tensorcircuit.shadows 源代码

Classical shadows functions

from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, List
from string import ascii_letters as ABC

import numpy as np

from .cons import backend, dtypestr, rdtypestr
from .circuit import Circuit

Tensor = Any

[文档]def shadow_bound( observables: Union[Tensor, Sequence[int]], epsilon: float, delta: float = 0.01 ) -> Tuple[int, int]: r"""Calculate the shadow bound of the Pauli observables, please refer to the Theorem S1 and Lemma S3 in Huang, H.-Y., R. Kueng, and J. Preskill, 2020, Nat. Phys. 16, 1050. :param observables: shape = (nq,) or (M, nq), where nq is the number of qubits, M is the number of observables :type: Union[Tensor, Sequence[int]] :param epsilon: error on the estimator :type: float :param delta: rate of failure for the bound to hold :type: float :return Nk: number of snapshots :rtype: int :return k: number of equal parts to split the shadow snapshot states to compute the median of means. k=1 (default) corresponds to simply taking the mean over all shadow snapshot states. :rtype: int """ count = np.sign(np.asarray(observables)) if len(count.shape) == 1: count = count[None, :] M = count.shape[0] k = np.ceil(2 * np.log(2 * M / delta)) max_length = np.max(np.sum(count, axis=1)) N = np.ceil((34 / epsilon**2) * 3**max_length) return int(N * k), int(k)
[文档]def shadow_snapshots( psi: Tensor, pauli_strings: Tensor, status: Optional[Tensor] = None, sub: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, measurement_only: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: r"""To generate the shadow snapshots from given pauli string observables on psi :param psi: shape = (2 ** nq,), where nq is the number of qubits :type: Tensor :param pauli_strings: shape = (ns, nq), where ns is the number of pauli strings :type: Tensor :param status: shape = None or (ns, repeat), where repeat is the times to measure on one pauli string :type: Optional[Tensor] :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :param measurement_only: return snapshots (True) or snapshot states (False), default=False :type: bool :return snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq) if measurement_only=True otherwise (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) :rtype: Tensor """ pauli_strings = backend.cast(pauli_strings, dtype="int32") - 1 ns, nq = pauli_strings.shape if 2**nq != len(psi): raise ValueError( f"The number of qubits of psi and pauli_strings should be the same, " f"but got {nq} and {int(np.log2(len(psi)))}." ) if status is None: status = backend.convert_to_tensor(np.random.rand(ns, 1)) elif status.shape[0] != ns: raise ValueError(f"status.shape[0] should be {ns}, but got {status.shape[0]}.") status = backend.cast(status, dtype=rdtypestr) repeat = status.shape[1] angles = backend.cast( backend.convert_to_tensor( [ [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 4, 0], [np.pi / 3, np.arccos(1 / np.sqrt(3)), np.pi / 4], [0, 0, 0], ] ), dtype=rdtypestr, ) # (3, 3) def proj_measure(pauli_string: Tensor, st: Tensor) -> Tensor: c_ = Circuit(nq, inputs=psi) for i in range(nq): c_.r( # type: ignore i, theta=backend.gather1d( backend.gather1d(angles, backend.gather1d(pauli_string, i)), 0 ), alpha=backend.gather1d( backend.gather1d(angles, backend.gather1d(pauli_string, i)), 1 ), phi=backend.gather1d( backend.gather1d(angles, backend.gather1d(pauli_string, i)), 2 ), ) return c_.sample(batch=repeat, format="sample_bin", allow_state=True, status=st) vpm = backend.vmap(proj_measure, vectorized_argnums=(0, 1)) snapshots = vpm(pauli_strings, status) # (ns, repeat, nq) if measurement_only: return snapshots if sub is None else slice_sub(snapshots, sub) else: return local_snapshot_states(snapshots, pauli_strings + 1, sub)
[文档]def local_snapshot_states( snapshots: Tensor, pauli_strings: Tensor, sub: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None ) -> Tensor: r"""To generate the local snapshots states from snapshots and pauli strings :param snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param pauli_strings: shape = (ns, nq) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :return lss_states: shape = (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) :rtype: Tensor """ pauli_strings = backend.cast(pauli_strings, dtype="int32") - 1 if len(pauli_strings.shape) < len(snapshots.shape): pauli_strings = backend.tile( pauli_strings[:, None, :], (1, snapshots.shape[1], 1) ) # (ns, repeat, nq) X_dm = backend.cast( backend.convert_to_tensor([[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, -1], [-1, 1]]]) / 2, dtype=dtypestr, ) Y_dm = backend.cast( backend.convert_to_tensor( np.array([[[1, -1j], [1j, 1]], [[1, 1j], [-1j, 1]]]) / 2 ), dtype=dtypestr, ) Z_dm = backend.cast( backend.convert_to_tensor([[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 1]]]), dtype=dtypestr ) pauli_dm = backend.stack((X_dm, Y_dm, Z_dm), axis=0) # (3, 2, 2, 2) def dm(p: Tensor, s: Tensor) -> Tensor: return backend.gather1d(backend.gather1d(pauli_dm, p), s) v = backend.vmap(dm, vectorized_argnums=(0, 1)) vv = backend.vmap(v, vectorized_argnums=(0, 1)) vvv = backend.vmap(vv, vectorized_argnums=(0, 1)) lss_states = vvv(pauli_strings, snapshots) if sub is not None: lss_states = slice_sub(lss_states, sub) return 3 * lss_states - backend.eye(2)[None, None, None, :, :]
[文档]def global_shadow_state( snapshots: Tensor, pauli_strings: Optional[Tensor] = None, sub: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""To generate the global shadow state from local snapshot states or snapshots and pauli strings :param snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param pauli_strings: shape = None or (ns, nq) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Optional[Tensor] :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :return gsdw_state: shape = (2 ** nq, 2 ** nq) :rtype: Tensor """ if pauli_strings is not None: if len(snapshots.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( f"snapshots should be 3-d if pauli_strings is not None, got {len(snapshots.shape)}-d instead." ) lss_states = local_snapshot_states( snapshots, pauli_strings, sub ) # (ns, repeat, nq_sub, 2, 2) else: if sub is not None: lss_states = slice_sub(snapshots, sub) else: lss_states = snapshots # (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) nq = lss_states.shape[2] def tensor_prod(dms: Tensor) -> Tensor: res = backend.gather1d(dms, 0) for i in range(1, nq): res = backend.kron(res, backend.gather1d(dms, i)) return res v = backend.vmap(tensor_prod, vectorized_argnums=0) vv = backend.vmap(v, vectorized_argnums=0) gss_states = vv(lss_states) return backend.mean(gss_states, axis=(0, 1))
[文档]def expectation_ps_shadow( snapshots: Tensor, pauli_strings: Optional[Tensor] = None, x: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, y: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, z: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ps: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, k: int = 1, ) -> List[Tensor]: r"""To calculate the expectation value of an observable on shadow snapshot states :param snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param pauli_strings: shape = None or (ns, nq) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Optional[Tensor] :param x: sites to apply X gate, defaults to None :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :param y: sites to apply Y gate, defaults to None :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :param z: sites to apply Z gate, defaults to None :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :param ps: or one can apply a ps structures instead of x, y, z, e.g. [1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0] for X_0X_1Y_3Z_4 defaults to None, ps can overwrite x, y and z :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :param k: Number of equal parts to split the shadow snapshot states to compute the median of means. k=1 (default) corresponds to simply taking the mean over all shadow snapshot states. :type: int :return expectation values: shape = (k,) :rtype: List[Tensor] """ if pauli_strings is not None: if len(snapshots.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( f"snapshots should be 3-d if pauli_strings is not None, got {len(snapshots.shape)}-d instead." ) lss_states = local_snapshot_states( snapshots, pauli_strings ) # (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) else: lss_states = snapshots # (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) ns, repeat, nq, _, _ = lss_states.shape ns *= repeat ss_states = backend.reshape(lss_states, (ns, nq, 2, 2)) if ps is None: ps = [0] * nq if x is not None: for i in x: ps[i] = 1 if y is not None: for i in y: ps[i] = 2 if z is not None: for i in z: ps[i] = 3 elif len(ps) != nq: raise ValueError( f"The number of qubits of the shadow state is {nq}, but got a {len(ps)}-qubit pauli string observable." ) ps = backend.cast(backend.convert_to_tensor(ps), dtype="int32") # (nq,) paulis = backend.convert_to_tensor( backend.cast( np.array( [ [[1, 0], [0, 1]], [[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[0, -1j], [1j, 0]], [[1, 0], [0, -1]], ] ), dtype=dtypestr, ) ) # (4, 2, 2) def trace_paulis_prod(dm: Tensor, idx: Tensor) -> Tensor: return backend.real(backend.trace(backend.gather1d(paulis, idx) @ dm)) v = backend.vmap(trace_paulis_prod, vectorized_argnums=(0, 1)) # (nq,) def prod(dm: Tensor) -> Tensor: return backend.shape_prod(v(dm, ps)) vv = backend.vmap(prod, vectorized_argnums=0) # (ns,) batch = int(np.ceil(ns / k)) return [backend.mean(vv(ss_states[i : i + batch])) for i in range(0, ns, batch)]
[文档]def entropy_shadow( snapshots: Tensor, pauli_strings: Optional[Tensor] = None, sub: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, alpha: int = 2, ) -> Tensor: r"""To calculate the Renyi entropy of a subsystem from shadow state or shadow snapshot states :param snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param pauli_strings: shape = None or (ns, nq) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Optional[Tensor] :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :param alpha: order of the Renyi entropy, alpha=1 corresponds to the von Neumann entropy :type: int :return Renyi entropy: shape = () :rtype: Tensor """ if alpha <= 0: raise ValueError("Alpha should not be less than 1!") sdw_rdm = global_shadow_state(snapshots, pauli_strings, sub) # (2 ** nq, 2 ** nq) evs = backend.relu(backend.real(backend.eigvalsh(sdw_rdm))) evs /= backend.sum(evs) if alpha == 1: return -backend.sum(evs * backend.log(evs + 1e-12)) else: return backend.log(backend.sum(backend.power(evs, alpha))) / (1 - alpha)
[文档]def renyi_entropy_2(snapshots: Tensor, sub: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> Tensor: r"""To calculate the second order Renyi entropy of a subsystem from snapshot, please refer to Brydges, T. et al. Science 364, 260–263 (2019). This function is not jitable. :param snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :return second order Renyi entropy: shape = () :rtype: Tensor """ if sub is not None: snapshots = slice_sub(snapshots, sub) snapshots = backend.cast(snapshots, dtype="int32") ns, repeat, nq = snapshots.shape count = {} for i, ss in enumerate(snapshots): for s in ss: s = tuple(backend.numpy(s)) if s not in count: count[s] = np.zeros(ns) count[s][i] += 1 tr = 0.0 for x in count: for y in count: h = np.sum((np.asarray(x) + np.asarray(y)) % 2) pp_mean = np.mean(count[x] * count[y]) / repeat / repeat tr += pp_mean * (-2.0) ** (-h) return -np.log(tr * 2**nq)
[文档]def global_shadow_state1( snapshots: Tensor, pauli_strings: Optional[Tensor] = None, sub: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""To generate the global snapshots states from local snapshot states or snapshots and pauli strings :param snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param pauli_strings: shape = None or (ns, nq) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Optional[Tensor] :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :return gsdw_state: shape = (2 ** nq, 2 ** nq) :rtype: Tensor """ if pauli_strings is not None: if len(snapshots.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( f"snapshots should be 3-d if pauli_strings is not None, got {len(snapshots.shape)}-d instead." ) lss_states = local_snapshot_states( snapshots, pauli_strings, sub ) # (ns, repeat, nq_sub, 2, 2) else: if sub is not None: lss_states = slice_sub(snapshots, sub) else: lss_states = snapshots # (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) lss_states = backend.transpose( lss_states, (2, 0, 1, 3, 4) ) # (nq, ns, repeat, 2, 2) nq, ns, repeat, _, _ = lss_states.shape old_indices = [f"ab{ABC[2 + 2 * i: 4 + 2 * i]}" for i in range(nq)] new_indices = f"ab{ABC[2:2 * nq + 2:2]}{ABC[3:2 * nq + 2:2]}" gss_states = backend.reshape( backend.einsum( f'{",".join(old_indices)}->{new_indices}', *lss_states, optimize=True ), (ns, repeat, 2**nq, 2**nq), ) return backend.mean(gss_states, axis=(0, 1))
[文档]def global_shadow_state2( snapshots: Tensor, pauli_strings: Optional[Tensor] = None, sub: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""To generate the global snapshots states from local snapshot states or snapshots and pauli strings :param snapshots: shape = (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param pauli_strings: shape = None or (ns, nq) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Optional[Tensor] :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Optional[Sequence[int]] :return gsdw_state: shape = (2 ** nq, 2 ** nq) :rtype: Tensor """ if pauli_strings is not None: if len(snapshots.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( f"snapshots should be 3-d if pauli_strings is not None, got {len(snapshots.shape)}-d instead." ) lss_states = local_snapshot_states( snapshots, pauli_strings, sub ) # (ns, repeat, nq_sub, 2, 2) else: if sub is not None: lss_states = slice_sub(snapshots, sub) else: lss_states = snapshots # (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) nq = lss_states.shape[2] old_indices = [f"{ABC[2 * i: 2 + 2 * i]}" for i in range(nq)] new_indices = f"{ABC[0:2 * nq:2]}{ABC[1:2 * nq:2]}" def tensor_prod(dms: Tensor) -> Tensor: return backend.reshape( backend.einsum( f'{",".join(old_indices)}->{new_indices}', *dms, optimize=True ), (2**nq, 2**nq), ) v = backend.vmap(tensor_prod, vectorized_argnums=0) vv = backend.vmap(v, vectorized_argnums=0) gss_states = vv(lss_states) return backend.mean(gss_states, axis=(0, 1))
[文档]def slice_sub(entirety: Tensor, sub: Sequence[int]) -> Tensor: r"""To slice off the subsystem :param entirety: shape = (ns, repeat, nq, 2, 2) or (ns, repeat, nq) :type: Tensor :param sub: qubit indices of subsystem :type: Sequence[int] :return subsystem: shape = (ns, repeat, nq_sub, 2, 2) :rtype: Tensor """ if len(entirety.shape) < 3: entirety = entirety[:, None, :] def slc(x: Tensor, idx: Tensor) -> Tensor: return backend.gather1d(x, idx) v = backend.vmap(slc, vectorized_argnums=(1,)) vv = backend.vmap(v, vectorized_argnums=(0,)) vvv = backend.vmap(vv, vectorized_argnums=(0,)) return vvv(entirety, backend.convert_to_tensor(sub))