tensorcircuit.applications.physics.baseline 源代码

baseline calculators for physical systems

import numpy as np

[文档]def TFIM1Denergy( L: int, Jzz: float = 1.0, Jx: float = 1.0, Pauli: bool = True ) -> float: # PBC # nice tutorial: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.09208.pdf # further investigation on 1 TFIM solution structure is required # will fail on AFM phase Jzz>Jx and Jzz>0 and odd sites (frustration in boundary) e = 0 if Pauli: Jx *= 2 Jzz *= 4 for i in range(L): q = np.pi * (2 * i - (1 + (-1) ** L) / 2) / L e -= np.abs(Jx) / 2 * np.sqrt(1 + Jzz**2 / 4 / Jx**2 - Jzz / Jx * np.cos(q)) return e
[文档]def Heisenberg1Denergy(L: int, Pauli: bool = True, maxiters: int = 1000) -> float: # PBC error = 1e-15 eps = 1e-20 # avoid zero division phi = np.zeros([L // 2, L // 2]) phi2 = np.zeros([L // 2, L // 2]) lamb = np.array([2 * i + 1 for i in range(L // 2)]) for _ in range(maxiters): k = 1 / L * (2 * np.pi * lamb + np.sum(phi, axis=-1) - np.diag(phi)) for i in range(L // 2): for j in range(L // 2): phi2[i, j] = ( np.arctan( 2 / ( 1 / (np.tan(k[i] / 2) + eps) - 1 / (np.tan(k[j] / 2) + eps) + eps ) ) * 2 ) if np.allclose(phi, phi2, rtol=error): # converged break phi = phi2.copy() else: raise ValueError( "the maxiters %s is too small for bethe ansatz to converge" % maxiters ) e = -np.sum(1 - np.cos(k)) + L / 4 if Pauli is True: e *= 4 return e # type: ignore