=stddev)(inputs) outputs = y + x model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return model
[文档] def create_circuit( self, choose: str = "hea", **kws: Any ) -> Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]: if choose == "hea": return self.create_hea_circuit(**kws) if choose == "hea2": return self.create_hea2_circuit(**kws) if choose == "hn": return self.create_hn_circuit(**kws) return self.create_functional_circuit(**kws) # type: ignore
[文档] def create_functional_circuit(self, **kws: Any) -> Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]: func = kws.get("func") return func # type: ignore
[文档] def create_hn_circuit(self, **kws: Any) -> Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]: def circuit(a: Tensor) -> Tensor: c = Circuit(self.n) for i in range(self.n): c.H(i) # type: ignore return c return circuit
[文档] def create_hea_circuit( self, epochs: int = 2, filled_qubit: Optional[List[int]] = None, **kws: Any ) -> Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]: if filled_qubit is None: filled_qubit = [0] def circuit(a: Tensor) -> Tensor: c = Circuit(self.n) if filled_qubit: for i in filled_qubit: c.X(i) # type: ignore for epoch in range(epochs): for i in range(self.n): c.rx(i, theta=a[epoch, i, 0]) # type: ignore for i in range(self.n): c.rz(i, theta=a[epoch, i, 1]) # type: ignore for i in range(self.n - 1): c.cnot(i, (i + 1)) # type: ignore return c return circuit
[文档] def create_hea2_circuit( self, epochs: int = 2, filled_qubit: Optional[List[int]] = None, **kws: Any ) -> Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]: if filled_qubit is None: filled_qubit = [0] def circuit(a: Tensor) -> Tensor: c = Circuit(self.n) if filled_qubit: for i in filled_qubit: c.X(i) # type: ignore for epoch in range(epochs): for i in range(self.n): c.rx(i, theta=a[epoch, i, 0]) # type: ignore for i in range(self.n): c.rz(i, theta=a[epoch, i, 1]) # type: ignore for i in range(self.n): c.rx(i, theta=a[epoch, i, 2]) # type: ignore for i in range(self.n - 1): c.exp1(i, (i + 1), theta=a[epoch, i, 3], unitary=G._zz_matrix) # type: ignore return c return circuit
[文档] @tf.function # type: ignore def evaluation(self, cv: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """ VQNHE :param cv: [description] :type cv: Tensor :return: [description] :rtype: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor] """ with tf.GradientTape() as tape: tape.watch(cv) w = self.circuit(cv).wavefunction() f2 = tf.reshape(self.model(self.base), [-1]) f2 -= tf.math.reduce_mean(f2) f2 = ( tf.cast( tf.clip_by_value(tf.math.real(f2), -self.cut, self.cut), tf.complex128, ) + tf.cast(tf.math.imag(f2), tf.complex128) * 1.0j ) f2 = tf.exp(f2) w1 = tf.multiply(tf.cast(f2, dtype=dtype), w) nm = tf.linalg.norm(w1) w1 = w1 / nm c2 = Circuit(self.n, inputs=w1) if not self.shortcut: loss = tf.math.real(vqe_energy(c2, self.hamiltonian)) else: loss = tf.math.real(vqe_energy_shortcut(c2, self.hamiltonian)) grad = tape.gradient(loss, [cv, self.model.variables]) for i, gr in enumerate(grad): if gr is None: if i == 0: grad[i] = tf.zeros_like(cv) else: grad[i] = tf.zeros_like(self.model.variables[i - 1]) return loss, grad, nm
[文档] @tf.function # type: ignore def plain_evaluation(self, cv: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ VQE :param cv: [description] :type cv: Tensor :return: [description] :rtype: Tensor """ with tf.GradientTape() as tape: c = self.circuit(cv) if not self.shortcut: loss = tf.math.real(vqe_energy(c, self.hamiltonian)) else: loss = tf.math.real(vqe_energy_shortcut(c, self.hamiltonian)) grad = tape.gradient(loss, cv) return loss, grad
[文档] def training( self, maxiter: int = 5000, optq: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, optc: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, threshold: float = 1e-8, debug: int = 100, onlyq: int = 0, checkpoints: Optional[List[Tuple[int, float]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Array, Array, Array, int, List[float]]: loss_prev = 0 loss_opt = 1e8 j_opt = 0 nm_opt = 1 ccount = 0 self.qcache = self.circuit_variable.numpy() self.ccache = self.model.get_weights() if not optc: optc = 0.001 # type: ignore if isinstance(optc, float) or isinstance( optc, tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule ): optc = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(optc) if isinstance(optc, tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer): optcf = lambda _: optc else: optcf = optc # type: ignore if not optq: optq = 0.01 # type: ignore if isinstance(optq, float) or isinstance( optq, tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule ): optq = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(optq) if isinstance(optq, tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer): optqf = lambda _: optq else: optqf = optq # type: ignore nm = tf.constant(1.0) times = [] history = [] try: for j in range(maxiter): if j < onlyq: loss, grad = self.plain_evaluation(self.circuit_variable) else: loss, grad, nm = self.evaluation(self.circuit_variable) if not tf.math.is_finite(loss): print("failed optimization since nan in %s tries" % j) # in case numerical instability break if np.abs(loss - loss_prev) < threshold: # 0.3e-7 ccount += 1 if ccount >= 100: print("finished in %s round" % j) break history.append(loss.numpy()) if checkpoints is not None: bk = False for rd, tv in checkpoints: if j > rd and loss.numpy() > tv: print("failed optimization, as checkpoint is not met") bk = True break if bk: break if debug > 0: if j % debug == 0: times.append(time.time()) print("energy estimation:", loss.numpy()) quantume, _ = self.plain_evaluation(self.circuit_variable) print("quantum part energy: ", quantume.numpy()) if len(times) > 1: print("running time: ", (times[-1] - times[-2]) / debug) loss_prev = loss if j < onlyq: gradofc = [grad] else: gradofc = grad[0:1] if loss < loss_opt: loss_opt = loss nm_opt = nm j_opt = j self.qcache = self.circuit_variable.numpy() self.ccache = self.model.get_weights() optqf(j).apply_gradients(zip(gradofc, [self.circuit_variable])) if j >= onlyq: optcf(j).apply_gradients(zip(grad[1], self.model.variables)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass quantume, _ = self.plain_evaluation(self.circuit_variable) print( "vqnhe prediction: ", loss_prev.numpy(), # type: ignore "quantum part energy: ", quantume.numpy(), "classical model scale: ", self.model.variables[-1].numpy(), ) print("----------END TRAINING------------") self.history += history[:j_opt] return ( loss_opt.numpy(), # type: ignore np.real(nm_opt.numpy()), # type: ignore quantume.numpy(), j_opt, history[:j_opt], )
[文档] def multi_training( self, maxiter: int = 5000, optq: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, optc: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, threshold: float = 1e-8, debug: int = 150, onlyq: int = 0, checkpoints: Optional[List[Tuple[int, float]]] = None, tries: int = 10, initialization_func: Optional[Callable[[int], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # TODO(@refraction-ray): old multiple training implementation, we can use vmap infra for batched training rs = [] try: for t in range(tries): print("---------- %s training loop ----------" % t) if initialization_func is not None: weights = initialization_func(t) else: weights = {} qweights = weights.get("q", None) cweights = weights.get("c", None) if cweights is None: cweights = self.create_model(**self.model_params).get_weights() self.model.set_weights(cweights) if qweights is None: self.circuit_variable = tf.Variable( tf.random.normal( mean=0.0, stddev=self.circuit_stddev, shape=[self.epochs, self.n, self.channel], dtype=tf.float64, ) ) else: self.circuit_variable = qweights self.history = [] # refresh the history r = self.training( maxiter, optq, optc, threshold, debug, onlyq, checkpoints ) rs.append( { "energy": r[0], "norm": r[1], "quantum_energy": r[2], "iterations": r[-2], "history": r[-1], "model_weights": self.ccache, "circuit_weights": self.qcache, } ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if rs: es = [r["energy"] for r in rs] ind = np.argmin(es) self.assign(rs[ind]["model_weights"], rs[ind]["circuit_weights"]) self.history = rs[ind]["history"] return rs