Source code for tensorcircuit.templates.ensemble

Useful utilities for ensemble

from typing import Any, List, Optional
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

NDArray = Any
kwargus = Any
model_type = Any

[docs]class bagging: # A.K.A. voting
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.models: List[model_type] = [] self.model_trained: List[bool] = [] self.count = 0 self.need_confidence = True # Help in reducing numbers of get_confidence runs self.permit_train = False
[docs] def append(self, model: model_type, model_trained: bool) -> None: """ Add model to the voting method """ self.models.append(model) self.model_trained.append(model_trained) self.count += 1
def __train_model(self, i: int, **kwargs: kwargus) -> None: """ Train a model if it isn't trained already """ if not self.model_trained[i]: self.need_confidence = True self.model_trained[i] = True self.models[i].fit(**kwargs)
[docs] def train(self, **kwargs: kwargus) -> None: """ Train all models in the class, **kwargs expect to receive the argus that can be directly sent to Expected to be run after finishing compile """ if not self.permit_train: raise ValueError("Models needed to be compiled before training") for i in range(self.count): if "verbose" in kwargs: if kwargs["verbose"] == 1: print("Model ", i + 1, "/", self.count, " is training...") else: print("Model ", i + 1, "/", self.count, " is training...") self.__train_model(i, **kwargs)
[docs] def compile(self, **kwargs: kwargus) -> None: self.permit_train = True for i in range(self.count): if not self.model_trained[i]: dic_kwargs = kwargs.copy() self.models[i].compile(**dic_kwargs)
def __get_confidence(self, model_index: int, input: NDArray) -> NDArray: """ Get the confidence value that is needed by voting. Number of calling this function is reduced by self.need_confidence """ self.need_confidence = False prediction = self.models[model_index].predict(input, verbose=0) prediction_returns = np.zeros(len(prediction)) for i in range(len(prediction)): prediction_returns[i] = prediction[i][0] return prediction_returns """ Voting strategies begin More voting strategies can be added beneath, a single function, and a if function in self.predict """ def __voting_weight(self, array: NDArray) -> NDArray: result = [] for i in array: result.append(self.__voting_weight_single(i)) return np.array(result) def __voting_average(self, array: NDArray) -> NDArray: result = np.mean(array, axis=1) return result def __voting_weight_single(self, array: NDArray) -> float: opp_array = np.ones(len(array)) - array weight = np.absolute(opp_array - array) weight_sum = np.sum(weight) weight = weight / weight_sum result = array * weight return float(np.sum(result)) def __voting_most(self, array: NDArray) -> NDArray: return_result = [] for items in array: items_ = items > 0.5 result = 0 for i in items_: result += 1 if i else -1 return_result.append(1 if result > 0 else 0) return np.array(return_result)
[docs] def predict( self, input_data: NDArray, voting_policy: Optional[str] = None ) -> NDArray: """ Input data is expected to be a 2D array that the first layer is different input data (into the trained models) """ if self.need_confidence: predictions = [] for i in range(self.count): predictions.append(np.array(self.__get_confidence(i, input_data))) self.predictions = np.transpose(np.array(predictions)) if voting_policy == "weight": return self.__voting_weight(self.predictions) elif voting_policy == "most": return self.__voting_most(self.predictions) elif voting_policy == "average": return self.__voting_average(self.predictions) elif voting_policy is None: return self.predictions else: raise ValueError("voting_policy must be none, weight, most, or average")
def __acc_binarify(self, array: NDArray) -> NDArray: """ Needed for ACC test """ result = [] for i in array: result.append(1 if (i > 0.5) else 0) return result def __eval_accuracy(self, input_data: NDArray) -> float: input_data[1] = self.__acc_binarify(input_data[1]) algo = tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy() algo.reset_state() algo.update_state(input_data[0], input_data[1]) return float(algo.result().numpy()) def __eval_auc(self, input_data: NDArray) -> float: algo = tf.keras.metrics.AUC() algo.reset_state() algo.update_state(input_data[0], input_data[1]) return float(algo.result().numpy())
[docs] def eval(self, input_data: List[NDArray], evaluation_method: str = "acc") -> float: """ Expect input data to be a 2D array which a 1D array of yTrue followed by a 1D array of yPred is expected to be the components of the 2D array """ if evaluation_method == "acc": return self.__eval_accuracy(input_data) elif evaluation_method == "auc": return self.__eval_auc(input_data) else: raise ValueError("evaluation_method must be acc or auc")