tensorcircuit.applications.finance.portfolio 源代码

Supplementary functions for portfolio optimization

from typing import Any

import numpy as np

Array = Any
Tensor = Any

[文档]def QUBO_from_portfolio(cov: Array, mean: Array, q: float, B: int, t: float) -> Tensor: """ convert portfolio parameters to a Q matrix :param cov: n-by-n covariance numpy array :param mean: numpy array of means :param q: the risk preference of investor :param B: budget :param t: penalty factor :return Q: n-by-n symmetric Q matrix """ n = cov.shape[0] R = np.diag(mean) S = np.ones((n, n)) - 2 * B * np.diag(np.ones(n)) Q = q * cov - R + t * S return Q
[文档]class StockData: """ A class for converting real-world stock data to an annualized covariance matrix and annualized return. Attributes: - data: A list of continuous stock data in the same time span. - n_stocks: The number of stocks in the data. - n_days: The number of trading days in the data. Methods: - __init__(self, data): Initializes the StockData object. - get_return(self, decimals=5): Calculates the annualized return. - get_covariance(self, decimals=5): Calculates the annualized covariance matrix. """
[文档] def __init__(self, data: Tensor): """ Initializes the StockData object. :param data: A list of continuous stock data in the same time span. """ self.data = data self.n_stocks = len(data) # Check the number of days n_days = [len(i) for i in data] if max(n_days) != (sum(n_days) / len(n_days)): raise Exception("Timespan of stocks should be the same") self.n_days = len(data[1]) # Calculate the daily percentage price change self.daily_change = [ np.diff(data[i][:]) / data[i][:-1] for i in range(self.n_stocks) ]
[文档] def get_return(self, decimals: int = 5) -> Any: """ Calculates the annualized return (mu). :param decimals: Number of decimal places to round the result to (default: 5). :return: The annualized return as an array rounded to the specified number of decimals. """ change = [[j + 1 for j in i] for i in self.daily_change] ret = np.prod(change, axis=1) ** (252 / self.n_days) return ret.round(decimals)
[文档] def get_covariance(self, decimals: int = 5) -> Tensor: """ Calculates the annualized covariance matrix (sigma). :param decimals: Number of decimal places to round the result to (default: 5). :return: The annualized covariance matrix rounded to the specified number of decimals. """ mean = np.mean(self.daily_change, axis=1) relative_change = [ [j - mean[i] for j in self.daily_change[i]] for i in range(6) ] cov = 252 / self.n_days * np.dot(relative_change, np.transpose(relative_change)) return cov.round(decimals)