tensorcircuit.applications.dqas 源代码

Modules for DQAS framework
# possibly deprecated, multiprocessing is not the recommended way to do DQAS task now, using vmap!

import sys
import inspect
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool, get_context
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import tensorflow as tf

Array = Any  # np.array
Opt = Any  # tf.keras.optimizer
Model = Any  # tf.keras.Model
Tensor = Any
Graph = Any
thismodule = sys.modules[__name__]

_op_pool: Sequence[Any] = []

[文档]def set_op_pool(l: Sequence[Any]) -> None: # sometimes, to make parallel mode work, one should set_op_pool in global level of the script global _op_pool _op_pool = l
[文档]def get_op_pool() -> Sequence[Any]: global _op_pool return _op_pool
## infrastrcture for DQAS search
[文档]def get_var(name: str) -> Any: """ Call in customized functions and grab variables within DQAS framework function by var name str. :param name: The DQAS framework function :type name: str :return: Variables within the DQAS framework :rtype: Any """ return inspect.stack()[2][0].f_locals[name]
[文档]def verbose_output(max_prob: bool = True, weight: bool = True) -> None: """ Doesn't support prob model DQAS search. :param max_prob: :param weight: :return: """ if max_prob: prob = get_var("prob") print("max probability for each layer:") print(np.max(prob.numpy(), axis=1)) if weight: nnp = get_var("nnp") stp = get_var("stp") cand_weight = get_weights(nnp, stp).numpy() print( "associating weights:", cand_weight, )
[文档]def preset_byprob(prob: Tensor) -> Sequence[int]: preset = [] p = prob.shape[0] c = prob.shape[1] for i in range(p): j = np.random.choice(np.arange(c), p=np.array(prob[i])) preset.append(j) return preset
[文档]def get_preset(stp: Tensor) -> Tensor: return tf.argmax(stp, axis=1)
[文档]def get_weights( nnp: Tensor, stp: Tensor = None, preset: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None ) -> Tensor: """ This function works only when nnp has the same shape as stp, i.e. one parameter for each op. :param nnp: :param stp: :param preset: :return: """ if preset is None: preset = get_preset(stp) p = nnp.shape[0] ind_ = tf.stack([tf.cast(tf.range(p), tf.int32), tf.cast(preset, tf.int32)]) return tf.gather_nd(nnp, tf.transpose(ind_))
[文档]def get_weights_v2(nnp: Tensor, preset: Sequence[int]) -> Tensor: if len(nnp.shape) == 3: l = nnp.shape[-1] else: l = 1 nnp = nnp[..., tf.newaxis] p, _ = nnp.shape[0], nnp.shape[1] weights = np.empty(dtype=np.float32, shape=[p, l]) for i, j in enumerate(preset): weights[i, :] = nnp[i, j, :] if l == 1: weights = weights.reshape([p]) return tf.constant(weights)
[文档]def parallel_kernel( prob: Tensor, gdata: Any, nnp: Tensor, kernel_func: Callable[[Any, Tensor, Sequence[int]], Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]], ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """ The kernel for multiprocess to run parallel in DQAS function/ :param prob: :param gdata: :param nnp: :param kernel_func: :return: """ sp.random.seed() # make each subprocess run with different random state # see https://stackoverflow.com/a/6914470/9062180 # it is still not the best way to corporate numpy random and multiprocessing # see more in https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/9650 dtype = tf.float32 p = prob.shape[0] preset = preset_byprob(prob) loss, gnnp = kernel_func(gdata, nnp, preset) gs = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add( tf.cast(-prob, dtype=dtype), tf.constant(list(zip(range(p), preset))), tf.ones([p], dtype=dtype), ) # \nabla lnp return loss, gnnp, gs
[文档]def void_generator() -> Iterator[Any]: while True: yield None
[文档]def single_generator(g: Any) -> Iterator[Any]: while True: yield g
[文档]def history_loss() -> Array: return get_var("avcost1").numpy()
[文档]def repr_op(element: Any) -> str: if isinstance(element, str): return element if isinstance(element, list) or isinstance(element, tuple): return str(tuple([repr_op(e) for e in element])) if callable(element.__repr__): return element.__repr__() # type: ignore else: return element.__repr__ # type: ignore
## training based on DQAS
[文档]def qaoa_simple_train( preset: Sequence[int], graph: Union[Sequence[Graph], Iterator[Graph]], vag_func: Optional[ Callable[[Any, Tensor, Sequence[int]], Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] ] = None, epochs: int = 60, batch: int = 1, nnp_shape: Optional[Array] = None, nnp_initial_value: Optional[Array] = None, opt: Optional[Opt] = None, search_func: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, kws: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Array, float]: sp.random.seed() # TODO(@refraction-ray): the best practice combine multiprocessing and random generator still # needs further investigation p = len(preset) c = len(get_op_pool()) stp_train = np.zeros([p, c]) for i, j in enumerate(preset): stp_train[i, j] = 10.0 if nnp_initial_value is None and nnp_shape is None: nnp_initial_value = np.random.normal(loc=0.23, scale=0.8, size=[p, c]) elif nnp_shape is not None and nnp_initial_value is None: nnp_initial_value = np.random.normal(loc=0.23, scale=0.8, size=nnp_shape) if vag_func is None: from .vags import qaoa_vag_energy vag_func = qaoa_vag_energy if kws is None: kws = {} if "prob_model_func" in kws: pmf = kws["prob_model_func"] del kws["prob_model_func"] kws[ "prob_model" ] = pmf() # in case keras model cannot pickled for multiprocessing map if isinstance(graph, list): def graph_generator() -> Iterator[Graph]: i = 0 l = len(graph) # type: ignore while True: if i < l: yield graph[i] # type: ignore i += 1 else: i = 0 yield graph[i] # type: ignore graph_g = graph_generator() else: graph_g = graph # type: ignore if search_func is None: search_func = DQAS_search kws.update({"stp_initial_value": stp_train}) _, nnp, h = search_func( vag_func, g=graph_g, p=p, batch=batch, prethermal=0, epochs=epochs, history_func=history_loss, nnp_initial_value=nnp_initial_value, network_opt=opt, **kws, ) return (get_weights_v2(nnp, preset=preset).numpy(), np.mean(h[-10:]))
[文档]def parallel_qaoa_train( preset: Sequence[int], g: Any, vag_func: Any = None, opt: Opt = None, epochs: int = 60, tries: int = 16, batch: int = 1, cores: int = 8, loc: float = 0.0, scale: float = 1.0, nnp_shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, search_func: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, kws: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None, ) -> Sequence[Any]: """ parallel variational parameter training and search to avoid local minimum not limited to qaoa setup as the function name indicates, as long as you provided suitable `vag_func` :param preset: :param g: data input generator for vag_func :param vag_func: vag_kernel :param opt: :param epochs: :param tries: number of tries :param batch: for optimization problem the input is in general fixed so batch is often 1 :param cores: number of parallel jobs :param loc: mean value of normal distribution for nnp :param scale: std deviation of normal distribution for nnp :return: """ if not opt: opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.1) p = len(preset) c = len(get_op_pool()) glist = [] for _ in range(epochs * batch): glist.append(g.send(None)) # pickle doesn't support generators even in dill if vag_func is None: from .vags import qaoa_vag_energy vag_func = qaoa_vag_energy if nnp_shape is None: nnp_shape = [p, c] pool = Pool(cores) args_list = [ ( preset, glist, vag_func, epochs, batch, None, np.random.normal(loc=loc, scale=scale, size=nnp_shape), opt, search_func, kws, ) for _ in range(tries) ] result_list = pool.starmap(qaoa_simple_train, args_list) pool.close() result_list = sorted(result_list, key=lambda s: s[1]) print(result_list) print("the optimal result is %s" % result_list[0][1]) return result_list
[文档]def evaluate_everyone( vag_func: Any, gdata: Iterator[Any], nnp: Tensor, presets: Sequence[Sequence[List[int]]], batch: int = 1, ) -> Sequence[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: losses = [] if not isinstance(nnp, tf.Tensor): nnp = tf.Variable(initial_value=nnp) for preset in presets: loss = 0 for _, g in zip(range(batch), gdata): loss += vag_func(g, nnp, preset)[0] loss /= batch # type: ignore losses.append((preset, loss.numpy())) # type: ignore return losses
## probabilisitic model based DQAS
[文档]def van_sample( prob_model: Model, batch_size: int ) -> Tuple[List[Tensor], List[List[Tensor]]]: glnprob_list = [] with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as t: sample, xhat = prob_model.sample(batch_size) lnprob = prob_model._log_prob(sample, xhat) for i in range(batch_size): glnprob_list.append(t.gradient(lnprob[i], prob_model.variables)) sample = tf.argmax(sample, axis=-1) sample_list = [sample[i] for i in range(batch_size)] del t return sample_list, glnprob_list
[文档]def van_regularization( prob_model: Model, nnp: Tensor = None, lbd_w: float = 0.01, lbd_b: float = 0.01 ) -> Tensor: return prob_model.regularization(lbd_w=lbd_w, lbd_b=lbd_b)
[文档]def micro_sample( prob_model: Model, batch_size: int, repetitions: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[Tensor], List[List[Tensor]]]: glnprob_list = [] with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as t: sample, xhat = prob_model.sample(batch_size) lnprob = prob_model._log_prob(sample, xhat) for i in range(batch_size): glnprob_list.append(t.gradient(lnprob[i], prob_model.variables)) sample = tf.argmax(sample, axis=-1) sample_list = sample.numpy() del t if not repetitions: return tf.constant(sample_list), glnprob_list else: ns = np.empty(shape=[batch_size, len(repetitions)], dtype=np.int32) for i, j in enumerate(repetitions): ns[:, i] = sample_list[:, j] return tf.constant(ns), glnprob_list
[文档]def DQAS_search_pmb( kernel_func: Callable[[Any, Tensor, Sequence[int]], Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]], prob_model: Model, *, sample_func: Optional[ Callable[[Model, int], Tuple[List[Tensor], List[List[Tensor]]]] ] = None, g: Optional[Iterator[Any]] = None, op_pool: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, p: Optional[int] = None, batch: int = 300, prethermal: int = 0, epochs: int = 100, parallel_num: int = 0, verbose: bool = False, verbose_func: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None, history_func: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None, baseline_func: Optional[Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]] = None, pertubation_func: Optional[Callable[[], Tensor]] = None, nnp_initial_value: Optional[Array] = None, stp_regularization: Optional[Callable[[Model, Tensor], Tensor]] = None, network_opt: Optional[Opt] = None, structure_opt: Optional[Opt] = None, prethermal_opt: Optional[Opt] = None, loss_func: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] = None, loss_derivative_func: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] = None, validate_period: int = 0, validate_batch: int = 1, validate_func: Optional[ Callable[[Any, Tensor, Sequence[int]], Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] ] = None, vg: Optional[Iterator[Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Sequence[Any]]: """ The probabilistic model based DQAS, can use extensively for DQAS case for ``NMF`` probabilistic model. :param kernel_func: vag func, return loss and nabla lnp :param prob_model: keras model :param sample_func: sample func of logic with keras model input :param g: input data pipeline generator :param op_pool: operation pool :param p: depth for DQAS :param batch: :param prethermal: :param epochs: :param parallel_num: parallel kernels :param verbose: :param verbose_func: :param history_func: :param baseline_func: :param pertubation_func: :param nnp_initial_value: :param stp_regularization: :param network_opt: :param structure_opt: :param prethermal_opt: :param loss_func: final loss function in terms of average of sub loss for each circuit :param loss_derivative_func: derivative function for ``loss_func`` :return: """ # shape of nnp and stp is not necessarily compatible in complicated settings dtype = tf.float32 # caution, simply changing this is not guranteed to work if op_pool is None: op_pool = get_op_pool() c = len(op_pool) set_op_pool(op_pool) if sample_func is None: sample_func = van_sample if g is None: g = void_generator() if vg is None: vg = void_generator() if parallel_num > 0: pool = get_context("spawn").Pool(parallel_num) # use spawn model instead of default fork which has threading lock issues if network_opt is None: network_opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.1) # network if structure_opt is None: structure_opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam( learning_rate=0.1, beta_1=0.8, beta_2=0.99 ) # structure if prethermal_opt is None: prethermal_opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.1) # prethermal if p is None: p = nnp_initial_value.shape[0] # type: ignore if nnp_initial_value is None: nnp_initial_value = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.3, size=[p, c]) if baseline_func is None: baseline_func = np.mean nnp = tf.Variable(initial_value=nnp_initial_value, dtype=dtype) if loss_func is None: loss_func = lambda s: s if loss_derivative_func is None: loss_derivative_func = lambda s: tf.constant(1.0) history = [] avcost1 = 0 if prethermal > 0: presets, glnprobs = sample_func(prob_model, prethermal) for i, gdata in zip(range(prethermal), g): # prethermal for nn param _, gnnp = kernel_func(gdata, nnp, presets[i]) prethermal_opt.apply_gradients([(gnnp, nnp)]) if verbose: print("network parameter after prethermalization: \n", nnp.numpy()) try: for epoch in range(epochs): # iteration to update strcuture param print("----------new epoch %s-----------" % epoch) deri_stp = [] deri_nnp = [] avcost2 = avcost1 costl = [] presets, glnprobs = sample_func(prob_model, batch) if stp_regularization is not None: with tf.GradientTape() as t: stp_penalty = stp_regularization(prob_model, nnp) gr = t.gradient(stp_penalty, prob_model.variables) g_stp_penalty = [] for v, gi in zip(prob_model.variables, gr): if gi is not None: g_stp_penalty.append(gi) else: g_stp_penalty.append(tf.zeros_like(v)) if verbose: print( "typical scale of gradient from stp variable regularization:", [tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(w)).numpy() for w in g_stp_penalty], ) else: g_stp_penalty = [] for v in prob_model.variables: g_stp_penalty.append(tf.zeros_like(v)) if parallel_num == 0: for i, gdata in zip(range(batch), g): if pertubation_func is not None: loss, gnnp = kernel_func( gdata, nnp + pertubation_func(), presets[i] ) else: loss, gnnp = kernel_func(gdata, nnp, presets[i]) # gnnp \equiv \partial L_i/\partial \theta # batched_gnnp = sum_{i\in batch} \partial \mathcal{L}/\partial L_i \partial L_i/\partial \theta # batched_gstp = \partial \mathcal{L}/\partial \bar{L} (\sum_i (L-\bar{L})\nabla \ln p) # \partial \mathcal{L}/\partial L_i = \partial \mathcal{L}/\partial \bar{L} 1/n deri_stp.append( [ (tf.cast(loss, dtype=dtype) - tf.cast(avcost2, dtype=dtype)) * w for w in glnprobs[i] ] ) deri_nnp.append(gnnp) costl.append(loss.numpy()) if validate_period != 0 and epoch % validate_period == 0: accuracy = [] validate_presets, _ = sample_func(prob_model, validate_batch) for i, gdata in zip(range(validate_batch), vg): accuracy.append(validate_func(gdata, nnp, validate_presets[i])) # type: ignore print("accuracy on validation set:", np.mean(accuracy)) else: ## parallel mode for batch evaluation args_list = [] for i, gdata in zip(range(batch), g): if pertubation_func is not None: args_list.append( (gdata, nnp + pertubation_func(), presets[i].numpy()) ) else: args_list.append((gdata, nnp, presets[i].numpy())) # print(args_list) parallel_result = pool.starmap(kernel_func, args_list) # [(loss, gnnp), ...] deri_nnp = [] deri_stp = [] costl = [] for i, r in enumerate(parallel_result): loss, gnnp = r costl.append(loss.numpy()) deri_nnp.append(gnnp) deri_stp.append( [ (tf.cast(loss, dtype=dtype) - tf.cast(avcost2, dtype=dtype)) * w for w in glnprobs[i] ] ) avcost1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(baseline_func(costl)) print( "batched average loss: ", np.mean(costl), " batched loss std: ", np.std(costl), "\nnew baseline: ", avcost1.numpy(), # type: ignore ) batched_gs = [] batched_gs_std = [] loss_bar = tf.reduce_mean(costl) loss_bar_d = loss_derivative_func( loss_bar ) # \partial \mathcal{L} /\partial \bar{L} for i in range(len(glnprobs[0])): batched_gs.append( loss_bar_d * tf.math.reduce_mean( tf.convert_to_tensor([w[i] for w in deri_stp], dtype=dtype), axis=0, ) + g_stp_penalty[i] ) if verbose: # check on baseline fluctuation reduction effect batched_gs_std.append( tf.math.reduce_std( tf.convert_to_tensor([w[i] for w in deri_stp], dtype=dtype), axis=0, ) ) batched_gnnp = loss_bar_d * tf.math.reduce_mean( tf.convert_to_tensor(deri_nnp, dtype=dtype), axis=0 ) if verbose: print( "final loss:", loss_func(loss_bar), " final loss derivative multiplier:", loss_bar_d, ) if verbose: print("batched gradient of nnp: \n", batched_gnnp.numpy()) print( "typical scale of batched graident of stp: \n", [tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(w)).numpy() for w in batched_gs], ) network_opt.apply_gradients(zip([batched_gnnp], [nnp])) structure_opt.apply_gradients(zip(batched_gs, prob_model.variables)) if verbose: print( "\n network parameter: \n", nnp.numpy(), ) print( "typical scale of stp parameter: \n", [ tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(w)).numpy() for w in prob_model.variables ], ) print( "typical scale standard deviation of batched gradient (ratio to mean): \n", [ tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(w1)).numpy() / tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(w2) + 1.0e-20).numpy() for w1, w2 in zip(batched_gs_std, prob_model.variables) ], ) if verbose_func is not None: verbose_func() if history_func is not None: history.append(history_func()) if validate_period != 0 and (epoch + 1) % validate_period == 0: args_list = [] validate_presets, _ = sample_func(prob_model, validate_batch) for i, gdata in zip(range(validate_batch), vg): args_list.append((gdata, nnp, validate_presets[i].numpy())) # print(args_list) parallel_validation_result = pool.starmap(validate_func, args_list) # type: ignore print("--------") if isinstance(parallel_validation_result[0], dict): for kk in parallel_validation_result[0]: print( "%s on validation set:" % kk, np.mean([p[kk] for p in parallel_validation_result]), ) else: print( "accuracy on validation set:", np.mean(parallel_validation_result), ) if parallel_num > 0: pool.close() return prob_model, nnp, history except KeyboardInterrupt: if parallel_num > 0: pool.close() return prob_model, nnp, history